List of judgments (part II)

This list contains new cases connected with EU common competition rules. These case shall be presented during classes held in May and June. Only students who did not presented cases in the first part of classes are expected to present a case from a list below. Rules of presentation remain the same.

Groups of students or individual students who chose a case should notify it () till 13 May 2014.

Cases that shall be presented on 16 May

Anticompetitive agreements

  • C-136/12 Consiglio nazionale dei geologi v Autorità garante della concorrenza e del mercato

Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber) of 18 July 2013 [

  • C-68/12 Protimonopolný úrad Slovenskej republiky v Slovenská sporiteľňa a.s.

Judgment of the Court (tenth Chamber) of 7 February 2013 [

  • C-226/11 Expedia v Autorité de la concurrence and Others

Judgment of the Court (tenth Chamber) of 13 December 2012


Cases that shall be presented on 30 May

  1. Abuse of dominant position (23.05.2014/30.05.2014)
  • T-201/04 - Microsoft v Commission (tying)

Judgment of the Court of First Instance (Grand Chamber) of 17 September 2007.

  • C-202/07 P - France Télécom v Commission (predatory pricing)

Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 2 April 2009.

  • C-82/01 P - Aéroports de Paris v Commission (price discrimination)

Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 24 October 2002.

  • C-280/08 P - Deutsche Telekom v Commission (margin squeeze)

Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 14 October 2010.

  1. Merger Control (30.05.2014/ 06.06.2014)
  • Case No COMP/M.3916 – T-Mobile Austria/Tele.ring(maverick firm)
  • T-342/99 - Airtours v Commission (coordinated effects)

Judgment of the Court of First Instance (Fifth Chamber, extended composition) of 6 June 2002.

  • Case No COMP/M.3765 - AMER / SALOMON (unilateral effects)
  • Case No COMP/M.6381 - GOOGLE/ MOTOROLA MOBILITY (vertical integration)

Cases that shall be presented on 6 June:

State aid

  • Judgment of the Court of 16 May 2002 - French Republic v Commission of theEuropean Communities - C-482/99 [
  • Judgment of the Court of 13 March 2001 - PreussenElektra AG v Schhleswag AG- C-379/98 [
  • Judgment of the Court of 24 July 2003 - Altmark Trans GmbH and Regierungspräsidium Magdeburg v Nahverkehrsgesellschaft Altmark GmbH, and Oberbundesanwalt beim Bundesverwaltungsgericht - C-280/00 [