Graduate Financial Allocation Committee (GFAC)

RSO Funds Application Form

Please note that you are responsible for knowing the GFAC funding guidelines. While this form is meant to simplify or walk you through the process, it is not meant to take the place of your review and understanding of those guidelines. When in doubt, consult the guidelines before you contact the GFAC with proposal questions.

Part 1: General RSO and Application Information
Name of Organization: / Type of Application: / Operational FundsEvent FundingBoth Op and Event Funding
Type of RSO: / Graduate RSOUndergrad RSOMixed (Grads and Undergrads) / Date of Application:
GFAC Mtg date:
Total Op Funds Requested:
Total Event Funding Requested:
Total budget for the event: / Total Op Funds Approved:
Total Event Funding Approved:
Name of Event: / Date of Event:
Names of Applicants:
Emails of Applicants:
Part 2: Questions that are of concern to the RSO Financial Advisor
-- if you have questions about this section, see the financial advisor, or the SALP office, for clarification.
Have you gone through the financial manager’s workshop process, and do you have a financial manager? / YesNo ** / Fund and Cost Ctr Number:
Date Organization Founded:
Have your organization been attending to GSA general meetings? / YesNo
Is your organization more than eight weeks old? / YesNo **
Is your organization debt-free and in good standing? / YesNo **
** If you answered NO to any of this part, you must provide a note from the SALP/RSO Financial Advisor stating that you can apply for funding.
Part 3: Reimbursements
Is this request for a reimbursement? YesNo
If YES, you are not eligible for funding. See section II.4, II.7, and III. 3of the Funding Policies.
Part 4: Budget Narrative
Please state very briefly the purpose of your proposal or event:
Does your proposal:
Impact graduate students at Western Michigan University?
If so, please briefly state how:
Increase graduate participation in the University Community?
If so, please briefly state how:
Work to ensure that graduate student needs and concerns are being represented, or enrich the academic, cultural, social, and/or professional experiences of the graduate student community?
If so, please briefly state how:
Promote interaction between graduate students, graduate faculty, and/or administrators?
If so, please briefly state how:
How many graduate students are involved in your RSO?
How many graduate students will benefit if the proposal is funded?
See section II.3 and IV. 1-8 of the Funding Policies.

Graduate Financial Allocation Committee (GFAC)

RSO Funds Application Form

Please note that you are responsible for knowing the GFAC funding guidelines. While this form is meant to simplify or walk you through the process, it is not meant to take the place of your review and understanding of those guidelines. When in doubt, consult the guidelines before you contact the GFAC with proposal questions.

Part 5: RSO Alignment, Membership and Benefit
RSO / Event
Does your RSO recruit for, worship, or promote a specific belief or ideology? / YesNo / Does your Event recruit for, worship, or promote a specific belief or ideology? / YesNoN/A
Does your RSO benefit a private corporation, charity, or individual? / YesNo / Does your Event benefit a private corporation, charity, or individual? / YesNoN/A
Does your RSO recruit for or promote a political campaign or candidate? / YesNo / Does your Event recruit for or promote a political campaign or candidate? / YesNoN/A
If you answered YES in this part, you may not be eligible for funding. See Section III.2 of the Funding Policies.
Part 6: RSO Additional/ External Funds
Who is invited to come to your event? / Same Belief/IdeologySupporters of Private Corp, Charity, IndividualSupporters of Political Campaign or CandidateGrads onlyUndergrads onlyGrad Majors onlyUndergrad Majors onlyGrad Majors and Faculty onlyUndergrad Majors and Faculty onlyGrads and UndergradsGrads, Admin, Faculty, CommunityUndergrads, Grads, Admin, Faculty, CommunityAnyone who wants to (Comments: )
Is there an entry fee for the RSO event?
If yes how much?
Who/What is your Parent Org., if applicable? / website:
Amount you pay them in dues: / $0.00
Amount Parent Org. provides in funding per year: / $0.00
How do you recruit members?
$$ Yearly Membership Dues per person: / $0.00
Who is your RSO’s bank? / RSO’s External Bank Acct Balance: / $0.00
Source of bank account balance:
Funds will not be transferred to a student’s individual/personal bank account.
See Section II. 12 of the Funding Policies.

Graduate Financial Allocation Committee (GFAC)

RSO Funds Application Form

Please note that you are responsible for knowing the GFAC funding guidelines. While this form is meant to simplify or walk you through the process, it is not meant to take the place of your review and understanding of those guidelines. When in doubt, consult the guidelines before you contact the GFAC with proposal questions.

