07182017 V.8

Global Health Residency Scholar Program

5 Week Pre-departure Check List

To be checked, signed, scanned and e-mailed to Lisa Sthreshley, , no later than 5weeks before departure.

I ______have completed the following:

(first name, last name)

Booked air travel, hotel accommodation and airport shuttle (see directions below)

Note> The Desalegn Hotel accepts Visa credit cards only. If you do use a credit card, try to pay early (e.g., day before departure) to avoid stress before departure (as the credit card machine may go down periodically).

Visited Emory University’s TravelWell clinic for advice and assistance regarding vaccinations, including the Meningococcal vaccination, malaria prophylaxis and have received the necessary vaccinations.

Note> Malaria prophylaxis will be advised if you travel outside of Addis Ababa.

Note>Emory has a 1month HIV post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) antiretroviral supply (Truvada and raltegravir) which is kept by MeseretYohannes, the GHRSP Coordinator, at the Black Lion Hospital, MEPI Office.

Registered with Emory’s International Assistance Program iSOS and printed membership card.

Contacted Residency Coordinator and/or attending faculty member to ensure the following documents were submitted to the Emory University GME Office, to Karen Darvill [.

  1. Memo to the GME Office informing them of your planned off-site rotation (contact if template needed).
  2. ‘The School of Medicine at Emory University Release, Covenant Not to Sue, and Waiver’ release form for international rotations. TIP: You can find the Covenant Not to Sue, and Waiver at the following website:
  3. Curriculum or list of objectives for the rotation (specialty or subspecialty specific).
  4. Copy of Chair’s letter of support for application to the GHRSP.

TIP: Cc Lisa Sthreshley when writing GME in case any clarification is needed.

[Note: The GHRSP has an MOU with Addis Ababa University and therefore the GME Master Affiliation agreement and Program Letter of Agreement are not required to be submitted to the GME Office]

Watch the GHI Health and Safety training recordings. Note> This training is 1 hour 35 minutes long.

Completed the online Ethical Challenges in Short-Term Global Health Training and turned in the Certificate of Completion to Lisa Sthreshley, .

TIP: Take Screenshots of completed certificates

Watched the ‘First, Do No Harm: A Qualitative Research Documentary’ - a short 45 minute film that explores the ethics of global health clinical electives and volunteer projects in developing regions called 'First, Do No Harm: A Qualitative Research Documentary' at the following link:

Ensured my health insurance covers emergency care in Ethiopia (the Aetna POS plan covers emergency care, for non-emergency care pre-authorization is necessary).

Contacted Lisa Sthreshley to arrange pick up of unlocked cell phone and to use in Addis as well box of N95 respirators.

Note >Take 2 passport pictures and a spare copy of your passport. These may be needed to purchase a new SIM card for cell phones. Generally, however, Lisa will ask MeseretYohannes (the in-country coordinator) to purchase a simcard and have the simcard ready in advance at the hotel.

I am aware that an on-arrival tourist visa is available to U.S. citizens at Addis Ababa International airport (but not at land ports of entry). The$50 USD visa fee may be paid with exact cash

Registered presence in Ethiopia with the U.S. Embassy through the U.S Department of State website (Travel Registration >Add a Trip)

Reviewed Emory University’s International Travel checklist.

Note > Travel with multiple copies of your driver’s license, passport and immigration documents if you are not a US citizen.

Signed, scanned and e-mailed the GHRSP Release form to

Signed, scanned and e-mailed the GHRSP July 1, 2017 letter to

Signed, scanned and e-mailed the GHRSP resident/fellow agreement to

Rotation travel dates (please specify any vacation days): ______

Signature: ______Date:______

GHRSP Coordinator at Addis Ababa University/Black Lion Hospital

The in-country GHRSP coordinators office is located at AAU Black Lion Hospital campus in the library on the 2nd Floor, on the right side of the building when facing the entrance.



Phone: +251911768316

Booking airfare

Since your department funds your flight it should be purchased following your department’s protocol using one of Emory’s air travel booking options detailed at the following site:

Hotel Reservation

Most faculty and residents stay at the Desalegn Hotel (#2). Contact the GHRSP Coordinator, MeseretYohannes() at the Black Lion Hospital (AAU) by email and provide her with your travel itinerary. She will make the hotel reservation for you and arrange for the hotel to pick you up at the airport. The hotel driver will be waiting at the hotel’s kiosk at the airport, to the left as you enter the arrivals hall. Emory residents and fellows receive a 20% discount on the room rate at the Desalegn Hotel (the regular rate for a standard room is approximately $80 per day [e.g., for a faculty member], the discounted rate for residents and fellows is approximately $60 per day including a 10% service fee and 15% tax); please check your receipt closely. The Desalegn Hotel accepts Visa credit cards only. Travelling with a Visa card will facilitate cash withdrawals at ATMs and payment at the hotel. Please request the itemized receipt and receipt of payment when you check out as Emory requires both of these for reimbursement.MeseretYohannes, the GHRSP in-country coordinator can also help with check out from the hotel if you encounter any problems.

If you choose to stay at a different hotel, please check the rates, and if it is more expensive than the DesalegnHotel ensure that your department is willing to pay expected price of your lodging fees.

Desalegn Hotel

McClelland Road P.O. Box 6342

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Tel: 251-11-662-4524 Fax: 251-11-662-3884

Email: /