MFL NQT conference 15th of June 2009


  1. Use familiar language for new purposes and in new contexts.
  2. Use imagination to express thoughts, ideas and feelings.

The new curriculum does not tell us what to teach exactly, but what skills the students should acquire.

Creativity is at the top of the new curriculum.

summerheightshigh clip on you tube

Madeleine song – Jacques Brel

Listen to song.

Split a page in four.

Draw picture for each paragraph. This is a comprehension exercise that shows if they got the gist of the song. We don’t want to spend a whole lesson going through the vocab!!!

Creative ideas:

  1. Act out
  2. Change some of the words (ex: lilas becomes flowers…)
  3. Pretend you are one of the characters from the song and write their feelings. (Examples: one student has pretended to be Madeleine and wrote the way she felt about being followed by the same man every night! Another student made the character singing the song into a homeless person dreaming about his ideal life)

Déjeuner du matin Jacques Prévert

Get students to act the poem out.

Other ideas: change the tense, add adjectives or adverbs. Adverbs can be used to change the tone of the poem.

Journal des enfants article

Who would be the best actor to impersonate Tintin?

Get students to debate. Possibly ask some students to be one of the actors and say why they would be the best. The rest of the class have to vote. Great to work on the topics of physical descriptions and personality.

Teaching animals in Spanish using CLIL:

Teach about the rainforest and all the unfamiliar animals you can find there!

Teaching the weather:

Link to the topic of environment.

Current events to be made reference to:

World Cup next year!!!

X-Factor finals.

Olympics 2012…

·  Inspire pupils to be creative!

·  Put down your textbook and think!

·  Look for ideas through a variety of resources (poetry, song, literature, ICT…)

·  Discuss contemporary issues and current events.

·  Let pupils elaborate on key structures.

·  Make pupils think and respond to teaching and learning that is interesting, relevant, challenging and enjoyable.

Contexts for KS3 curriculum planning

Curriculum changing in September 2009. The levels will change soon as well, not necessarily in September. They will be assessed on their literacy, oracy and intercultural understanding.

Creative idea:

Make up a soap with a class. They have to create different characters and come up with their personalities, hobbies… This could be done as a big project throughout the year.

Teaching time words:

Get the kids outside to teach them time words. They have to move on a “Timeline” according to the words…

Topic of fashion:

Look at fashion in France/Paris.

Create a catwalk.

Boys could design/talk about sports clothing or they could help with the music, lightning etc… for the catwalk.

Look at different sizes in different countries, prices…

There could be a link with the History of fashion; this would make the kids use different tenses.

Mc Solaar “Victime de la mode”

Film with Audrey Tautou about Coco Chanel.


Make a holiday TV programme.

Find out about French speaking countries…

Talk about climate (link with Geography)

Make a brochure about your town, country etc…

You could send them off to a Tourist Office and ask them to choose one they would actually use.

Create an island! Use of directions.

Make a photo album of a pretend (or real) holiday!

Use Google maps and Google Earth.

Cultural aspect: talk about food of the country…

Relationships with friends and family:

Thinking skills: analyse why you get on with this person but not this one etc…

Create your ideal family

Covers names, introductions, descriptions, personality

Compare and contrast similarities and differences.

Trip and/or exchange.

If trips not possible, web links can do.

PSHE: write name of student at top of a page. Students pass the sheet to each other, and they have to write something positive about the person whose name is at the top. The sheets go back to the named person and they can read the positive things others have said about them.

Les petites annonces d’Elie Semoun.

Data base to create a «dating website». Pupils need to create their profile, and can then access other pupils’ profiles to compare interests... This could result in setting up a speed dating!

Challenging stereotypes: World Cup project. Students are allocated a team and they need to get to know them. They can then recreate the team in wooden spoons or other materials…

Tour de France…

Free time activities:

Score in French and other links with sports.

Interview players from a local football team etc…

Take ten (KS2)

Designing a soap

Puppet show

Teaching handball

Cross curricular links:

Excellent teachers are learners themselves!

CLIL environment

Literacy: book they read in English about a homeless person. The whole school had to come up with an activity to do around that book. Languages looked at the different ways in which homelessness was dealt with in various countries.

“Au revoir les enfants” film.

Teach about feelings, not just opinions!!! (Instead of only c’était + adjective, also teach j’étais + adjective.)

Grégory Lemarchal, talent show contestant in France who died; parallel with Jade Goody. Analyse why this is so emotional etc… Grégory’s songs are quite accessible as well.

French Revolution: look at Hockerill College website. Their SoW is on there. Resources for both French and German.

Assessing Pupil Progress Targets and Afl:

In depth look at pupils’ progress. To be done a maximum of once a term for English, Maths, Science and MFL.

Change to levels and skills assessed: goes down from 4 to 3:

  1. Listening and Speaking
  2. Reading and Writing
  3. Intercultural Understanding

KS3 Framework for Languages:

5 strands for MFL: the three above that will be assessed + KAL (Knowledge About Language) and LLS (Language Learning Strategies). They will all be divided in sub strands that will be the same for each year, but assessed at different levels.

The framework is non statutory, which means we don’t HAVE to work from it. It is a set of guidelines.

PowerPoint ideas:

Insert sounds as WAV. They stay on the PPt, you don’t need to save the files on all the computers you are going to use.

You tube also has a section called Teacher tube. is another programme that helps convert you tube clips. Select WMV format and you can use the videos in a PowerPoint, etc… You can even save the video as an MP3 file if you don’t want the pupils to see the video but just listen to the sound.

Food force



Create a blog on which you can upload students work. Ask them to e-mail the work to you and upload only what you want! They can then peer mark each other. It is a really motivating thing to do as the kids can see who has looked at their work. It is also a great revision tool as students can look at work from other year groups etc…

Glogster (to create posters)