August 2017
Tuesday, August 8
9:00-3:00 / LLR / Technology and Canvas Essentials Day:
Track 1: Teaching with Canvas - 10 separate short trainings
Track 2: Teaching with Technology – 10 separate short trainings
1:00-2:00 / A 138 / Tenure Review Committee Training
Wednesday, August 9
9:00-9:30 / Cafeteria / Light Breakfast
9:30-12:00 / CCCR / SLO and Program Planning
9:30-12:00 / LLR 124 / Canvas Essentials for On-Ground Users (RSVP: )
12:00-1:00 / Cafeteria / Lunch (RSVP:
1:00-2:30 / CCCR / Student Services Panel
1:00-2:30 / A 138 / Academic Senate Council 2017-18 Planning Meeting
2:30-3:50 / CCCR / Emergency Preparedness Training
4:00-7:00 / CCCR / Part-Time Faculty Orientation
Thursday, August 10
8:30-9:00 / CCCR / Breakfast
12:00-1:20 / Cafeteria / PRESIDENT’S LUNCHEON –Student Travel Panel ((RSVP:
1:30-3:00 / FH 218 / Writing Across the Curriculum
1:30-3:00 / FH 219 / Mandatory Curriculum Training Meeting
1:30-3:00 / LLR 124 / ADA Compliance for Documents and Websites
3:00-8:00 / New Student Welcome
Friday, August 11: Convocation –Mandatory FLEX Day
7:45-8:20 / PAC / Breakfast
8:30-9:00 / PAC / Convocation Welcomes and Introductions
9:00-12:00 / PAC / Keynote and Distinguished Faculty Chair Lecture
12:15-1:45 / Cafeteria / COLLEGE BBQ LUNCH
1:45-3:00 / TBA / Division Meetings
3:00-4:00 / TBA / Department Meetings
TIME / Educational Technology and
Canvas Essentials Pre-Flex Workshops
Wednesday August 8, 2017
Teaching with Canvas in Online and Onsite Classrooms: Six Essentials
Technology in the Classroom

9:-9:55 a.m. / Think Small!
Mobile-First Course Design
When we design online content for our web-enhanced, hybrid and online courses, the size of the student’s screen may not be the first thing we think about. If we focus on handheld devices, though, rather than computers, we and our students can benefit. Canvas makes this easy. Come along to find out what Canvas offers and why you should be taking advantage of the tools.
Presenters: Matt Spinneberg; Media Specialist
Richard Feilden; Film Studies Faculty
Location: LLR 124
10:00 - 10:30 a.m. / Managing Your Gradebook
Learn effective practices to implement and managing your gradebook to save time grading and figuring final grades.
Presenter: Lee Ballestero, Political Science
Canvas Trainer: Sallie Michalsky
Location: LLR 124 / Google Apps
What are Google apps? Why are they popular in education? And why are they important for our students?
Drop in and watch Gilbert Down’s demonstration of the most popular uses for Google apps!
Presenter: Gilbert Downs;Classified Senate President
Location: LLR 121
10:35 - 11 a.m. / Using Pages tool for Homepages and Course Content
Welcome your students with a great homepage. Then, update that page with each week’s section if you like. Use Pages for content and syllabus as well.
Presenter: Joanna Miller, DE and Journalism
Canvas Trainer: Sallie Michalsky
Location: LLR 124 / Using Polls for Engagement
Polling is an engaging way to spot check student progress with one click. Nick Zingo will show you two popular free poll tools, Doodle and Socrative. You will see a live demo and participate with your phone!*
Presenter: Nick Zingo; Criminal Justice
Location: LLR 121
*email for a link to participate in the demo
11:05-11:30 a.m. / Using Quiz Banks in Canvas
Using quiz banks to provide a unique quiz for each student and to increase authenticity of online exams.
Presenter: Ruth Bennington, Accounting
Canvas Trainer: Sallie Michalsky
Location: LLR 124 / Amazon Self Published Textbook
Learn how to use the "print on demand" technology of CreateSpace linked with Amazon.. Write your own class text without a publisher as a low cost and practical option for students.
Presenter: Doug Thiel; Philosophy
Location: LLR 121
11:35-12 p.m. / Time-Released Modules and Activities Requirements
Set your modules to open at a pre-set time for timely content opening. Use ‘prerequisites’ for modules to require students to move sequentially through content.
