Minutes of Theale Parish Council August 2015


Minutes of Council Meeting held on Monday 3rd August 2015 in the Peter Gooch Room, Theale Pavilion, Englefield Road, Theale

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Present: Councillors D. Wood, J. Richardson, C. Bateman, N. Flint, B. Jones, A. Clark, S. Coker, Z. Fenwick and I. Hopcroft

In attendance: Mrs J. Friend, Clerk to the Parish Council

Apologies received: Cllr B. Williams & A. Macro

Declarations of Interest: None

Two members of the public were present.

63/15/16 Open Forum for members of the public

A resident asked the council for an update on the primary school issue. The Chairman read out a statement informing him that the council were currently taking advice and considering the matter and would revert to the public when appropriate. The resident was concerned that the matter shouldn’t lapse and the Chairman assured him that the council were still working hard and would report back when it was in a position to do so.

The same resident asked for an update on the letter the council agreed to send to John Cumber Hall hirers about parking issues. The Clerk reported that, as the vast majority of hirers were not using the hall over the summer, she had not yet sent the letter. The intention is to despatch the letter within the next couple of weeks.

Notifications of Chairman’s remarks – Cllrs B. Jones, A. Clark, N. Flint and C. Bateman had items to raise.


64/15/16 MINUTES

The minutes of the Council Meeting of 6th July 2015 were adopted a correct record. Proposed Cllr Richardson; seconded Cllr Wood. Approved nem con.


29/15/16 Vandalism/Anti-social Behaviour – Cllr Flint suggested transferring this item to the NAG as its priority was matters affecting the recreation ground. Members agreed it was a good idea.

New councillors – Cllr Wood asked that a list of contact details for all councillors be provided to members.


66/15/16 Report from District Council

Cllr Macro was not present and had not provided a report.

67/15/16 Clerk’s Report

Theale Tigers FC – members noted that the council had today been informed by Matt Newman that the club would no longer be using the facilities at North Street playing fields.

AWE – the Clerk asked Members if they had had time to consider standing as the new representative on the AWE LLC when Cllr Wood retires from the position in September. She suggested that if they speak to Cllr Wood to find out more about what is involved.

68/15/16 Planning Applications

HOUSE / Proposed part rear extension to ground floor / Kelvin Britton / 14 Englefield Road, Theale RG7 5AS / No objection
15/01753/HOUSE / Proposed new dormers to front & rear. Installation of Bifold doors to rear elevation. / Mr & Mrs Hynes / 3 Roundhead Road, Theale RG7 5DL / No objection
FUL / Provision of additional 6 parking spaces to the medical centre, bringing the total number of parking spaces to 47. / Theale Medical Centre / Theale Medical Centre, Englefield Road, Theale RG7 5AS / No objection
15/001688/PACOU / Application to determine if prior approval is required for Change of Use of first floor offices to 1 x self-contained maisonette (B1a to C3) / Ash Bari / 20 High Street, Theale, RG7 5AN / For info only
FUL / Retrospective change of use of 144sqm floor from office (B1) to retail (A1) for use by Direct Wines only / Direct Wines / 1 Waterside Drive, Arlington Business Park, Theale, RG7 4SW / No objection

69/15/16 Pre-Planning Application Protocol

Members discussed the written protocol and RESOLVED to adopt it. Proposed Cllr Jones; seconded Cllr Coker. Approved nem con.

70/15/16 Assets of Community Value

Cllr Flint updated Members on events following the working party’s meeting of 7th July. The group has identified the buildings at The Bull and Brewery Court as suitable for Heritage Listing, received the appropriate forms to complete and has communicated with West Berks Heritage Forum on the matter. WBHF has informed the owners of these buildings that the parish council is seeking Heritage Listing.

71/15/16 Seats and Litter Bins

Members suggested various suitable sites for new seats including outside the Co-op, near Theale Green/Library and the opposite side of road to Library. Permission would need to be sought from WBC if street furniture were to be placed on its land. Picnic tables and/or benches could also be placed in recreation ground. Clerk was asked to check on the condition of the bench near the public toilets building. Members agreed to speak with various members of the public on the matter and report back at the parish council meeting in September.

72/15/16 WBC Planning Roadshow

A written report was presented to Members.

73/15/16 Theale & Tilehurst Cricket Club

Members discussed the report from the meeting of 20th July and RESOLVED to make a contribution of £500 towards the cost of commissioning a professional risk assessment (Site Visit Option). Proposed Cllr Bateman; seconded Cllr Hopcroft. Approved nem con. Clerk to inform TTCC and also request that the parish council be provided with a copy of the completed risk assessment.

74/15/16 Sewage Pumping Stations

Members were not aware of any privately owned sewage pumping stations within the parish.

75/15/16 Planning Issues


76/15/16 Insurance

Members RESOLVED to adopt a new 3 year LTA with Came & Company, expiring in 2018. Proposed Cllr Flint; seconded Cllr Richardson. Approved nem con.

77/15/16 Authorisation of Payments

It was RESOLVED that items on sheet no.430 and dated 3rd August 2015 be approved for payment. Proposed Cllr Wood; seconded Cllr Jones. Approved nem con.


78/15/16 Items for Information




Cllr Clark had been contacted by residents complaining about the behaviour of particular office staff who take their breaks on the pavement in the High Street. Their manner was described as intimidating and elderly residents felt they had to cross the road to avoid them. The Clerk informed him of the previous complaints received and subsequent police action on this matter and said she would let the police know that new complaints had been received.

Cllr Flint expressed concern that a high fence had been installed, blocking access to an area on the Lakeside site, presumably an action taken by the Cove Fishing Club. He asked that the landowner be contacted and asked about this fence. The Clerk reminded Members that they were meeting with the landowner/developer on 17th August to discuss the new proposed planning application and members agreed to raise the matter then.

Cllr Jones reported that trees had been removed from next to the public footpath in Woodfield Way. She asked who had carried out this work and, if it was WBC, why was the parish council not informed. The Clerk will contact WBC and try to find out who cut down the trees.

Cllr Bateman reported that large lorries were parking up in the High Street, near to the pinch points, hazard lights on, whilst waiting to access the Cumber Hall development in order to make their deliveries of building materials. Shop keepers have complained that they are parking on the double yellow lines and partially blocking the pinch point. Cllr Bateman believed the situation to be hazardous and caused by the inadequate access to the building site. The Clerk will report the matter to WBC.

Cllr Bateman has observed that the zebra crossings in Theale are not lit, they only have the orange beacons. Members agreed that lights on the crossings made the pedestrians far more visible at night. Clerk to contact WBC on this matter.

80/15/16 Part II

In view of the confidential nature of business to be conducted it is in the public interest that the public and press be excluded and are instructed to withdraw.

There being no other business the Meeting closed at 9.45pm.

Chairman to the Council