Braden River FFA
Bradenton, FL

Chapter Officer Selection Handbook

Karly Cohenour and Megan Welch, Advisors

“Great leaders do not desire to lead but to serve” –Myles Munroe

Table of Contents

Introduction Page 3

Parent Letter Page 4

Overview Page 5

Chapter Officers and Responsibilities Pages 6-7

Election Process Page 8

Officer Interview Rubric Page 9

Officer Application Pages 10-12

Interview Process and Questions Page 13

Officer Code of Conduct Pages 14-16

Tentative Schedule of Events Page 17

Dear Chapter FFA Officer Candidate,

Becoming a Chapter FFA Officer is a challenging process, yet a very rewarding opportunity. Through this chapter officer candidate process, you will grow as a person and advance in leadership development and career preparation. Congratulations on deciding to run for office!

Although Chapter FFA Office takes a great deal of hard work and dedication, officers will gain experiences and contacts that will last a lifetime. The skills gained will help prepare them for future careers, opportunities in college, and leadership roles in other organizations. Chapter officers serve the Braden River FFA members and advisors. They make a positive difference in the lives of many people.

This handbook is to help you prepare your candidacy for Chapter FFA Office. In it, you will find everything you need to get you on your way. Please thoroughly review all the enclosed information as you prepare for the chapter officer selection process.

Remember this handbook is only the beginning! As a candidate, you will need to study FFA information, practice interviewing and presenting yourself in front of people. It will take your personal commitment and dedication to truly prepare for this process. You know yourself best! You know what areas you need to work on. We wish you the very best.

If you have any further questions, regarding the responsibilities of Chapter FFA Officers, or the Selection Process, please contact your chapter advisors.

Congratulations on taking the next step in developing yourself as a leader! Good luck!

Ms. Cohenour Ms. Welch

Braden River FFA Advisors

Parent Letter

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Congratulations on your student’s interest in serving as a Chapter FFA Officer. Becoming a Chapter FFA Officer is a challenging process, yet a very rewarding opportunity. Through this chapter officer candidate process, your student will grow as a person and advance in leadership development and career preparation. You should be proud of your student’s interest in leadership and service.

Although Chapter FFA Office takes a great deal of hard work and dedication, officers will gain experiences and contacts that will last a lifetime. The skills gained will help prepare them for future careers, opportunities in college, and leadership roles in other organizations. Chapter officers serve the Braden River FFA members and advisors. They make a positive difference in the lives of many people.

This handbook is to help your student prepare for candidacy of a Chapter FFA Office. In it, they will find everything they need to get ready. Please thoroughly review all of the enclosed information with your student as they prepare for the chapter officer selection process.

Remember this handbook is only the beginning!! As a candidate, your student will need to study FFA information, practice interviewing and presenting themselves in front of people. It will take your personal commitment and dedication to truly prepare for this process. They know themselves the best and know what areas they need to work on. We wish them and you the very best.

If you have any further questions, regarding the responsibilities of Chapter FFA Officers, or the Selection Process, please contact the chapter advisors.

Congratulations again on your student’s success in the FFA!

Ms. Cohenour Ms. Welch

Braden River FFA Advisors


Three FFA advisors, who also serve as the agricultural teachers, with the support of the school administration, oversee the Braden River FFA Officers.

to participate in the Braden River FFA Chapter Officer program, officer candidates must meet all of the eligibility requirements:

·  Have and maintain a 2.5 GPA or higher.

·  Have and maintain a clean discipline and attendance record.

·  Have acquired the Greenhand FFA Degree; Chapter FFA Degree if positions of President of Vice President are desired. All degrees must be applied for prior to May 5, 2017.

·  Attend the summer Chapter Officer Workdays (TBA).

·  Have a signed, completed application on file with the chapter advisors, including the Officer Contract.

·  Have a signed, completed chapter Code of Ethics on file with the chapter advisors.

·  Be a member of the local FFA chapter for the current school year.

·  Review the Chapter Officer Handbook.

·  Go through the chapter selection process on April 12, 2017.

·  Have a parent that is willing and able to be a member of and attend alumni/booster meetings.