Presenter: Tim Samoff, Game Design and Multimedia
Canvas Trainer: Sallie Michalsky
Location: LLR 124 / Open Educational Resources for Student Equity & Success
With 65% of students declining to purchase textbooks, learn how free and open resources can help you implement OER in your classrooms to improve equity and success in your classroom.
Presenter via Zoom: Una Daily; Director of the Community College Consortium
for Open Educational Resources​
Location: LLR 121
12-1 p.m. / LUNCH
p.m. / Tenure Review Committee Training
A collaboration between the Academic Senate, the administration, and AFT.
Just beginning the tenure process, or on a tenure committee? Please join us for an overview of the tenure process. We will look at best practices and guidelines for tenure committees and our new tenure track hires.
Presenters: Bea Herrera, Nenagh Brown, Julius Sokenu
Location: A 138
1-1:30 p.m. / Quizzes in Canvas
Create unique quizzes and understand Due dates vs. Available dates to make quizzes work for you and your students. Also, learn to give ‘fudge points’ for late submissions.
Presenters: Trey Demmond & Richard Feilden, Film Studies
Canvas Trainer: Sallie Michalsky
Location: LLR 124 / PowerPoint for Photoshop Lite
PowerPoint it not just for slides anymore!
You can also use PowerPoint to create photo mosaics, remove backgrounds, make a zoom effects, animate pictures, create 3D pop-ups, and make colors pop. Come and see what you can do with PowerPoint!
Presenter: Tracie Bosket; Instructional
Location: LLR 121
1:35-2 p.m. / Grading with Rubrics
Use the Rubrics tool to quickly create clarity for students. Learn to use Rubrics and improve student understanding, clarify expectations, and simply grading.
Faculty Presenter: Gerry Zucca, Art
Canvas Trainer: Sallie Michalsky
Location: LLR 124 / TurnItIn
Diane has been using for over ten years and now it’s so much more than plagiarism checking. If you are interested in paperless grading of writing, this is the way to go!
Presenter: Diane Scrofano; English Faculty
Location: LLR 121
2:05 -2:30 p.m. / Using Groups in Canvas
We know that classes with some group work engage students and lead to increased connection, interaction and success. The Canvas Group tool has some tricks, but it’s overall a smooth way to use groups online.
Faculty Presenter: Joanna Miller, DE and Journalism
Canvas Trainer: Sallie Michalsky
Location: LLR 124 / How to become YouTube famous while staying anonymous
This demonstration will cover the basics of using recording software like OBS, a useful wacom pen for writing while you record, editing video with YouTube editor, getting subtitles, and limiting access to your content so the whole interweb can't find it.
Presenter: Matthew Morgan; Philosophy
Location: LLR 121
2:35-3 p.m. / Clips and Automated Captions
Using the free Clips application by Apple, learn to create short videos with automated captions to communicate with students in your course.
Example Clip made with Clips app:
Presenter: Matt Spinneberg, Media Specialist
Location: LLR 124 / The Professional Learning Network

In this session, staff will be introduced to the Professional Learning Network (PLN), a FREE one-stop site for all professional development and resource needs. The PLN offers thousands of online trainings from Lynda,com, Grovo and Skillsoft and more.
Presenter: Candace Robertson, PLN
Training, Outreach and
Promotion Coordinator
Presenter: Andrea Chatwood, PLN Online
Content Manager
Location: LLR 121
3:05-3:30 p.m. / Open Lab
The lab is open for use and collaboration, with the Canvas trainer available for answers and help.
Canvas Trainer: Sallie Michalsky
Location: LLR 124
August 9, 2017
9 - 9:30 am / Continental Breakfast
Location: Campus Center Dining Room
9:30-11:50 am / SLO and Program Planning
In order to facilitate the development of an SLO culture at Moorpark College, this session will utilize presentation and activities to encourage instructors to think about SLOs as useful tools for course, lesson, and program planning.
Having reviewed your SLOs the second part of the session will be dedicated to program planning. What should you be asking yourselves as a program? What goals do you want to set? What metrics will you use to know if you achieve these goals? How do you request the resources you will need to be successful?
Give yourselves a head start on SLO and program planning this year – come with several members of your program to this session!
