Clean Air Act (Pages 447-448)

1.  What is the Clean Air Act?

2.  What was it a response to?

3.  Who oversees it?

4.  What was the most dramatic improvement in air quality from 1970 to 2001, and what caused this?

5.  What are “nonattainment areas”?

6.  Based on Figure 2, is the Clean Air Act working?

7.  What was the focus of the 1990 amendment to the Clean Air Act?

8.  What was the main change to the Clean Air Act in 1997?

9.  How will commuting on public transportation help clean our air quality?

10.  In your opinion, has the Clean Air Act of 1970 been successful? Use your knowledge and the figures on this worksheet as evidence.

11.  Consider the increase in population since 1970 - have we improved our air quality with that in mind?

12.  Look at the cartoon (Figure 4).

a.  What does the cartoon tell you about the United States air quality in 2002?

b.  Is this a fair representation?

c.  Is there bias? If so, what???

d.  What can we do to avoid this type of situation?

Other ways to improve air quality… (Page 449)

13.  How does the sulfur content of gas damage our atmosphere?

14.  Why is it harmful to drive an SUV?

15.  Why is California on the cutting edge of air pollution reform?

16.  Why are small engines so damaging to our atmosphere? (Envirobrief p. 447)

California’s Leading the Way! ( CIP Page 449)

17.  Can an individual state impose stricter pollution limits than the federal government?

18.  Can an individual state impose weaker pollution limits than the federal government?

19.  What would happen to California’s smog if 20 of every 100 cars was a hybrid?

20.  Discuss your opinions:

a.  Do you think that it is alright for the government to restrict car companies from producing polluting cars?

b.  Should tax incentives be given to those who purchase fuel economic vehicles?

c.  Would it be fair to impose a tax on vehicles that do not burn fuel efficiently?

Case in Point…. MEXICO CITY (Pages 451-452)

21.  In general, why is there a problem with air pollution in developing countries?

22.  What happened to the visibility in Mexico City since 1940?

23.  Mexico City’s pollution problem is caused by two problems. Discuss these:

a.  population growth

b.  location

24.  When is air quality worst in Mexico City? Why?

25.  Where does the pollution come from?

26.  How is the government trying to fix the air pollution problem?



FIGURE 3: Emissions in the US, 1970 and 2000

FIGURE 4: Cartoon


Sources of Smog in Los Angeles