KI BOIS Head Start

Checklist for Newly Enrolled Children with Suspected Disabilities

Child screened for Speech/Language(KHS-502),PLS-5 SST (KHS-505S)or LEA Screening
Parent notified of screening results (KHS-109)
Permission to Refer….(KHS-511) Email a signed copy to Disability Coordinator when completed
Parent’s Rights Summary Received (KHS-503)
Parent conference held to discuss screening results, “Parent’s Rights” and the Referral process. *Reference on Family Contact Record (KHS-800 ) and Document in ChildPlus- Concern Section
Send or take Permission to Refer, Developmental Screen, copy of Speech Screen to LEA.
Enter date in Child Plus – Disability Section (concerns) (Date Stamp)
If Child Qualifies for Special Services
Send or take “Parents Invitation to IEP/Pre-Referral Meeting” (KHS-504) and
“Parents are Very Important in the IEP Process” (Before day of meeting)
Reference on Family Contact Record (KHS-800) and Document in Child Plus -Disability Section (concerns) the above info.(Date Stamp)
Notify FSW and Disability Coordinator
IEP Meeting
Take RMDT (KHS-506), all team members’ sign this form. Professional in charge of the meeting should fill outthe back of this form.
Take a copy of ELIGIBLITY CRITERIA. Check the coded categorical letterthat applieson RMDT (KHS-506).
Make sure you understand the goals and services on the IEP.
Ask the Parent if they have any questions or comments.
Ask the Parent if they would like a copy of the IEP.
Get a copy of the IEP, MEEGS and RED from the LEA.
*** Send a copy of the IEP, MEEGS, RED and RMDT (KHS-506) to the Disability Coordinator.
IEP Meeting Held and copy of IEP, MEEGS and RED and RMDT (KHS-506) to Disability Coord. and Reference on Family Contact Record (KHS-800) that IEP Meeting was held and copy sent to Disability Coord. and Document in Child Plus – Disability Section (Diagnosis) (Date Stamp), Also in (IEP/IFSP Notes)
Transition Meeting
Notify LEA of children ready for Transition. Document this on Family Contact Record (KHS-800)
Send “Parent Invitation to Transition Planning Meeting” (KHS-509)
Reference on Family Contact Record (KHS-800) and Document in Child Plus -Disability Section (IEP/IFSP) (Date Stamp)Parent should sign this and return it. Keep in the child’s file.
Take to the Transition Meeting
Current Developmental Assessment
Transition Planning Meeting (KHS-510)
Put a copy of KHS-510 in the child’s file and scan and attach a copy to the child’s file in Child Plus.
Child’s File Should Contain
Checklist for Newly Enrolled Children with Suspected Disabilities (KHS-501)
Speech Screening…….(Fluharty 2,PLS-5 SST (KHS-505S)or LEA screening tool)
Permission to Refer…… (KHS-511) / Parent’s Rights Summary Received (KHS-503)
Parent’s Invitation to IEP/Pre-Referral Meeting (KHS-504)
Recommendations of the Multidisciplinary Team (KHS-506)
Current IEP, MEEGS and RED
IEP Progress Report (KHS-507) or SNW Activity Plan (KHS-508)
IEP Progress Reports or SNW Activity Plan
Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May
Copy in file
Scan and attach to child’s file in Child Plus
Copy sent to parent
Transition Activity
