CochiseCollege Governing Board Meeting

Tuesday, April 8, 2003




Tuesday, April 8, 2003


6:00 p.m.


1.01Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by Ms. JanGuy, Board Chair, at 6:03 p.m.

Board Members Present:

Mr. Juan Flores

Dr. Randall Groth

Mr. Bob Nelson

Mrs. Jane Strain

1.02Pledge of Allegiance

1.03Adoption of Agenda

The agenda was adopted as published.

1.04Citizen’s Interim

There were no requests to address the Board.

1.05Standing Reports

1.05.1Representative to the AADGB

Ms. Jan Guy reported that, due to Spring Break, there had been no ACCA or AADGB meetings.

1.05.2Senate Report

Mr. Ray Battee, Senate President, gave the Senate report. Mr. Battee noted that two curriculum items passed by the Senate were on the Board agenda.

Mr. Battee also gave the results of the recent Senate elections:

Admin Support, DC - Debra Wright (2-year term)

Classified, DC - Diana Dominguez (2-year term)

Faculty Support, Dist - Arturo Chacon (2-year term)

Liberal Arts, DC - David Nelson (2-year term)

Liberal Arts, SVC - Patrick Jones (2-year term)

Liberal Arts, SVC - Kerry Thomson (1-year term)

Occupational DC - Belinda Burnett (2-year term)

Occupational SVC - Barbara Smith (2-year term)

1.05.3Student Government Association (SGA)

Mr. Troy Acevedo, Sierra Vista campus SGA President, gave the report. He again thanked the Board for their supportduring the past academic year and stated that the Sierra Vista SGA had collected $3,500 for scholarships in 2002/03. Spring Fling attracted approximately two hundred people but did not meet expectations due to cold weather. The Red and White Ball will take place on April 25 at the Gadsden Hotel in Douglaswith a Mardi Gras theme.

Mr. Acevedo noted that the review Committee for the 2003/04 Sierra Vista campus Student Government had conducted interviews and that their decision would be forthcoming on Friday, April 11.

1.05.4College President

Dr. Nicodemus provided a legislative update on pending bills: continuation of rural subsidy for members of the Arizona State Retirement System; and technical corrections, which puts appropriate rules from the State Board into legislative statute. Dual enrollment is still being debated, and community colleges continue to lobby for local district governing boards to be able to decide how to deal with state funding cuts.

Dr. Nicodemus attended a meeting with Dr. Groth and other deans at the University of Arizona regarding changes at the University of Arizona South (UAS). UAS is looking forward to having greater autonomy in its curriculum and programs.

1.05.5Monthly Financial Report

The Financial Report for the month ending March 31, 2003, was submitted to the Board for its review. The financial report was accepted as presented. A summary is attached.

Dr. Michael Carter, Vice President for Administration, provided a supplemental handout and reviewed the Financial Report with the Board. He stated that the College has collected 90% of its projected revenue.

Dr. Carter then introduced Mr. Britt Hanson, from the Cochise County Attorney’s Office. Mr. Hanson is the attorney handling intergovernmental agreements and contracts for the College.


2.01Acceptance of Minutes, Special Meeting, March 3, 2003

The Minutes of the March 3, 2003, Special Meeting of the Cochise College Governing Board were approved and entered into record.

2.02Acceptance of Minutes, Regular Meeting, March 11, 2003

The Minutes of the March 11, 2003, Regular Meeting of the Cochise College Governing Board were approved and entered into record.



Dr. Nicodemussharedthe following communications:

A letter to Dr. Michael Carter from Mr. Michael Ortega, Douglas City Manager. Mr. Ortega thanked Dr. Carter and the College for supporting the Fifth Annual Douglas International Classic Soccer Tournament and for providing use of soccer goals.

A letter from Ms. Marie Hansen, Public Information Officer, City of Sierra Vista. Ms. Hansen thanked College and, in particular, Mr. Ken Jones and the Staff of the Center for Professional Development for a successful Economic Forum.

