Georgia History

Research Paper Format

  1. First make a title page. It should include the title of your paper, your name, the date and period. There shouldbe graphics that are appropriate to your research subject.It must contain your thesis statement!
  1. Next should come your outline. At the top right hand corner, you will type your name and number it by small roman numerals such as i and ii, etc.
  1. The main body of your research paper should come next. Each page will include your last name and a page number such as Manley 4. You should type the name of your paper on the first line, skip a line, and then begin your introduction. Use your introduction to create interest in your subject, and it will contain your thesis statement. There should be at least 6 body paragraphs and each one should begin with a topic sentence that everything in your paragraph relates to.
  1. The last one or two paragraphs of your paper should be about how you proved your prospectus.
  1. Each paragraph should conclude with a transition to the next paragraph.
  1. Parenthetical documentation is used for each source in your works cited.
  1. There will be three direct quotes in the paper, but all paraphrased material also must be parenthetically documented.
  1. Conclude the body of your research paper by briefly restating your thesis and summing up the main points of your paper. You also need a clincher.
  1. Finally, your research paper should contain a words cited as the last page. All entries should be in proper bibliographic form, and they should be alphabetized by the first word in the entry.
  1. Your research paper should be double spaced.

Remember, your first draft should be as neat, as accurate, and as

polished as possible. IT SHOULD BE YOUR BEST WORK!

  1. Do not use folders, binders, or plastic covers of any kind. Your

research paper should be stapled in the upper left-hand corner and

arranged in the order described on this hand-out.