Presenters: Katie Booth, Mahta Rosenfeld, Nenagh Brown, Julius Sokenu
Location: CCCR / Canvas Basics
This workshop is perfect for those who are interested in enhancing their on-ground classrooms*. It is geared for beginners, or for those who just want to brush-up on their Canvas skills. Please RSVP to for a practice shell for use in the workshop
Presenter: Tracie Bosket; InstructionalTechnologist and Designer
*This workshop does not meet the Canvas Certification requirements
Location: LLR 124
12 – 1:00 pm / Lunch
Location: Campus Center Dining Room
Please RSVP
1-2:20 pm / Student Services Panel
Please come to hear from representatives from many of our student services departments and offices to better learn about the resources at Moorpark which can support instructional effectiveness and student success.
The panelists will include:
  • Jennifer Kalfsbeek-Goetz --Title IX
  • Beth Gillis-Smith -- TLC
  • Johnny Conley --Veterans and Foster Youth
  • Transfer Center
  • Shannon Johnson --Internships
  • Sharon Manakas --Health Center
  • Marnie Melendez --EOPS
  • Nils Slattum –BIT
  • Silva Arzunyan--ACCESS
Moderator: Amanuel Gebru
Location: CCCR / Academic Senate Council Planning Meeting
An Academic Senate Council Planning Session allows its members to discuss agenda items in more depth and for all attendees to join the discussion. The greater section of the meeting will be planning the Academic Senate’s goals for the coming year, including how best to include smaller disciplines and departments in our participatory governance process in response to the recent division reorganization. There will also be a brief history and explanation of the Academic Senate’s purview in the “10+1”.
Attendees: All past, present, and future representatives on the Academic Senate Council along with anyone else interested in the work of the Academic Senate, chaired by Academic Senate President Nenagh Brown
Location: A 138
2:30-3:50 pm / Emergency Preparedness
All faculty and staff are invited to learn the basics of campus emergency preparedness in the case of an active shooter incident
Presenter: Chief Joel Justice
Location: CCCR
4-7:00 pm / Part-Time Faculty Orientation
All new and current part-time faculty members are invited to take part in a roundtable discussion and Q&A session with our panel of experts devoted to providing and exchanging information to help increasesuccess for our adjunct faculty including information related to our ACCESS student support program.
Presenters Include:
President Luis Sanchez, Vice President Julius Sokenu, Vice President Amanuel Gebru, Dean Helga Winkler, Academic Sentate President Nenagh Brown, Professor Brian Burns, Professor Renee Fraser, Professor Rachel Messinger, Adminstrative Assistant Stephanie Kostezak, DSPS (EAC) Coordinator Silva Arzuyan, Matthew Spinneberg, DSPS (EAC), David Anter, Registrar
Location: CCCR
August 10
8:30-9:00 am / Continental Breakfast
Location: Campus Center Dining Room
9:00-12:00 pm / Guided Pathways Presentation by Bakersfield College
Over the past two years, Bakersfield College has adopted a Guided Pathways framework, working to integrate college-wide work in an effort to advance student certificate, degree, and transfer attainment. Through a broad engagement strategy, BC has prioritized work across four pillars of guided pathways:
1. 1. Clarify the Path 2. Enter the Path
2. 3. Stay on the Path 4. Ensure Learning
4.Participants will learn about the fundamental elements of the Guided Pathways System (GPS), hear from practitioners on the implementation team at Bakersfield College, and identify short term goals in the implementation of an integrated framework at Moorpark College.
Facilitators: Lesley Bonds, Bakersfield College
Nick Strobal, Bakersfield College
Location: Campus Center Dining Room
12-1:20 pm / President’s Lunch with Student Travel Panel
All faculty and staff are warmly invited to join us for a lovely lunch followed by a panel presentation from Moorpark students who have recently travelled aboard as part of their learning experience. Specifically, we will have representatives from the choir’s highly successful trip to Spain and some of the intrepid students who took part in the summer abroad program to England and France.
Location: Campus Center Dining Room
Please RSVP
1:30-3:00 pm / Writing Across the Curriculum
Have you ever wondered about the types of essays other faculty assign their students?
Want to see how they evaluate student writing?
Faculty and staff from all divisions are invited to participate in a workshop designed to encourage attendees to collaborate and learn more about writing in different disciplines. In order to facilitate a robust, multi-disciplinary discussion, please bring a prompt for any writing assignmentyou have used in your classes and be ready to discuss how you would guide students in its execution. Since it would also be helpful for faculty in other fields to understand how your department evaluates an essay’s merits, consider bringing your department’s rubric as well.
Presenter: Sona Dombourian
Location: FH 218 / Mandatory Curriculum Committee Training
Please join the Curriculum Committee Co-Chairs to review curriculum basics as well as learn the latest from this year’s State Academic Senate Curriculum Institute (including the effects theState's new inventory system will have on our submissions). Members of this year’s Curriculum Committee are required to attend; Department Chairs and academic administrators are encouraged to attend.
