Capability #11: Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions

Jurisdiction/Organization: / Name of Exercise:
Location: / Date:
Determine Interventions
Did the group discuss partners that would need to be made aware of the situation? / Fully Partially Not N/A / Comments:
Were subject matter experts (SMEs) engaged to assess the situation? Who would be involved with this? / Fully Partially Not N/A / Comments:
Did the group determine which non-pharmaceutical intervention would be used? / Fully Partially Not N/A / Comments:
Did the group discuss the degree of the transmission, contamination, infection and severity of exposure? / Fully Partially Not N/A / Comments:
Did the group use a decision matrix/tree? / Fully Partially Not N/A / Comments:
Did the group discuss activation of non-pharmaceutical locations? What is the process and procedure for this? / Fully Partially Not N/A / Comments:
Did the group discuss how community partners would help one another through this incident/exercise? / Fully Partially Not N/A / Comments:
Did the group discuss voluntary or mandatory location and event closures? How would the community be notified of these closures? / Fully Partially Not N/A / Comments:
Did the group discuss voluntary or mandatory restrictions on movement? How would the community be notified of these restrictions? / Fully Partially Not N/A / Comments:
Did the group discuss potential closures of ports of entry? How would this be activated? / Fully Partially Not N/A / Comments:
Did the group discuss decontamination processes and procedures? / Fully Partially Not N/A / Comments:
How were community partners and community members notified and educated about the recommended interventions? / Fully Partially Not N/A / Comments:
Monitor the Interventions
Did the group discuss how situational reports would be sent to community partners? / Fully Partially Not N/A / Comments:
Did the group discuss how they will monitor known cases/exposed persons? / Fully Partially Not N/A / Comments:
Did the group discuss how feedback related to intervention would be related to health officials? / Fully Partially Not N/A / Comments:
Major Strengths:
List (in complete sentences) at least 3 major strengths identified during the exercise.
Major Areas of Improvement:
List (in complete sentences) at least 3 major areas of improvement identified during the exercise.
Evaluated By: / Name: / Organization:
Phone: / Email:
Function Alignment for Capability #11
Looking at outcomes and goals in terms of the functions assigned to HPP and PHEP can assist in identifying and eliminating misalignments, misunderstandings and performance issues. Alignment of similar functions assigned to PHEP and HPP further promotes coordination in effort and evaluation across disciplines. This chart compares the functional alignment of the capability.
Public Health Preparedness (PHEP) / Hospital Preparedness (HPP)
Function 1: Engage partners and identify factors that impact non-pharmaceutical interventions / Capability 2: Healthcare System Recovery.
Function 1: Develop recovery processes for the healthcare delivery system
Capability 3: Emergency Operations Coordination
Function 2: Assess and notify stakeholders of healthcare delivery status
Function 3: Support healthcare response effectors through coordination of resources
Capability 6: Information Sharing
Function 1: Provide healthcare situational awareness that contributes to the incident common operation picture
Function 2: Determine non-pharmaceutical interventions
Function 3: Implement non-pharmaceutical interventions
Function 4: Monitor non-pharmaceutical interventions

Discussion-Based Exercise Evaluation Guide (EEG) Page 1