RHA General Assembly Meeting

Tuesday, 22, 2013

  1. Call to Order:at 4:00 pm.
  2. Minutes Approved.
  3. Pledge of Allegiance.
  4. Guest Reports:
  5. Myranda Hodgson introduced a future fundraiser on campus called Non-Hodgskins Lymphoma Fundraiser.From the inspiration from her mother, she organized a donation box, gift bags, and prizes for who do donate towards her fundraiser. Myranda wants RHA to put feedback in on design for the donation boxes and as well as getting the word out to the delegates LT.
  6. Sign –up sheets:
  7. Delegates to sit in on the RHA interview for the coming up school year.
  8. Big Pink Volleyball.
  9. Hall Reports:
  10. Baldwin– Welcome Back program.
  11. Burroughs– Water bottles, and created teams for Freeze Fest.
  12. Hansen – Water bottles disbursement.
  13. Knutzen– Snacks in the Basement, Human Scavenger Hunt, and Single Mingle.
  14. May Roach– Training went good for their LT, and welcomed their new CA’s. They are still in planning for future programs.
  15. Neale– Walk over to text rental, and the disbursement of new water bottles.
  16. Pray-Sims- Rehearsed government meeting, Ice Cream Social, and anopen door contest.
  17. Smith –They had raining for staff, and themed events such as Freeze fest and Harry Potter.
  18. Steiner –Different warrior on floor, Catch up with Your Dog, board games social, first floor had an ice cream social, and chess night.
  19. Thomson – Ninja program, and create your own hot chocolate mix.
  20. Watson –no report
  21. Suites @201- no report
  22. Hyer-Coffee in the lobby on Tuesday.
  23. Old Business:
  24. Lydia explained what Big Pink Volleyball was all about to our new delegates.
  25. Steph reviewed the Tobacco Free legislation for new delegates. We are planning on voting on the legislation for next week’s meeting.
  26. After discussion, Lindsey from Neale wants to know how the new Tobacco Free legislation will be enforced.
  27. URS wants feedback on weather RHA approves the remodeling of the Allen Center in the future.
  28. New Business:
  29. No new business.
  30. Officer Reports:
  31. Steph S., Vice President for Public Relations:
  32. RHA applications are due Feb. 1st and she also encourages them to apply.
  33. Reminder to all delegates to sign up to sit in on the interview process for our RHA executive members.
  34. Updated Facebook page. Also plans on adding our new delegates to the website, and needs pictures emailed to RHA account.
  35. Our calendar will be updated on website.
  36. Recycled Prom is a new program on Facebook.
  37. Michaela, Administrative Budget Coordinator:
  38. Started off with an introduction, and then proceeded by informing all delegates that she has left off where Steph has left with last semester.
  39. Reminder to do office hours.
  40. Michaela will send out feedback slips, and voting rights in an email by next week to all delegates.
  41. She looks forward to working with everyone this semester!
  42. Arielle, NCC/WCC:
  43. WURHA banner is being started. T-shirt design is finally processed.
  44. Josh, Fundraising:
  45. Loft returns are done.
  46. Mandy, Special Events:
  47. Introduced Freeze Fest to the new delegates. Encourages everyone to help out with planning at their meetings, and to get office hours for doing so.
  48. Family day in April 12th and 13th.
  49. Also announced Spring Fest.
  50. Asia, Social and Contemporary Issues:
  51. Free Rice competition was successful and Smith won first place and got a Pizza Party. Also, Burroughs won the blood drive and will also be getting a pizza party.
  52. There will also be a food drive for Freeze Fest.
  53. Sam, NRHH:
  54. They still have not met, and they are working on finding a date to meet.
  55. Lyza, President:
  56. Welcome back everyone!
  57. Lyza hopes the disbursement of water bottles went well, and that the delegates got to know your Green Advocates in the halls.
  58. Advisor Reports:
  59. Julie:
  60. Welcome back!
  61. Julie would like feedback on the LT Winter Training.
  62. She encourages everyone to apply for Executive Board, and to be involved for next year’s Committee.
  63. Mike:
  64. Mike discussed how maintenance has been getting a lot of work orders for heating issues within the rooms.He wants the delegates to pass on the word to their LT to make sure residents are closing their windows, because they believe that is what is causing residents to assume the heaters are not working properly.
  65. Water fountains are installed in all the halls. They plan on installing the water fountains in the basement of each hall.
  66. Wanted feedback on how the distribution of water bottle went.
  67. Representative Reports:
  68. PACSO:
  69. No report.
  70. CHC:
  71. No report.
  72. SGA:
  73. Today, applications have been sent out for President, Vice president and Senate. They are due by 5 pm Friday the 16th.
  74. Debate Tuesday, March 6th through the 8th in the DUC Theater.
  75. Election for President and Vice President and the referenda for Tobacco Policy start March 15thto the 21st. Announcements of the election will take place on the 21st.
  76. UCAPB:
  77. Changed meeting times. .
  78. Wants feedback on Hair Craft, and the Allen Center project..
  79. STF :
  80. No report.
  81. DAB:
  82. Still on the discussion of the Declining Balance meal plan for the future.
  83. Other Business:
  84. Another reminder was put out for all delegates to apply for RHA Exec. for next year.
  85. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 5:04pm.