CAFR Program Application

The CSMFO CAFR Award Program for outstanding financial reporting is for those governments that are not participating in the GFOA Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting program. The intent is to give governments a review program at a lower cost than the GFOA program so that, in receiving the CSMFO award, the government would be more confident to apply for the GFOA award. If you currently submit your report to GFOA for its CAFR Award Program, please do not submit it to the CSMFO CAFR Award Program.

The 2014/15 CSMFO CAFR Awards program is now accepting applications. There is an online form for submitting applications, which is availablehere. Detailed instructions can be found in the application documents, which are available for download from the form page once you have selected the award for which you will be applying.We have also createdachecklistfor cities and a checklistfor special districts that may be helpful.For thosewho would prefer to still submit a paper copy of their document, the application form contains instructions for doing so.

Reports are due by December 31, 2014. A 30-day extension may be requested for extenuating circumstances.

Should you have any questions regarding the process, please contact Craig Boyer, Vice-Chair of the Professional Standards & Recognition Committee, at (415) 597-4042 .





NOTE: This award program is available only to governments not participating in the GFOA CAFR award program.


NAME: ______TITLE: ______

ADDRESS: ______

PHONE: ______FAX: ______EMAIL: ______


AUDIT (CPA) FIRM: ______

The CAFR, this application and supplement, response to comments and suggestions, and any other correspondence will be submitted to the CSMFO Professional Standards and Recognition Committee for evaluation. The official requesting the review will be advised of the Committee’s decision upon completion of the review process.


(As it appears on this report cover and will appear on the Certificate)

Please submit this application online via the CSMFO website, the application fee of $50.00 (via credit card online or check payable to CSMFO), and the application supplement. If the CAFR was submitted to the program in the immediate prior year and you received reviewer comments, please include a copy of the comments and your responses to the comments.

CAFRs should be submitted in ONE of the following ways:

1.  As an uploaded PDF file, OR

2.  If CAFR is posted on your agency’s website, provide the web link on the application, or email the URL, OR

3.  Download the CAFR to Disk and mail two (2) copies to the address below, OR

4.  If unable to produce the CAFR electronically, then mail three (3) copies of the CAFR to the address below.

All information must be submitted by December 31, 2014. A 30-day extension may be requested for extenuating circumstances. Please send your completed packet to:

By Mail: Craig Boyer By email:

Transbay Joint Powers Authority

201 Mission Street, Suite 2100

San Francisco, CA 94105

If you have any questions, please contact Craig Boyer at .





Please place a check on the appropriate line to answer each of the following questions and provide page number(s), where applicable. This information will be used by the CSMFO Professional Standards and Recognition Committee Members to facilitate their review. The answers provided will assist the Committee in determining which comments and suggestions for improvement should be provided to your Government. In preparation for award submission, please also refer to the 2011 CAFR Reviewers Checklist that will be used by the Committee Members to determine if the CAFR has the necessary elements to receive the award.


Yes / No / N/A / Page No.
1. Is this your first time participating in the Outstanding Financial Reporting Program for CSMFO?
2. If previously participated in this program, has the Government received an award in any of the past 3 years? If so, list which years the awards were received.
3.  Is the Government submitting its CAFR to the GFOA award program this year? If you answer yes to this question, you should not submit an application to CSMFO.
4. Is the government unit included in the reporting entity of another governmental unit (e.g., as a department, enterprise fund, fiduciary fund, or component unit)? If yes:
a.  Is this governmental unit reported in one or more separate funds within the primary government?
b.  Is the governmental unit reported as a discretely presented component unit in the primary government’s CAFR?
5. Are there any prior period adjustments disclosed in the notes to the financial statements?
6. Did any significant subsequent events occur after the balance sheet date but before the date of the auditor’s report?
7. If the Government is retaining risk, please identify the fund(s) used to report this activity.
8. Does the Government participate in a public entity risk pool which provides coverage to other entities in addition to or separate from the Government?
9. Is the Government a participant in a joint venture?
10. Has the entity issued debt in its name for which it is not liable in any manner and where the debt is not reported as a liability in the financial statements?
11. Do the notes to the financial statements reference compliance at the legal level of budgetary control?

Rev 0911