New UK Doctorate SEQ – Sport & Exercise Psychology

Self-evaluation questionnaire for new Doctoral programmes /

You should complete this questionnaire if you are proposing a new UK Doctorate in Sport and Exercise Psychologyfor accreditation against the requirements for Chartered Membership of the Society, and full membership of the Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology. A separate self-evaluation questionnaire should be completed for international provision.

The questionnaire is split into two sections:

  • Section A asks for key information about the award you are submitting for accreditation, including details of who we should contact if we have queries about your application.
  • Section B invites you to self-evaluate your programme against each of our eight programme standards.

You should read this questionnaire alongside our handbook Accreditation of new UK programmes: a guide to our application process, and alongside our accreditation standards.

You should provide your completed submission in three hard copies and on three USB sticks. Please post them to:

Partnership & Accreditation Team

The British Psychological Society

St Andrews House, 48 Princess Road East

Leicester LE1 7DR

If you have any queries in relation to your submission, please

Section A: about your provision

1. The programme(s)

If your submission covers more than one programme, please add further rows to this table as required.

Full name of programme as it appears on award certificate / Mode of study (tick all that apply) / Is the award validated? / Trainee numbers (FTE) / Date of first intake / Intake from which accreditation sought
Full-time / Part-time / Blended learning / Distance learning / Yes / No* / Current
(if the programme is already running) / Projected
(if the programme is brand new)

* Note:If your programme has not yet been validated, please indicate the date on which the validation event (or equivalent) is planned to take place.

2. The education provider

Name of awarding institution:
Academic unit(s) in which the provision is based:
Full address (to assist us in relation to future visit planning, where required):
Name of Programme Director(s): / You should tell us the name of the staff member(s) with overall academic responsibility for the provision and its delivery and development.
Franchising arrangements: / Is the provision franchised for delivery by a partner institution? Yes / No
If yes, please state the name of the partner institution.

3. The application

Who should we approach with any queries about this application? / You should tell us the name and role of who we should approach with any queries about your application, and provide us with an email address and telephone number for them.
Senior management sign off: / We require the Head of the academic unit in which the provision is based to confirm the accuracy of the information contained within this application, and the provision of the additional evidence outlined below.
Signature (electronic):
Name and role:
Date of submission:

4. The checklist

The sources of evidence to be supplied alongside this self-evaluation questionnaire are outlined below. This list should be considered alongside our handbook, Accreditation through Partnership: Preparing for a partnership visit.

Programme standard / Required evidence source (or equivalent alternative source if appropriate) / Enclosed?
Programme standard 1: Programme Design / Programme specification.
Programme standard 2: Programme Content (learning, research and practice) / Module outlines.
Programme handbook.
Curriculum, research, placement (if appropriate) and/or other handbooks if applicable.
Programme standard 3: Working ethically and legally / There are no additional evidence requirements for this standard. / N/A
Programme standard 4: Selection and admissions / Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy. / Please provide a link
Recognition of Prior Learning Policy (if applicable). / Please provide a link
Programme standard 5: Trainee development and professional membership / There are no additional evidence requirements for this standard. / N/A
Programme standard 6: Academic leadership and programme delivery / CV’s / brief biographies for all staff listed in item 6.2.
Programme standard 7:Discipline specific resources / There are no additional evidence requirements for this standard. / N/A
Programme standard 8: Quality management and governance / An overview of any feedback collected by the programme in relation to quality matters (e.g. internal programme review/validation/approval document).
(international/franchised provision only) Detailed business case supporting collaborative delivery of the programme by external partners.

Please note that our reviewers may request clarification or ask for further information in addition to the event that the evidence sources outlined above do not adequately demonstrate fulfillment of the accreditation standards.

Section B: self-evaluation against our standards

In this part of our questionnaire, we ask you to tell us about the context in which your provision is delivered and the rationale for its development. We invite you to self-evaluate your provision against our eight programme standards.