Presenter: Jerry Mansfield
Location: FH 219 / ADA Compliance for Document and Websites
For Faculty, Staff, and all interested parties. Join us fora theoretical explanation ofWhyand a practical approach onHow. This workshop is intended to empower participants in makingemails, memos, syllabi, and other pertinent communication documents accessible with ease. Let it be a fabricate of what you do on any document, with just a few easy clicks. We have prizes!
Presenters: Silva Arzunyan and Matthew Spinneberg
Location: LLR 124
3:00-8:00 pm / New Student Welcome
The New Student Welcome is put on by the Student Outreach Office in collaboration with many faculty, staff, administrators, and students from across campus. If you can help and wish to be part of this great event please contact April Montes ().
Convocation; Mandatory Flex
Friday, August 11
7:45-8:20 am / Breakfast
Location: PAC Patio
8:30-8:45 am / Presidential Welcome and Remarks
Presenter: President Luis Sanchez
Location: PAC
8:45-9:00 / Academic Senate and Classified Senate
Nenagh Brown, Academic Senate President
Gilbert Downs, Classified Senate President
9:00-10:30 am / Keynote Speaker: Dr. Shaun Harper, Followed by Q&A
Please join us for an inspiring address from Dr. Shaun Harper. Recognized in Education Week as one of the 10 most influential professors in the field of education, Shaun R. Harper is an expert on race, campus climates, and student success in higher education. He is the Clifford and Betty Allen Professor in the Rossier School of Education at the University of Southern California, and founding executive director of the USC Race & Equity Center. He also is president of the Association for the Study of Higher Education. Dr. Harper has published over 100 peer-reviewed journal articles and other academic publications, and received more than $12 million in research grants. Johns Hopkins University Press is publishing his 13th book, Race Matters in College. His research has been cited in more than 7,000 published studies. The New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Chronicle of Higher Education, and over 11,000 news outlets have quoted Professor Harper and featured his research. He has interviewed on CNN, ESPN, and NPR. He spent a decade on the University of Pennsylvania faculty, where he founded the Center for the Study of Race & Equity in Education.
Location: PAC
10:30-10:45 am / Break
10:45-10:55 am / Chancellor Greg Gillespie, PhD
Please join us as we welcome our new District Chancellor Dr. Greg Gillespie.
Location: PAC
10:55-11:10 am / Introduction of New Full Time Faculty and Classified Staff
Location: PAC
11:10-12:00 / Distinguished Faculty Chair Lecture, Introduced by Academic Senate Vice President Dr. Nathan Bowen
The recipient of the Distinguished Faculty Chair Award for 2017-18 will be announced and give a lecture on a topic of his or her choice to the assembled Moorpark College community.
Location: PAC
12:00-12:15 / Academic Senate Meeting
This is the annual General Meeting of the Academic Senate and its members (all faculty at Moorpark, both part and full-time). Faculty will attend to any immediate business needed to start our new year successfully as well as be given some guesses as to what the big issues might be. Come and meet the Senate officers and Council representatives and please bring any questions and concerns to the meeting.
Facilitator: Nenagh Brown
Location: PAC
12:15-1:15 pm / College BBQ Lunch (Campus Center)
All faculty and staff are warmly invited to join us for our traditional BBQ lunch followed immediately by the Moorpark Faculty and Classified Staff Service Awards.
Location: Campus Center Dining Room
Please RSVP
1:15-1:45 pm / Faculty and Classified Staff Service Awards
Please join us as we honor veteran faculty and classified staff as they reach a new milestone in their continuing commitment to serving our students and our learning community.
Location: Campus Center Dining Room
pm / Division meetings
Division / Dean / Room
Athletics & Institutional Effectiveness / Interim Dean / HSS 121
Behavioral & Social Sciences / Helga Winkler / HSS 238
Arts, Business, & Child Development / Jennifer Kalfsbeek-Goetz / T 108
EATM, Health & Life Sciences / Norman Marten / HSC 103
Languages & Learning Resources / Jane Morgan / LLR 3rd Floor
Mathematics & Physical Sciences / Mary Rees / AC 111/112
Sciences & Student Engagement / Howard Davis / PS 110
pm / Department meetings (rooms assigned at division meetings)

Moorpark College 50th Anniversary Gala!