CPPC Steering Committee Minutes

Tuesday, October 4, 2016


200 S. Howard Street
Indianola, IA50125


Voting Members Present: Bonnie Arnold-Alexander, Bonnie Forsyth, Brian Vanderheyden, Rachel GarnerRoger Netsch

Voting Members Absent:Jovanka Westbrook, Lynette Judd, Nancy Hulgan, Mindie Bentcik & Natalie Montross

Public Present: Joe Burke, Sarah Hohanshelt, Terri Miller, Joe McQuerry, Megan Larson, Chris Villalobos, Megan Bernholtz & Kristin Brekelmans

Approval of Agenda

Rogermoved, seconded byJovanka. Motion carried 5-0.

Approval of Minutes(September 6th)

Bonnie F. moved, seconded by Bonnie A. Motion carried 5-0.

New Business

  1. CPPC/PP Update: Sarah Hohanshelt

Individualized Course of Action

Community Based Family Team Meetings
CPPC Coordinator did not receive any referrals since the September meeting. CBFTMs are still being promoted at each meeting the CPPC Coordinator attends.

Neighborhood Networking


The website is still averaging about 1,500 hits per week. CPPC Coordinator is still sending out weekly updates, updating the website and adding new information daily.

CPPC Coordinator is attending provider meetings in all three counties as well as other various meetings such as the 1st Five Coalition meetings, Warren County Domestic Violence, etc. when schedule allows.

Al’s Pals
CPPC Coordinator has scheduled 12 of 15 fall Al’s Pals visits.

Policy and Practice Change

No updates at this time.

Shared Decision Making Team

Parent Partner Updates

Terri reported that every removal is getting a referral to Parent Partners. For this reason, the number of referrals to Parent Partners has increased.

Recruiting New Members
We currently have two openings for Marion County individuals to serve as voting members. If you or anyone you know is interested in becoming a voting member, please contact Sarah at .

Next Meeting
Joe and Sarah have been asked to present at Immersion 201 on November 1st. For this reason, we will not be holding our November meeting. We will meet again on Tuesday, December 6th.

  1. Updates

Jovanka: Jovanka noted that for the first time in 20 years, Partners in Family Development has a waiting list for Parents as Teachers (PAT). PAT does, however, have lower numbers than usual in Madison County and is taking referrals. The program can serve families prenatally through kindergarten.

Bonnie F.: Sara Tessmer, with Iowa State Extension,is taking referrals for the Family Nutrition Program in Madison County. To participate, families must be 185% of poverty and have a child in 4th grade or below. Sara can be contacted at (515) 462.1001 or for more information.

Chris: United Health Care has new materials available for provider’s use such as cards detailing when to go to the ER vs the clinic, basic information about their (MCO) plan and Sesame Street materials. Contact Chris at if you’d like more information.

Roger: The WeLift computer lab has all new computers. Iowa Workforce Development, Goodwill Career Connection and WeLift are working to plan an event for this spring geared towards those in a career transition. The “reverse job fair” will feature booths such as: how to apply for jobs, resume writing, how to apply online, etc.WeLift will be hosting an open house on October 13th in honor of their 10th Anniversary.

Kristin: Kristin is a Substance Abuse Counselor for Woodward Community Based Services, who now has an office in Indianola located at 1009 S Jefferson Way. Woodward Community Based Services is in the process of becoming certified to offer Children in the Middle classes. For more information on services provided, visit

Veronica: The Warren County Wellness Coalition will meet October 5th at 12:30pm at House of Mercy, 310 N Buxton, Indianola. The Milo Mobile Food Pantry will be held October 13thfrom 4:30-6:30pm at Milo Community Center, 113 Main Street. The Indianola Mobile Food Pantry will be held October 18th from 4:30-6:30pm at the Warren County Administration Building, 301 N Buxton. Flu shots are being offered on a walk in basis at Warren County Public Health from 2:00-4:00pm.The Paper Tigers viewing to be held in Madison County on October 11th is full. Veronica can show the film in Madison County 5 times and Warren County 5 times. Please contact her at if you have a group interested in hosting a viewing of Paper Tigers!The Warren County 1st Five Coalition Meeting will be October 20th at 12:00pm at the Indianola Public Library.The Madison County 1st Five Coalition Meeting will be October 26th from 12:00pm-1:00pm at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Winterset.

Megan: 1st Five in Marion County is compiling a list of all free and family friendly events in the county to create community calendars. Please send information on events happening in Marion County to .

Rachel: PAT was able to start a Baby Box program with extra funding. A Baby Box is a box with a mattress and sheet inside which can serve as a place to sleep for babies when a crib/pack n’ play is not available/attainable. The program is being piloted in Marion County this year with hopes of continuing the program in the years to come. Parents must fill out a short (5-6 question) survey to receive a box for free.

Bonnie A.: On October 25thfrom 5:00-9:00pm, the Child Abuse Prevention Council of Warren County will be holding their annual fundraiser at Pizza Ranch in Indianola. Volunteers are still needed to bus tables!

Motion to adjourn at 1:25pmmade byBonnie F, seconded by Bonnie A. Motion carried 5-0.

200 S Howard Street (515) 468-8181

Indianola IA 50125