All Chapter FFA Officers will be placed on behavior contracts for any of the offenses listed below. The Chapter Officer is allowed two chances to improve their behavior, with the third offense resulting in removal from the team.


·  Not abiding by the FFA Code of Ethics.

·  Unexcused absences: Anything but an illness or family emergency.

Offenses resulting in immediate removal from Chapter Officer Team:

·  Use and/or possession of alcohol or drugs.

·  Use and/or possession of tobacco.

·  Stealing or possession of stolen goods.

·  Use and/or possession of weapons.

·  Defiance of school faculty and/or staff.

·  Two grading periods below a 2.5 GPA.

·  Fighting.

Chapter Officers and Responsibilities

There will be a minimum of six chapter officers for the school and the possibility of three others, as decided upon by the nominating committee. Election results for the Braden River FFA Chapter Officer team will be presented at the end of year banquet on May 4, 2017.

President (Chapter FFA Degree Preferred)

o  President over meeting according to accepted rules of parliamentary procedure.

o  Appoint committees and serve on them as an ex-officio (non-voting) member.

o  Coordinate the activities of the chapter and evaluate the progress of each division of the Program of Activities (POA).

o  Represent the chapter in public relations and official functions.

o  Provide monthly reports of chapter activities and recognitions to the board of school directors.

Vice President (Chapter FFA Degree Preferred)

o  Assume all duties of the president if necessary.

o  Develop the Program of Activities (POA) and serve as an ex-officio (non-voting) member of the POA committees.

o  Coordinate all committee work.

o  Work closely with the president and advisors to assess progress towards meeting chapter goals.

o  Establish and maintain a chapter resource file.


o  Prepare and post the agenda for each chapter meeting.

o  Prepare and post the minutes of each chapter meeting.

o  Place all committee reports in the designated area in the FFA chapter books.

o  Be responsible for Chapter correspondence.

o  Maintain attendance and activity records and issue membership cards.


o  Receive, record and deposit FFA funds and issue receipts.

o  Present monthly treasurer’s reports at chapter officer meetings.

o  Collect dues.

o  Maintain a neat and accurate record of Chapter FFA accounts.

o  Prepare and submit the membership roster and dues to the Pennsylvania FFA Association.

Fundraising Committee Chair


o  Release news and information to local and regional news media.

o  Assist in the publication of a chapter newsletter and chapter scrapbook.

o  Send local stories to area, district and state reporters.

o  Serve as the chapter photographer.

Community Service Committee Chair


o  Assist the president in maintaining order.

o  Keep the meeting room, chapter equipment and supplies in proper condition.

o  Welcome guests and visitors.

o  Keep the meeting room comfortable.

o  Take charge of candidates for degree ceremonies.

Hospitality Committee Chair

Advisors (not elected)

o  Supervise chapter activities year-round.

o  Inform prospective students and parents about the FFA.

o  Instruct students in leadership and personal development.

o  Build school and community support for the program.

o  Encourage involvement of all chapter members in activities.

o  Prepare students for involvement in contests and awards programs.

Other Elected Offices (if desired by the nominating committee)


o  Be proficient with parliamentary procedure.

o  Rule on all questions of parliamentary conduct at chapter and chapter officer meetings.

o  Conduct parliamentary procedure workshops at the chapter level.


o  Develop and maintain a scrapbook of memorabilia in which to record the chapter’s history.

o  Research and prepare items of significance of the chapter’s history.

o  Prepare displays of chapter activities and submit stories of former members to the media.

o  Assist the reporter in providing photography for chapter needs.

Student Advisor

o  Assist the advisors in the supervision and organization of chapter events.

o  Assist the vice president(s) in managing progress of the POA.

o  Set deadlines for the accomplishment of committee tasks.

o  Follow up on progress of specific committee tasks.

o  Present POA reports to the general membership or chapter officers.


o  Present the invocation at banquets and other functions.

o  Coordinate FFA participation at local area churches during National FFA Week.

o  Conduct reflection services at chapter conferences and workshops.