A letter from Ms. Michelle L. Downs, Chapter President, Duncan FFA. Ms. Downs thanked the College for hosting the Gila Southern District Field Day.

3.02Update on FY04 Budget Development

Dr. Nicodemusnoted that the Arizona Department of Corrections has notified the College that they would be continuing the contract for the next year at the same rate as this year.

There had been some adjustments in the budget since the study session of March 3rd. There will not be an additional 5% cut by the legislature for FY03; the College continues to project a 10% cut for FY04. The tentative budget for FY04 includes the five dollar tuition and fee increase. The College is suggesting no increase to the property tax levy rate.

Expenditure projections are contingent upon passing action items presented to the Board: a 4% adjustment to the non-faculty salary structure and a 3% increase to all eligible employees. Other increases include an increase in Arizona State Retirement costs projected to be $360,000 and an increase in Workers Compensation of $35,000.

3.03Policy 4401 – Salary Adjustments; First Reading

There was no discussion by the Board.


4.01Consent Agenda*

Randall Groth moved and Jane Strain seconded a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as corrected. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED. The following items were approved:

4.01.1* Curriculum Changes

4.01.2* Faculty; Retirement (Bill Akins, Coordinator, Online Campus)

4.01.3* Faculty; Retirement (Arnold Fuller, Aviation Mechanics Instructor)

4.01.4* Classified; Retirement (Gwen Eicks, Administrative Assistant, Senior)

4.01.5* Classified; Retirement (Addie Temple, Library Technician)

4.01.6* Classified; Resignation (Carol Rivera, Administrative Assistant)

4.01.7* Position Reclassification – Human Resources Technician

4.02Food Services Contract Extension

Bob Nelson moved and Juan Flores seconded a motion to extend the contract with Chartwellsby one year, effective July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004.

Dr. Nicodemus noted that the College will go out for bid on this contract next year and that it will be reviewed annually.

The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.

4.032003-2004 Student Tuition and Fee Schedule

Randall Groth moved and Juan Flores seconded a motion to approvetuition and fee increases, as outlined. There was no discussion by the Board. The Board voted four to one to approve, with Bob Nelson casting the dissenting vote. MOTION CARRIED.

4.04Medical/Prescription Insurance

Jane Strain moved and Randall Groth seconded a motion to approve the new benefit schedule for medical/prescription coverage for members of Cochise Combined Trust, as outlined.

Dr. Nicodemus noted that this reflects the County and the College merging to the same benefit schedule and results in lower deductibles and out-of-pocket costs to College employees.

The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.

4.05Group Life and Voluntary Term Life Insurance

Juan Flores moved and Jane Strain seconded a motion to approve Standard Life as the new Group Life and Voluntary Life insurance provider effective July 1, 2003, as outlined.

Dr. Nicodemus explained that this change will lower the cost to the College while benefits remain the same.

The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.

4.06Salary Structure Adjustment

Bob Nelson moved and Randall Groth seconded a motion to approve a 4% adjustment to the non-faculty salary structure to maintain amarket-based structure, as outlined. There was no discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.

4.07Salary Adjustment

Jane Strain moved and Randall Groth seconded a motion to grant a 3% increase to eligible full-time regular employees effective July 1, 2003, as outlined. There was no discussion by the Board. The Board voted four to one to approve, with Juan Flores casting the dissenting vote. MOTION CARRIED.

4.08Approval of Performance Evaluation System for Non-Faculty (Staff) and Non-Teaching Faculty

Jane Strain moved and Randall Groth seconded a motion to approve the performance evaluation system for non-faculty and non-teaching faculty, as outlined. There was no discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.

4.09Approval of Performance Evaluation System for Teaching Faculty

Randall Groth moved and Jane Strain seconded a motion to approve the performance evaluation system for teaching faculty, as outlined. There was no discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.