When you complete this part of the questionnaire you must refer to the relevant accreditation standards and the associated process handbook(

Context and rationale

Information required / Commentary
Why has this new programme been developed?
Please briefly outline the rationale for the development of this new programme, and describe how the programme contributes to the strategic aims of your institution.
What are the distinctive features of this provision?
Please briefly outline what you feel to be the distinctive features or strengths of this provision, using bullet points. These may relate to staff expertise the provision, the academic unit in which it is based, or the education provider more generally.

Programme Standard 1: Programme Design

1.1Please list below each of the modules of which the accredited award is comprised (note: please add rows as required):

Module code / Module title / Level / Credits / Assessment task(s) / Mandatory/optional / Name of module leader


Information required / Commentary
1.2Please confirm that the pass mark for each of the above modules is 50% (where quantified marking is used) / Yes / No(delete as appropriate)
1.3Is any compensation permissible across the above modules? / Yes / No(delete as appropriate)
1.4Is there any specific good practice you wish to highlight in relation to this standard?
For any good practice highlighted, please describe the impact of that good practice on the quality of the overall trainee experience, or on other aspects of delivery.
Evidence Requirements
For this programme standard we expect you to submit the following evidence sources:
  • Programme Specification
Please indicate in the evidence checklist at the front of this document which evidence sources you have provided.


Standard met in full / Yes / No
Good Practice
Further information or areas for clarification / Please indicate the specific standard(s) to which your comments relate
Areas of concern (standard not met) / Please indicate the specific standard(s) you are concerned may not be met

Programme Standard 2: Programme Content (learning, research and practice)

Competenciesand content

2.1Accredited programmes are expected to address the full range of core competencies, as outlined below, and in full in our accreditation standards. Programmes are encouraged to develop specific emphasis and focus on some areas in more depth than others, to reflect the areas of strength of the staff team delivering the programme, or to promote a distinctive identity for the programme as a whole. You should provide a narrative, below, outlining how you prepare trainees in developing the required competencies.
You should also complete the more detailed mapping document that is included at the end of this section.
Competency / Narrative
Key role 1: Ethical competence
Key role 2: Consultancy competence
Key role 3: Research competence
Key role 4: Communication competence
Information required / Commentary
2.2If the programme offers a particular emphasis or distinctive identity (e.g. in line with staff expertise), please outline that here.
2.3Please provide a brief commentary on your approach to curriculum design and delivery
2.4Have you reviewed your research and research methods provision against the Society’s Supplementary Guidance for research and research methods on Society accredited postgraduate programmes? / Yes / No (delete as appropriate)
Supervised practice
2.5Please describe the range of supervisory resources to which the programme has access, and the different supervisors (i.e. roles) with whom a trainee will typically work over the course of their placement(s).
2.6Please describe the training provided to supervisors to support them in their role.
2.7What are the programme’s minimum expectations in relation to the amount, frequency and nature of supervision that should be in place?
2.8What arrangements are in place for monitoring the amount and quality of supervision provided, and the quality of the placement/supervised practice experience overall?
2.9Is there any specific good practice you wish to highlight in relation to this standard?
For any good practice highlighted, please describe the impact of that good practice on the quality of the overall trainee experience, or on other aspects of delivery.
Evidence Requirements
For this programme standard we expect you to submit the following evidence sources:
  • Module outlines: we expect to see evidence that provides an overview of what is taught in each module. If that level of detail is not included in the module descriptor please provide the module handbook.
  • Programme handbook.
  • Curriculum, research, placement (if appropriate) and/or other handbooks, if applicable.
Please indicate in the evidence checklist at the front of this document which evidence sources you have provided.


Standard met in full / Yes / No
Good Practice
Further information or areas for clarification / Please indicate the specific standard(s) to which your comments relate
Areas of concern (standard not met) / Please indicate the specific standard(s) you are concerned may not be met


New UK Doctorate SEQ – Sport & Exercise Psychology

Doctoral programmes in Sport and Exercise Psychology /

Programmes will need to evidence that they meet the competency standards we outline in our Standards for the accreditation of Doctoral programmes in Sport & Exercise Psychology in full. Differing levels of emphasis on particular aspects by different providers will allow flexibility and enable the unique identity of particular programmes to be preserved. You should use the table below to tell us where particular competencies are addressed.