Election Process

1.  A nominating committee composed of 4-7 individuals shall nominate the FFA officer team, through the application and interview process outlined below. This will be done in the beginning of April. The committee should consist of an alumni representative, a community association member, an agriculture industry professional, a high school administrator, and a non-agricultural teacher from the high school.

2.  Candidate MUST go through the outlined officer selection process.

a.  Fill out required application, get proper signatures and recommendations, and submit all on time.

b.  Must submit a typed, 1-page statement explaining why they desire to serve as an officer.

c.  Must go through an interview process with the nominating committee. During this process, the candidate must express their goals, objectives and qualifications. They will also be asked numerous questions regarding their qualifications and reasons why they want an FFA office.

d.  The nominating committee will present the advisors with their recommended slate of officers. This slate will then be posted in the Ag hallway the morning after interviews. The top 3 candidates will be voted on at the April 19, 2017 FFA meeting.

e.  The new Chapter FFA Officers will be inducted and seated at the Annual Parent/Member Banquet in May.

3.  Questions used by the nominating committee will seek to determine the strengths and abilities the candidate brings to the office they desire.

4.  The nominating committee in measuring candidate’s qualifications for office will utilize a scoring rubric. The rubric is:

a.  Application – 10 points

b.  Past FFA Leadership Experiences – 35 points

c.  Other Leadership Experiences – 20 points

d.  Performance in Interview and Response to Interview Questions – 35 points

5.  A written evaluation identifying areas of strength and areas needing improvement will be provided to all candidates completing the selection process. Questions regarding the outcome and evaluations should be addressed to the chapter advisors for clarification.

6.  In the case of an election because of an officer resignation, the current Chapter FFA Officer team and the FFA advisors will nominate a candidate, except in the case of resignation of the president or vice president. In the event the president or vice president resigns, the vice president will assume the office of president, the secretary will assume the office of vice president and an appointment will be made to fill the office of secretary.

Officer Interview Rubric

Criteria / Excellent (5) / Above Average (4-2) / Average (1-0) / Weight / Total
Official Dress and Grooming / ~Business-like black pants/skirt, shined black shoes, white shirt or blouse, official tie/scarf, black socks, nylons, and jacket zipped to the top.
~No more than three medals are on the jacket.
~Makeup and other accessories are not excessive. / ~All of official dress in place with the exception of one or two items.
~Applicant is neat and well groomed.
~More than three medals are on the jacket.
~Makeup and other accessories are not excessive. / ~All of official dress in place with the exception of two or more items.
~Excessive makeup and/or other accessories.
~More than three medals are on the jacket. / X 1 / ______
Poise / ~Candidate had excellent poise, body posture, good attitude, confidence, and at ease before committee. / ~Candidate had good poise, body posture, attitude, confidence and ease before committee. / ~Candidate had average poise, body posture, attitude, confidence and seemed to comfortable with judges. / X 1 / ______
Delivery of Answers / ~Answers were organized and easy to follow, language was appropriate, and had excellent closure. / ~Answers appeared to be organized and easy to follow, language was appropriate, good closure. / ~Answers were not very well organized or easy to follow. / X 2 / ______
Content of Answers / ~Answers consisted of important and appropriate subject matter that related to the question asked. / ~Answers were questionable and/or somewhat related to the question asked. / ~Answers consisted of subject matter that did not relate to the question asked or were not appropriate. / X 2 / ______
General Effect / ~This candidate would represent FFA extremely well. / ~This candidate would represent FFA well. / ~This candidate would not be a good representative of the FFA. / X 1 / ______
Total / _____ / 35

Chapter Officer Application ~ Braden River FFA

Due March 31, 2017 by 2:15pm

Applicant’s Name: ______Degree: ______

Address: ______City: ______State: ____ Zip: ______

Phone #: ______Grade: ______Age: ______


1.  Agriculture classes planned for the coming year: ______

2.  List the offices you want to be considered for, if you are elected, in order of preference.

(Offices available are listed in the Chapter Officer Handbook. It is preferred that applicants for President and Vice President be Chapter Degree candidates.)

A. ______B. ______C. ______