Solubility Graphs Practice Worksheet Key

Part A

1.  Solubility is the amount of solute that will dissolve in a given amount of solvent at a given temperature.

2.  Solubility curves show the relationship between different solutes and temperature.

3.  Increasing temperature is the independent variable. (x-axis)

4.  The dependent variable (y-axis) is grams of solute mixed in 100 grams or mL of water.

5.  Solutes can be either solids or gases.

6.  Solid solutes increase solubility as temperature increases. The graph line slants upward.

A steeper slant, means greater solubility.

7.  Gas solutes decrease solubility as temperature increases. The graph line slants downward. As pressure increases, solubility of a gas increases.

Part B

Use the graph to answer the following questions.

1.  What is the solubility of KCl at 40oC? 40 grams

2.  Which substance is most soluble in 100 grams of H2O at

20oC KI 80OC NaNO3

3.  Which substance is least soluble in 100 grams of H2O at

20oC KClO3 80OC SO2

4.  At what temperature will 60 grams of the following compounds dissolve?

NH3 18OC KNO3 39OC

HCl 48OC NH4Cl 67OC

5.  Which of the compounds are gases? NH3, SO2, and HCl

6.  The solubility of which compound is most affected by change in temperature? KNO3

7.  The solubility of which compound is least affected by change in temperature? NaCl

8.  The solubility of which compounds decreases as temperature increases? NH3, SO2, and HCl

9.  A solution of 30 g of NaCl in 100 g of H2O is heated to 7OC. Will all of the NaCl dissolve at this temperature? Yes

10.  Suppose 20 g of NaCl are added to this solution. Will this extra solute dissolve? No

Part C

On each graph below, draw a line to illustrate the appropriate solubility curve for the indicated conditions.

Temperature (OC) Temperature (OC) Pressure (atm)

1. Gas in a liquid. 2. Solid in a liquid. 3. Gas in a liquid.



Updated On: 1/4/2009

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