Note: If you are putting forward an integrated Doctorate in Sport & Exercise Psychology that incorporates theoretical material that would typically be addressed through completion of an MSc prior to progression to a stage two Doctorate, and you do not already offer a relevant accredited MSc, you should also complete the corresponding self-evaluation questionnaire for new MSc programmes.

Competencies / Module code(s) / Module title(s)
KEY ROLE 1: Develop implement and maintain personal and professional standards and ethical practice (core ethical competence units)
1.1 Establish, maintain and develop systems for legal, ethical and professional standards in applied psychology.
1. Establish, maintain and review systems for the security and control of information.
2. Ensure compliance with legal, ethical and professional practices for self and others.
3. Establish, implement and evaluate established procedures to ensure competence in psychological practice and research.
4.Understand organisational and systemic issues of relevance to the practice of applied psychologists.
Note: The Society’s core requirements for all accredited Doctoral programmes are that graduates:
● understand organisational and systemic issues of relevance to the practice of applied psychologists, including:
● understanding the organisational context for their practice;
● understanding the structures and functions of service providers applicable to the work of their profession; and
● understanding current legislation applicable to their work.
● recognise the role of other professionals and stakeholders of relevance to their work, including the role of service users, carers, and / or community groups;
● are able to adapt their practice to different organisational contexts for service delivery, as appropriate;
● are able to bring psychological influence to bear; for example, through consultancy, training, and working effectively in multidisciplinary and / or cross-professional teams.
1.2 Contribute to the continuing development of self as a professional applied psychologist.
1. Establish, evaluate and implement processes to develop oneself professionally.
2. Elicit, monitor and evaluate knowledge and feedback to inform practice.
3. Organise, clarify and utilise access to competent consultation and advice.
4. Develop and enhance oneself as a professional applied psychologist.
5. Incorporate best practice into one’s own work.
1.3 Respond to unpredictable contexts and events professionally and ethically.
1. Apply ethical principles governing Sport and Exercise Psychology practice appropriately.
2. Consider the personal conduct and integrity of you and the discipline and the privileges and responsibilities of the profession.
3. Ensure the dignity and welfare of individuals we serve, including their rights and privacy.
4. Consider ethical dilemmas and tests of ethical principles in practice and seek guidance when problems or dilemmas arise.
5. Operate within professional boundaries and utilise ethical decision–making and referral mechanisms appropriately.
KEY ROLE 2: Apply psychological and related methods, concepts, models, theories and knowledge derived from reproducible findings (core consultancy competence units)
2.1 Assess requests for consultancy.
1. Identify and assess clients’ expectations, needs and requirements, negotiating clients’ priorities to maximise potential effects.
2. Review psychological literature and other information sources for relevant advice, research findings, research methods and interventions.
3. Assess the feasibility of the proposed consultancy by considering human resources, possible constraints, role relationships and limits of confidentiality.
2.2 Plan consultancy.
1. Determine aims, objectives, criteria, theoretical framework and scope of interventions.
2. Produce implementation plans and goals for the consultancy process considering required roles, time scales, monitoring, evaluation programme and communication systems.
2.3 Establish, develop and maintain working relationships with clients.
1. Establish contact with clients and agree conditions and limits of confidentiality, including the storage of information and informed consent.
2. Develop and maintain working agreements and relationships with clients including agreed time-scales, roles, objectives, costs, reviews of targets and resources.
3. Monitor and evaluate working relationships and practices with clients.
2.4 Conduct consultancy.
1. Establish systems or processes to deliver the planned interventions.
2. Implement the planned intervention.
2.5 Monitor the implementation of consultancy.
1. Review the consultancy.
2. Implement changes identified by the monitoring process.
3. Review client expectations, needs and requirements within the consultancy.
4. Implement quality assurance and control mechanisms.
2.6 Evaluate the impact of the consultancy.
1. Implement planned evaluation.
2. Assess the outcomes of the evaluation.
3. Close the consultancy, documenting outcomes in relation to objectives and communicating appropriately to all parties involved in the working agreement.
KEY ROLE 3: Research and develop new and existing psychological methods, concepts, models, theories and instruments in psychology (core research competence units).
