Stylesheet – Bearing Journal 2017

Max Mustermann1, PeterSchmidt2, mention all authors

1name ofdepartment/ division, name of university/company, e-mail address

2name of department/ division, name of university/ company, e-mail address


Abstract– An abstract should indicate the content of the paper and describe the main conclusions in a concise manner. Amount of words should be less than 200 and not exceed 250. Essential references must be cited in full.

Keywords – A maximum of 5 keywords which represent the contents of the paper.


The introduction should deliver a critical assessment of the literature referred to the topic on hand and point out unresolved issues. Motivation and additional value for the work presented in this paper should be explained.

2.Experimental procedures/ Methodology/ etc.

Provide sufficient detail to allow the work to be reproduced. Methods already published should be indicated by a reference, only relevant modifications should be described.

3.Results and discussion

Results should be clear, concise and supported by figures and tables. The discussion should deliver convincing explanation for the results and highlight their significance.


Figures and tables are the most efficient way to illustrate results. Each illustration must have a caption. Figures and captions should be placed on the same page. A caption should comprise a brief title and a description of the illustration. Figure and caption should be comprehensible by themselves without reading the paper. Graphics should be high-resolution and the preferred format is JPEG.

Figure 1: Example for a figure.

Text in figures must be readable, abbreviations must be defined.

Figure 2: Example for a figure which is as wide as the page.

M. Mustermann et al. – Bearing Journal Vol. 2 (2017) page x – page y

If you would like to paste a picture over the complete width of the page, proceed as follows (MS Word):

  1. DE: EinfügenfortlaufenderAbschnittswechsel (Menüleiste:Layout – Umbrüche)
    EN: Insertcontinuous change of section (Option layout: - breaks)
  2. DE: Einfügen Zeilen
    EN: Insert Line
  3. DE: Einfügen fortlaufende Abschnittwechsel
    EN: Insertcontinuouschangeofsection
  4. DE: Eingefügten Zeilen 1-spaltig zuweisen
    EN: Format insertedlineas 1-column
  5. DE: Bild und Legende einfügen
    EN: Insertfigureandcaption
  6. DE: Bildumbruch als “oben und unten” formatieren
    EN: Format text/ caption break as „aboveandbelow“

3.2.General guidelines

-Error bars are required on all experimental and calculated data points.

-SI units should be used

-Font must be Times New Roman and font size should be as implemented in this style sheet.

-Paper must be submitted as word document (.doc or .docx) and pdf.

-Please write your text in good scientific English (American or British is accepted, but not a mixture of these).

-Max. length of paper: 15 pages

-Define abbreviations and acronyms when they first appear in the article. Ensure consistency of abbreviations throughout the article.

-Numeration should be done in a consistent manner.

-Illustrations should be in colour but must also be comprehensible in black & white.

3.2.1.Maximum level of sub-heading is 3


Please implement tables as editable text and not as images. Table notes should be below the table body, the caption above. Be sparing in the use of tables and ensure that the data presented in them do not duplicate results described elsewhere in the paper.

Table 1: Example for a table.

Material / Properties
X / Y / Z
A / AX / BX / -*

*no results

3.4.Math formulae

Please place math equations as editable text and not as images. Present simple formulae in line with normal text where possible and use the solidus (/), e.g., X/Y(see equation()and()). Variables are to be presented in italics. Powers of e are should be denoted by exp. Any equations that must be displayed separately from the text must be numbered consecutively. Equation and numbers should be put in a hidden table as follows:

/ ()
/ ()


The content of the conclusion should be clear by itself.


e. g. The research project was kindly supported by FVA e.V.….


[1]M. Mustermann, P. Schmidt, References to a journal publication, Journal of Examples, 14 (2015) 04–10.

Every reference cited in the text must be also present in the reference list. The reference list must be given at the end of the paper. They should be numbered (in brackets) in sequence starting at the beginning of the paper. It can be directly referred to the author, but the reference number must also be given; e. g. ‘…according to M. Mustermann [1], the tests should…’.