Rolling Hills Safe Child PolicyName ______

Revised on January 27, 2016

These guidelines are set to provide a safe and nurturing environment in which we can bring children to Christ. All policies are designed to protect and promote growth in God for each child and adult involved.

Open Door Policy

Doors to roomsshould remain open unless there is a window in the door or a side window beside it. Parents, volunteers, or staff may visit a classroom or program so long as they have spoken to a ministry team leader and received a visitor badge and will not disrupt the class or program, or they will be asked to leave. If someone is in a classroom, hallway or loitering in general without an authorized badge, a team member may approach and ask them to state their business in the building. If there is any questionable behavior, or the person does not have a reasonable explanation, security should be contacted.

Two Leader Rule

Every class and activity for children and youth must be supervised by two leaders. One leader may work alonewith a group if there is visual access to the room and other adults are in the vicinity.

At least one leader must be over 18 years of age or a staff person or member of the congregation who hascompleted safe child training and the screening process described below. The second leader may be betweenthe ages of 14-18, and must also have completed safe child training. It is preferable that a caregiver be at least 5years older than the young people being supervised.

Five Years Older Policy

Where reasonably possible, all volunteers with children/youth be at least five years older than the youth/children they are leading. If there is a young adult or another youth who wishes to volunteer with child or youth ministry who is less than five years older, such volunteers will be paired with an adult leader who is at least five years older than the age of the ministered youth whenever possible.

Bathroom Breaks

When leaders are working with young children (up to age 6) in classrooms without integral bathrooms, theyshall accompany a child to the bathroom. Unless the child requires assistance in an open stall, theleader should wait for the child outside the bathroom.

Touch and Talk

Common expressions of affection (e.g. hugs, pats on the back) or physical caretaking (e.g. diaper changing,helping small children in the restroom) are appropriate within a caring community. Our words are important,too, and should demonstrate caring, acceptance, and respect of each child.

Reporting Procedures

All adult volunteers and staff who work with children and youth are mandatory reporters. If one suspects orwitnesses an abusive incident (verbal, sexual, physical, neglect, etc.) mandated reporters must first make an immediate and direct report of suspectedchild abuse to Child Protective Services at 530-642-7100.A report must also be made to the ministry’s pastor.

Child abuse happens when:

  • Has a physical injury by other than accidental means.
  • Is subjected to willful cruelty or unjustifiable punishment.
  • Is abused or exploited sexually.
  • Is neglected by a parent or caretaker who fails to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, medical care or supervision.

Medical Information

Each ministry will keep a confidential list of medical conditions (allergies, asthma, etc.) ofwhich leaders should be aware. Parents or legal guardians will be asked for this information during Sunday registration and on permission forms for off campus or overnight activities.

Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco

Alcohol, recreational drug and tobacco use are prohibited on any church-sponsored program, event or ministry involving youth or children

Off Campus and Overnight Activities

Off campus and overnight activities require consent in advance from a parent or legal guardian.For overnight activities, a minimum of one adult with clearances of each gender is required, regardless of thenumber of youth participating, and there will be at least one adult for every eight youth.

Background Checks

All adults who work with minors must complete a Live Scan Fingerprinting. We will also be conducting personal reference checks. The references will be done by phone, email, or in person. All information received from these checks will be kept confidential by our church staff.


This policy will be reviewed by the Children’s and Student Ministry Pastors, along with our HR Director on an annual basis.

Statement of Acknowledgement

Please sign and return this form to a Children’s or Student Ministry Staff Member.

I have read and understand the Rolling Hills Church Safe Child Policy. I agree to follow the procedures to the best of my ability to best serve the children at Rolling Hills Christian Church.