Note: The Society’s core requirement for all accredited Doctoral programmes is that trainees demonstrate the ability to conceptualise, design and conduct independent, original research of a quality to satisfy peer review, extend the forefront of the discipline, and merit publication. This should include the ability to: identify appropriate research questions; understand and reflect on ethical issues; choose appropriate research methods and approaches to analysis; report outcomes; and identify appropriate pathways for dissemination. The Society has published Supplementary guidance for research and research methods on Society accredited postgraduate programmes (October 2014), and providers are encouraged to consider this in designing the research component of their programme(s).
For candidates conducting systematic review:
3.1 Conduct systematic review.
1. Define topic and search parameters.
2. Conduct a search using appropriate databases and sources.
3. Summarise and critically evaluate findings from the review.
4. Define implications for further research derived from the findings.
For those candidates conducting an empirical research investigation, and/or a case study:
3.2 Design psychological research activities.
1. Identify theoretical models and research findings relevant to proposed research questions.
2. Generate relevant and testable research questions and/or hypotheses, related to quantitative or qualitative research methods.
3. Define the resources and constraints relevant to the conduct of the research.
4. Identify and describe methods appropriate to proposed psychological research.
5. Consider use of validated psychometric tests and ensure that new measures are adequately assessed in relation to their psychometric properties, and/or appropriate qualitative techniques.
6. Prepare, present and revise research designs.
7. Conduct pilot testing where appropriate.
3.3 Conduct psychological research activities.
1. Negotiate procurement of resources needed to conduct research and access to specified data and/or participants.
2. Prepare to implement research protocols.
3. Conduct preliminary investigations of existing models and methods.
4. Collect data as specified by research protocols.
3.4 Analyse and evaluate psychological research data.
1. Analyse data as specified by research protocols.
2. Interpret the results of data analysis.
3. Evaluate research findings and make recommendations based on research findings.
4. Write up and report research methods and findings.
5. Review the research process.
6. Review and evaluate relationships between current issues in psychological theory and practice
3.5 Initiate and develop original psychological research.
1. Conduct research that will advance existing models, theories, instruments and methods in sport and/or exercise psychology.
2. Monitor and evaluate studies in relation to agreed protocols.
3. Clarify and evaluate the implications of research outcomes for practice.
4. Evaluate the potential impact of new developments for sport and/or exercise practices.
KEY ROLE 4: Communicate psychological knowledge, principles, methods, needs and policy requirements. (core communication competence units)
4.1 Promote psychological principles, practices, services and benefits.
1. Identify individuals, groups and organisations who need to be informed.
2.Provide information about the principles, practices, services and benefits to individuals and groups based on client requirements.
3. Disseminate information that is accurate, comprehensive and in an appropriate style and format consistent with organisational policies and practices.
4. Evaluate the results of the dissemination activities to assess the acceptability and implications arising from the communication.
4.2 Provide psychological advice and guidance to others and facilitate the use of psychological services.
1. Communicate to relevant individuals the roles and responsibilities within interventions.
2. Provide information, advice and guidance that is sufficiently detailed to meet recipient needs prior to and during the intervention.
3. Implement the necessary monitoring and feedback systems for those conducting the intervention to ensure that current information is available to those carrying it out.
4. Discuss potential and actual difficulties and propose solutions.
4.3 Communicate the processes and outcomes of psychological and other applications and developments.
1. Prepare information for dissemination.
2. Present information to individuals, groups and organisations on the processes and outcomes of psychological interventions, consultancies.
3. Evaluate the impact of disseminated information.
4.4 Prepare and present evidence in formal settings.
1. Appraise the context and scope of report to aid decision making about the nature of the evidence required.
2. Collect and record relevant, necessary and available information, data and theory from appropriate sources and by appropriate means.
3. Report information and data accurately, expressing limitations of techniques used clearly, and differentiating facts and opinions explicitly.
4. Presentation of contents should be appropriate and conform to acceptable professional standards
4.5 Provide feedback to clients.
1. Identify needs of the requesting agents and individuals.
2. Consider the appropriate format and style for information and feedback.
3. Evaluate the outcomes of providing expert advice for the receivers of the advice.