4.10Approval of Job Description for Teaching Faculty

Jane Strain moved and Bob Nelson seconded a motion to approve the faculty job description, as outlined. There was no discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.

4.11Approval of Faculty Workload Requirements

Bob Nelson moved and Randall Groth seconded (for purpose of discussion) a motion to approve the faculty workload requirements, effective Fall semester, 2003, for full-time teaching faculty, as outlined, with the exception of making the faculty load units a minimum of 16 per semester and Preparation and Professional Service a minimum of 16 hours per week.

Dr. Nicodemus noted that 15-16 faculty load units wereused because when a faculty member reaches 16, the overload is retroactive to 15. Dr. Nicodemus noted that the administration does not support a change to 6 units. Instead, the administration supports the workload as presented because it is a process that

addresses issues of load equity, concerns that raising the number of units would affect faculty recruitment. Dr. Nicodemus did share that raising the units to a minimum of 16 would generate approximately $75,000 in savings for the College; however, the workload as presented by Dr. Michelich and Ms. Stout will also generate savings and more effective use of resources related to full-time faculty.

After a lengthy discussion, the Board voted three to two to disapprove, with Randall Groth, Jan Guy and Jane Strain casting the dissenting votes. MOTION FAILED.

Jane Strain moved and Randall Groth seconded a motion to approve the faculty workload requirements, effective Fall semester, 2003, for full-time teaching faculty, as outlined. There was no discussion by the Board. The Board voted three to two to approve, with Bob Nelson and Juan Flores casting the dissenting votes. MOTION CARRIED.


Randall Groth moved and Jane Strain seconded a motion to approve the aviation program recommendations, as presented by Dr. Nicodemus.

Dr. Nicodemus noted that the administration had met with various people in aviation industry, aviation programs, Ft. Huachuca UAV program, and the College aviation staff regarding the future of the College aviation program. After significant discussions and study, the administration suggests continuation of all aviation programs. Avionics will continue to be taught at the Sierra Vista campus, with minimum enrollment numbers being determined for establishing class starts for both AMT and Avionics. The College is also looking into providing flight training on Ft.Huachuca.

Forces that could impact program enrollment include competition from PimaCommunity College, who may be expanding aviation offerings beginning Fall, 2003.

Dr. Nicodemus added that the College intends to use an outside consultant to assist with a review of the aviation programs. Other recommendations include an administration review of expenditures to see if cost-saving measures can be implemented; that revenue from tuition and fees offset the cost of aircraft; and that the Tucson site program continues.

The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.

4.13Proposition 301 Plan for FY03/04

Randall Groth moved and Juan Flores seconded a motion to approve the proposed workforce development plan, utilizing Proposition 301 funds for FY03/04, as outlined.

Dr. Nicodemus noted that the plan is sent directly to the Department of Commerce. The Board will receive a complete update on the plan at a later date.

The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.

4.14Approval of Job Descriptions

Juan Flores moved and Randall Groth seconded a motion to approve the positions of Director, Center for Teacher Education, and Coordinator, Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) Credentialing, as outlined.

Dr. Nicodemus stated that Director, Center for Teacher Education, was directly related to Proposition 301 funds and Coordinator, Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) Credentialing, was related to the program presentation given by Dr. Doris Jensen and Mr. Bruce Richardson at the March Governing Board meeting.

The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.


Mrs. Strain had no comments.

Dr. Groth commented that the UAS Bachelor of Applied Science degree could assist aviation graduates in the job market. Also, there may be an opportunity in the future to take all three phases of the flight program and couple them with another BAS degree.

Mr. Nelson had no comments.

Mr. Flores had no comments

Mrs. Guy had no comments.

Mrs. Guy adjourned the meeting at 7:37 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:

Ms. Karen M. Koehler, Executive Administrative Assistant, Office of the President

Dr. Randall H. Groth, Secretary to the Governing Board

KMK 4/9/03