Press release

Vienna/Feldkirchen, May 2010

Recycling 4 Smile:

Empty toner cartridges become valuable donation

Embatex AG has been supporting the work of RED NOSES Clowndoctors with the project “recycling4smile” since 2003. The total sum of donations collected in 2009 amounted to € 47,000.

Embatex AG, the European market leader in the recycling of toner and inkjet cartridges, offers companies, public institutions and schools the opportunity to help the environment by recycling their empty toner cartridges. The programme simultaneously supports the work of RED NOSES Clowndoctors International (RNI). After a very simple online registration procedure (, the RED NOSES collection box is delivered – no obligations, no costs involved. When the box is full, a mere call needs to be made for it to be picked up.

“This free collection system has been a major form of support for the RED NOSES group since 2003 and makes up an important and steady proportion of our core funding,” states Monica Culen, co-founder and Managing Director of RED NOSES Clowndoctors International, as she praises the cooperation with Embatex.

Recycling4smile goes international – EUR 47,000 donated

After successfully establishing itself in Austria, the collection programme was also set up in three of the RED NOSES partner countries - Germany, Slovenia and since 2009 Slovakia. The total sum of donations collected last year in these four countries amounted to Euro 47,000. “Since 2003 Embatex has proved itself to be a strong and reliant partner. Together we’ve grown and expanded over the borders of Austria. And in addition we’ve been doing something good for the environment,” says Culen.

500 tons less waste

Christian Wernhart, Director of Embatex AG, with headquarters in Feldkirchen, Carinthia, has been supporting the project “recycling4smile” for seven years for a good reason: “I see a fourfold win-win situation in the RED NOSES collection programme. Apart from RNI and Embatex itself, not only does the environment profit from this collection system, but also primarily consumers, who subsequently can print for less. I’m talking about a sustainable economy. In 2009 we were able to prevent 500 tons of waste due to the recycling and reprocessing of toner cartridges and inkjet cartridges in the RED NOSES collection programme. Such figures are documented and certified in our environmental impact assessment.”

“Made in Austria” – quality guaranteed

Recycled inkjet cartridges and toner cartridges reach up to 60% better CO2 results compared to conventionally produced toners and cartridges. CO2 reduction is a result of a minimal use of raw materials coupled with no transportation, since original cartridges and toners are mainly produced in Asia whilst recycling mainly takes place in Europe. By using resources in the process of cartridge recycling, the rare case of combining sustainability and minimizing costs is created. “We make a profit because our environmentally friendly range of products is in greater demand in times like these. The secret of our success is that our products are not only ecological, but they are also more economically priced,” Christian Wernhart explains.

Embatex AG – In Brief

In 1993 Mag. Christian Wernhart founded Embatex AG in Feldkirchen. The company now employs 240 staff with a planned increase to reach 250. Annual sales are approximately Euro 19.2 million. In 2009 700,000 toner cartridges and 900,000 inkjet cartridges were recycled. Trading its EMSTAR products around the world, Embatex AG has reached an export quota of about 73%, making it one of the top 5 recycling companies in Europe. Its major markets lie in Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, France, Great Britain, Croatia, Slovenia and Spain.

Renowned companies like the Austrian National Bank (OeNB), Telekom Austria, OMV, KIKA/Leiner or the Municipal Authority Vienna are amongst its customers.

Embatex AG has been dealing with corporate social responsibility (CSR) programmes since 2007 and has received the following recognition:

-  TRIGOS 2009 in the category working place/compatibility of working life and family/medium-sized companies.

-  TRIGOS 2008 in the category ecology/environmentally certified recycling of toner and inkjet cartridges/medium-sized companies

-  TRIGOS 2007 in the category society/medium-sized businesses in Carinthia for the project “recycling4smile” (RED NOSES collection programme)

-  The award for being the most “family-friendly company” in Carinthia in the category large companies.

In 2006 Embatex AG received the “Austrian Environmental Label” for 260 products

In 2007 it was awarded the “Austrian Environmental Label” for another 130 products plus the eco-label “Blue Angel” for 84 toner cartridges

In 2008 it achieved successful EMAS and ISO 14001 re-certification in environmental management

In 2010 it achieved successful ISO 9001 re-certification in quality management

For more information:

Embatex AG: A-9560 Feldkirchen, Satellitenstraße 1, Tel.: +43-4276-5710,

Fax: +43-4276-5711, e-Mail: , web:

Global laughter: RED NOSES Clowndoctors International (RNI)

A world renowned organisation, RNI is the largest group of professional hospital clowns in Europe. Successful RED NOSES partner organisations have already been built up in Austria, Germany, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Slovakia, Croatia and New Zealand. 219 clowns in 146 hospitals made over 6,000 clown visits to more than 230,000 young and old patients in 2009.

RED NOSES clowns are specially trained artists who, based on scientific findings, use humour to spread energy, confidence and more courage to face life. With humour it’s possible to see difficult situations in life from another perspective and to reduce fear, pain and sadness with laughter.

For further information:

Embatex AG

Press Office/Embatex AG, c/o Melzer PR Group, A-1010 Vienna, Tel.: +43-1-526 89 08-0,

Fax: +43-1-526 89 08-9, e-Mail: ,

RED NOSES Clowndoctors International

MMag. Eva Primavesi

Wattgasse 48, A–1170 Vienna

T: +43 1 318 03 13–31

