
Mr. Earl D. Brown II

Physical Education & Health

Office# (843) 762-8393

Course Information and Syllabus

The Freshman Focus course is designed to provide all freshmen with the chance to make their transition to high school as seamless as possible. Through reading, writing, and discussion, this course provides a step-by-step guide to help teens improve self-image, build friendships, resist peer pressure, achieve their goals, get along with their parents, and much more. By utilizing The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens, students will apply the timeless principles of the “7 Habits” to the tough issues and life-changing decisions they face. Additionally, students will use Success4Students curriculum to maximize their study time, improve study skills, and live a balanced life outside of academics while achieving their long-term goals. Students will continually focus on decision making in regard to both the academic and social dimensions of their lives, leading to a successful first year in high school. Furthermore, if time permits, students will be provided with opportunities to complete their homework, study for quizzes and tests, and seek out additional academic assistance if needed.


Weeks 1-2

Course Syllabus

Introduction to the 7 Habits

Student Survey


Personal Bank Account

S4S – Lesson 1: Introducing Success for Students

S4S – Lesson 7: Keeping Track of School Work

S4S – Lesson 2: Using Your Student Planner

Weeks 2-3

Habit 1 – Be Proactive

S4S – Lesson 11: Memory Skills

S4S – Lesson 12: Note Taking

S4S – Lesson 15: How to Study

S4S – Lesson 17: Test Taking Strategies

S4S – Lesson 19: Pitfalls of Procrastination

“Ways to Study Vocabulary Words”

Weeks 4-5

Habit 2 – Begin with the End in Mind

S4S – Lesson 3: The Importance of Vision

S4S – Lesson 5: Planning Your Future

Midterm Exam Review

Midterm Exam

Week 5-6

Habit 3 – Put First Things First

S4S – Lesson 13: Prioritizing and Decision Making

Habit 4 – Think Win-Win

S4S – Lesson 16: Critical and Creative Thinking

S4S – Lesson 18: Communicating Through Writing

Weeks 7-8

Habit 5 – Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood

Habit 6 – Synergize

S4S – Lesson 8: Learning Styles

Habit 7 – Sharpen the Saw

S4S – Lesson 20: Success for Students in Practice

Week 9

Review of All 7 Habits

Final Exam Review

Final Exam


Students are expected to arrive on time with their textbooks and notebooks every day. I will create a classroom environment conducive to the learning process. I expect the students to be respectful to each other and be ready to learn. Failure to adhere to classroom procedures and/or school policies will affect the student’s participation grade and will result in detention, parental contact, and/or administrative action.

The classroom rules will be presented to the students on the first day of class and each rule will be explained. The consequences for not following the rules will also be explained to the students. The rules will also be posted conspicuously so that the students will not forget them. Those rules are:

Class Rules

  1. Arrive and unpack on time.
  2. Enter and exit in an orderly manner. Be seated upon entering and wait for teacher dismissal before exiting.
  3. Keep our hands, feet, and objects to ourselves.
  1. Remain quiet during instruction time.
  2. Raise our hands before speaking or leaving our seats.
  3. Do not chew gum, candy or bring any type of food or drink into the classroom
  4. Respect all people and property.
  5. Obey all school rules.
  6. Always give 100% work at full potential and work as a team!



2.Student/Teacher Conference/Documentation

3.Student/Teacher Conference/Documentation and 30 minute Detention

4.Referral to Administration, Parent call, Documentation

* Any extremely disruptive behavior will result in immediate referral. Teacher reserves the right to skip any step.

**All misbehavior will be documented in a course-long Behavior Log.


1. To treat you with respect and care as an individual in a class setting.

2. To provide you an orderly classroom environment.

3. To provide the necessary discipline

4. To provide the appropriate motivation.

5. To teach you the required content.


  1. To treat me with respect and care as an individual.
  2. To attend classes regularly.
  3. to be cooperative an not disruptive
  4. To study, practice and work diligently so you can be SUCCESSFUL!
  5. To learn the required content put forth to you.

Class Materials


You will need the following materials for class each day:

  1. Spiral Notebook
  1. Folder for Paperwork, Class Notes, and Handouts (Please include paper.)
  1. Pencil and Pens for writing assignments.


The Student’s grade will be based on these main categories: Participation, Library Work (research skills), Life Skills (unit tests and quizzes), and Final Exam. Any late work will automatically receive one grade lower.

  1. Daily Participation Grade – based on bringing materials to class and participating. Each student starts each grading period with 100 points and deductions are made for not participating or bringing materials. 50%
  1. A one-week library orientation and research skills overview & Hero Paper 15%
  1. Tests/Quizzes 15%
  1. Final Exam 20%
Student Info and Contact Sheet

All information on this form is confidential and for instructional purposes only.


Full Name: ______

Preferred Name: ______

Email: ______

Birthday: ______

Health Conditions: ______

Anything you want me to know about student:______



1. Full Name:______

Phone Numbers: ______

Email: ______

Mailing Address: ______

Relationship: ______

2. Full Name: ______

Phone Numbers: ______

Email: ______

Mailing Address: ______

Relationship: ______

Freshman Focus Contract


I am familiar with the Freshman Focus Syllabus. I am aware of the requirements in the following areas:

Required Materials

Classroom Rules/Responsibilities

Grading Policy and In-class assignments

In-class discussions/lectures/schedule

Student Name______

Parent/Guardian(s) Name______


Student Signature Date


Parent Signature Date

Please, sign and return this no later than Wednesday, August 29, 2012


1.Each class will start with a warm-up exercise. While students are conducting the warm-up exercise, this is the teacher’s time to

  1. Take attendance
  2. Check Student ID’s
  3. Check student agendas for homework assignments
  4. Return papers
  5. Answer specific student issues

2.Conduct lesson plan

3.At a minimum, the last 15 minutes of class is Independent Study. This means:

  1. Students are doing homework/classwork/working in groups/etc.
  2. No sleeping, no heads on the desks, no loud talking or socializing
  4. During this time, you are walking around to:
  5. Answer student questions
  6. Check notebooks for organization skills