Historic Preservation Commission -2- June 2, 2010


GLEN RIDGE Historic Preservation Commission


June 2, 2010

OPMA & Roll Call

Chair Murphy called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and Ms. Ventola read the Sunshine Act Notice and called the roll.

PRESENT: Chair Murphy

Vice Chair Herrigel






Secretary Ventola

ABSENT: Graydon



Chair Murphy introduced himself and briefly described the hearing process to the members of the public.

David Campbell

40 Hamilton Rd.

Chair Murphy called for the application. Homeowner, David Campbell appeared before the commission. He presented the commission with revised plans prepared by his architect based on comments provided during the most recent subcommittee meeting.

The commission took a moment to review the revised plans. They found the plans to contain the changes previously discussed.

On motion by Mr. Addison, seconded by Ms. Githens, the application was approved.

Herrigel / Yes / Murphy / Yes / Wright / Absent
Graydon / Absent / Addison / Yes / Githens (Alt.1) / Yes
McMahon / Yes / Way / Yes / Schackner(Alt. 2) / Yes

Alex Samuelson

73 Winsor Pl.

Chair Murphy called for the application. The homeowner, Alex Samuelson appeared before the commission. He described his proposal to replace the existing front porch and stairs. The new stairs will be slightly wider than the existing and wood rails with newel posts will be installed.

The commission briefly reviewed the design and its compatibility with current building code.

On motion by Ms. Schackner, seconded by Mr. McMahon, the application was approved subject to the following condition:

  1. Any significant changes in design as a result of code compliance must be reviewed and approved by a subcommittee.

Herrigel / Yes / Murphy / Yes / Wright / Absent
Graydon / Absent / Addison / Yes / Githens (Alt.1) / Yes
McMahon / Yes / Way / Yes / Schackner(Alt. 2) / Yes

Public Comment

Talia Schaffer

80 Glen Ridge Ave.

Talia Schaffer appeared before the commission to discuss the recently installed solar panels on her home. Due to a communication error the panels were erroneously installed at an angle that makes some of the panels visible from the street.

After some discussion, the owner and the commission agreed that the top panel, that is visible from the street, must be relocated so it will not be seen or it must be removed within 30 days.

Subcommittee Reports

295 Washington Ave.

Chair Murphy and Mr. Way met with the architect and homeowner, and reviewed and approved revised plans for the addition.

9 Laurel Pl.

Ms. Schackner reported a subcommittee has reviewed and approved final plans for the addition. However the subcommittee has requested a site plan and a full set of plans to be submitted for the record. This information has not yet been received.

Adoption of the May 5, 2010 Minutes

On motion by Mr. Addison, seconded by Ms. Githens, the minutes of the May 5, 2010 meeting were unanimously adopted.


On motion by Ms. Schackner, seconded by Mr. McMahon, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Tara Ventola