Operational Funds: Up to $700 total operational expenses awarded yearly for Mixed RSO’s; $1,000 for Graduate-only RSO’s.
Please fill in all amounts applicable to your proposal. Do not fill in shaded boxes, as those are for GFAC use.
Category / Requesting from GFAC / $ Funded by Other / Who Provided Other Funding / $ Funded by RSO / $ Total Cost of Category / Actual $$ Awarded by GFAC this app. / Previously Awarded by GFAC this year / Total Award by GFAC for this year
Office Billed Expenses
i.e. phone, electricity.
Office Supplies
i.e. paper, pens, photocopying.
Not promotional products – those are below.
Meeting Expenses (not food/bev)
(say what for)
Category / $ Requesting from GFAC / $ Funded by Other / Who provided Other Funding / $ Funded by RSO / $ Total Cost of Category / Actual $$ Awarded by GFAC this app. / Previously Awarded by GFAC this year / Total Award by GFAC for this year
Other / Please note we cannot pay for “what-if” or “unforeseen” line items. All line-items must be planned and accounted for.
Food/ Beverages
Percentage of total op costs requested, that is made up of food/bev. / % / III.5: Funding for food and beverage for the operational budgets will not exceed 50% of the total amount of the request and award AND not more than $350 for Mixed RSOs and $500 for Graduate RSOs per academic year.
Promotional Products
i.e. pens, mouse pads, flash drives, mugs, etc.
can include apparel.
Percentage of total op costs requested, that is made up of promo products. / %
Do the operational expenses exceed $1000 for the year? / YesNo à à à / If you answered YES, have you demonstrated some generation of income to offset costs, such as dues or a fundraiser? You can see the SALP Director or Financial Advisor for suggestions. / YesNo

Graduate Financial Allocation Committee (GFAC)

RSO Funds Application Form

Please note that you are responsible for knowing the GFAC funding guidelines. While this form is meant to simplify or walk you through the process, it is not meant to take the place of your review and understanding of those guidelines. When in doubt, consult the guidelines before you contact the GFAC with proposal questions.

Event Funds: Up to $4,000 total event funding awarded yearly for Mixed RSO’s; $6,000 for Graduate-only RSO’s.
Please fill in all amounts applicable to your proposal. Do not fill in shaded boxes, as those are for GFAC use.
Category / Requesting from GFAC / $ Funded by Other / Who Provided Other Funding / $ Funded by RSO / $ Total Cost of Category / Actual $$ Awarded by GFAC this app. / Previously Awarded by GFAC this year / Total Award by GFAC for this year
Guest Fees
Guest Travel
Guest Lodging
Guest Transport
(i.e. car/taxi)
Category / $ Requesting from GFAC / $ Funded by Other / Who provided Other Funding / $ Funded by RSO / $ Total Cost of Category / Actual $$ Awarded by GFAC this app. / Previously Awarded by GFAC this year / Total Award by GFAC for this year
Other / Please note we cannot pay for “what-if” or “unforeseen” line items. All line-items must be planned and accounted for.
Food/ Beverages
Percentage of total event costs requested, that is made up of food/bev. / % / III.6: Funding for food and beverage for the event budgets will not exceed 50% of the total amount of the request and award AND not more than $2,000 for Mixed RSOs or $3,000 for Graduate RSOs per academic year.
Promotional Products
i.e. pens, mouse pads, flash drives, mugs, etc.
can include apparel.
Percentage of total event costs requested, that is made up of promo products. / %
Total Expenses
Entrance fee, if any, you will charge for your event:
Do the event expenses exceed $1000 for the year? / YesNo à à à / If you answered YES, have you demonstrated some generation of income to offset costs, such as dues or a fundraiser? You can see the SALP Director or Financial Advisor for suggestions. / YesNo


Please submit application documents in one (1) PDF to

You must be sure that you include with your application, of the following items, all those that are relevant and applicable to your proposal. This check-list is for your benefit. Check these off as you gather them, and only submit when you can submit everything all together.

1.  Cover Letter

2.  GFAC RSO Funds Application Form

3.  Complete Speakers’ Packet that you compile:

a.  C.V. or Resume– If you are bringing in speakers for an event funded by the GFAC, you MUST provide a C.V./Resume for each person for whom you pay honorariums, speaker fees, travel, and/or accommodations.

b.  Speakers’ honorarium cost statement

c.  Short rationale for bringing the speaker.

d.  Speaker’s Speech Script – If your speaker is of a specific belief, religion, or political affiliation, you must provide a script of their intended speech, or a statement of speech intent and speech sample, provided by the speaker. This is to assure compliance with Sections II.3 and III.3.

4.  Note from the RSO Financial Advisor stating that you can apply for funding, if applicable. (see part 2 of this form)

5.  Invoice(s) are required for Promotional Materials, Products and/or Apparel. If not provided with application, then will be due to the RSO Financial Advisor before payment of funds. NO reimbursements will be made after the fact. Invoices must be presented before payment and before services are rendered.

6.  Electronic or paper copies of all artwork for any promotional materials, or notification to produce. This includes all promotional products, apparel, media, print, art, radio-scripts, etc., that are for events, operational expenses or programming that is funded by the GFAC. All such materials must include the wording “Student Assessment Fee Funded” or “SAF Funded”, and must also have the GSA logo, in a reasonably visible manner. Logos can be found on our website. Apparel must have this on the outside. Funding in this area will not be released without this compliance. Section II.9. If not provided with application, will be due to the RSO Financial Advisor.

7.  Copy of a self-evaluation summary of the previous same event, if this is a recurring event previously funded by GFAC.

8.  Notarized signature if an Independent Contractor is involved in the program/event being funded, signed off by the SALP Director.

Please note, that for all events, you are required to submit a self-evaluation of your event

within 30 days of the actual event.

If a self-evaluation is not submitted, future funding for your RSO from GSA/GFAC may be compromised.

Self-evaluation forms will be made available on our website.