RFQ for Highway Design Training, Solicitation Number: 6100026695

RFQfor Highway DesignTraining, Solicitation Number: 6100026695

  1. The PA Marketplace advertisement information (under Solicitation Information heading); and Attachment A (Page 7, Other Requirements, Contractor Submission Package) give conflicting information regarding the acceptable format of the contractor’s submission. Which type of submission is required - email or hard copy?


  1. The Attachment A, Statement of Work RFQ (Page 2); Contractor Responsibilities indicates to estimate one instructor per course. However, each of the training courses are highly technical and are designed to be taught by two instructors. The Basic Highway Design Skills Training, Design Exceptions and Roundabout Design Workshop contain technical material with example problems and exercises. Instructors are also providing assistance and guidance during exercises. Having only one instructor could severely impact the participants experience and timing of the agenda. Will two instructors be allowed for thishighway training contract?

Estimate one(1) instructor per course

  1. If contract is limited to one instructor, will course presentation and format be modified to accommodate one instructor? Will additional hours be added to the course revision and updates task for this work?

Respond to bid as it is written.

  1. If contract is limited to one instructor, will the number of participants be reduced accordingly (15-20)?

Respond to bid as it is written.

  1. If contract is limited to one instructor, will preparation time for one instructor to familiarize and prepare to deliver the entire course training content be applied to the lump sum delivery task? If not, will revisions task time be available to prepare the instructor? For instance, the highway design skills course example design problems requires the instructor to perform the calculation so that they can explain the calculations and solutions to the class. Should the backup instructor preparation time also be reflected in this lump sum delivery cost?


  1. The Attachment A, Statement of Work RFQ (Page 2); Contractor Responsibilities indicates that the contactor will supply electronic media for the Department to reproduce.
  1. Can the detailed explanation of printing include a hard-copy sample of the workbook as an example of finished printing product?

If the successful vendor would like to provide a copy, there should be NO cost to the Department for the printed copy.

  1. How much lead time for submission of electronic media for Department printing is required in work days?

30 working Days

  1. The Attachment A, Statement of Work RFQ (Page 7) Payment section item 2 references a Form OS-501, Attachment D Domestic that is not available on the PA marketplace announcement.

The Domestic Workforce Utilization form is available on the eMarketplace announcement.

  1. The RFQ Template (page 6) Best value criteria number 7 "Other - Any other factor not included in the above criteria determined especially relevant for this project. (Must be determined prior to release of the RFQ.)" Is this a criterion for best value?


  1. Attachment A, Statement of Work RFQ (Page 6) Mandatory Planning Sessions: Does the blended hourly rate need to cover effort for meeting preparation and meeting minutes beyond the 3 hours of meeting time?


  1. The Attachment A, Statement of Work RFQ (Page 8) item 5 estimated quantity states that PennDOT reserves the right to cancel a class. How will a contractor be reimbursed for preparation time of a cancelled class?

This can be discussed with the awarded vendor at the Mandatory Planning Session.

  1. Does the Domestic Workforce Form have to be completed for all contractors (prime and subs) that make up the project team, or only the prime contractor?

Prime contractor only.

  1. If a prime consultant brings a Small Diverse Business on as a subconsultants, do they have to be pre-qualified as a Supplier?


  1. Does the Department have a listing of Small Diverse Businesses or can you provide a location of such a


  1. Is there a quantitative scoring criteria for the Best Value Criteria?


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