CPO Status Report Exposes Hypocrisy of ISKCON Leaders


Jan 29 2010, DALLAS, TEXAS, USA (SUN) — Thanks to Sampradaya Sun and Dhira Govinda Prabhu for making "Report on the Status of the ISKCON Child Protection Office" public. Below I have summarized this report by selecting important paragraphs, providing headings and a few comments of my own.

The Task Force Report had loop holes that can be used by abusers who have ‘friends in high places', and these concerns have proven to be warranted:

"Shortly before the Task Force Report was issued, a committee of devotees, separate from the Task Force, critiqued it. The committee's main concerns with the system proposed by the Task Force were that it contained "Loop holes that can be used by abusers who have ‘friends in high places'", and that the body of appeal for CPO Official Decisions is the GBC Executive Committee. These concerns have proven to be warranted."

GBC interfering in high profile cases which touch their Gang Members:

"Though the GBC has allowed the CPO to process and adjudicate the great majority of cases, the few instances where the GBC has intervened are cases involving persons closely involved with the ISKCON power structure. Also, systemic GBC involvement with the appeal system has in several instances caused at least the perception of cronyism and bias towards alleged perpetrators."

GBC strongly resisting prosecution of their friends:

"In addressing cases of neglect of supervision by gurukula headmasters in schools where abuse was extensive, the CPO met with impassioned resistance from GBCs and other leaders who have worked closely with the headmasters, or former headmasters, under investigation. In a first world justice system acting within a society holding contemporary views toward child protection, cases of the supervisors of the managers would likely be processed."

Secular court would have charged supervisors with criminal neglect:

Considering the extent of child suffering and maltreatment in some ISKCON locations, a secular court would very possibly find criminal neglect on the part of the overseers of the administrators.

The Results:

"To date, the CPO has not substantially investigated or in any way adjudicated the cases of upper-level leadership."

Dr. Michael Teague Praising CPO:

"Dr. Michael Teague, a forensic psychologist with the police department of Raleigh, North Carolina, and a leader in the field of forensic psychology applied to child abuse cases, made presentations at two of the 4-day workshops. He stated "I very much applaud the work of the Association for the Protection of Children. I am impressed by your commitment and sacrifice. So many groups do lip service to protection of children, but your organization really epitomizes the ideal of taking action in this area."

However, Dr. Teague does not know what happens after such meetings. There is a layer of management above the CPO which is called GBC, and they interfere, obstruct, over-rule all the hard work, and pay lip service to protection of children.

Culture of accountability missing among the highest level of ISKCON Leaders:

"Despite improvements in awareness and productive action about this issue, a culture of accountability about child protection has not taken root in the ISKCON organization as a whole. Lack of "culture of accountability" refers to an organizational culture that does not necessitate, or even highly value, a call to account for actions or words. Consider, for example, the following actual scenario."

Accused hires GBC Member (who is also ISKCON Minister) to defend him:

"The CPO receives allegations, in the form of first-hand written testimony from the alleged victim, of child sexual abuse that allegedly occurred almost a decade prior. The allegations involved accusations of consensual sexual intercourse on several occasions during a period of about one year with a girl in early adolescence by a middle-aged adult. CPO staff contacts the accused, and begins an investigation. After some preliminary investigative steps, the accused engages a lawyer to represent him. The lawyer is a member of the GBC body and a GBC Minister." [I guess the ISKCON Minister of Justice]

Do you see foxes in charge of the chicken coups?

"The advocate (GBC Member and GBC Minister hired by the accused) for the defense questioned these recommendations, and the local and continental leaders declined for a substantial time period to follow the recommendation of removing the accused from a leadership position."

Content analyst and outside lawyer says accuser is truthful and accused is guilty as charged. But read what the IKSCON leaders say:

"During the months following the issuance of the Official Decision the CPO received many challenges, provocations and denunciations from ISKCON leaders about the Official Decision. One wrote "…I consider the APVC's statement an insult to the intelligence of ISKCON's leadership…There is NO EVIDENCE AT ALL in the APVC's document…"

Note that ISKCON leaders do not want CPO. They want CPO as a lip service only. ISKCON leaders are dragging their feet and obstructing justice.

"On the basis of this case several ISKCON leaders called into question CPO procedures, CPO use of power, the process for selecting panel members for the case, and many other aspects of office functioning."

Some ISKCON leaders want to change evidence criteria (for the benefit of their accused friends, of course):

"Based to some degree on this case there was a move amongst the GBC to adjust the evidence criteria to something more stringent than preponderance. This motion has not succeeded for several reasons, included amongst them that many amongst the leadership are reluctant to make a change that will likely result in more child abusers in ISKCON being found not guilty."

File appeal, ignore the restrictions, and go on as usual:

"Also based to some degree on this case is a move to adjust the appeal system, and a move to review office procedures. At present this situation is, at least to the extent that the CPO staff has been informed, quite muddled, to the point where it seems that restrictions on a perpetrator, as confirmed and defined by a CPO Official Decision, can be suspended simply by submitting an appeal to the GBC Executive Committee."

Justice on Hold!

Accuser can wait until GBC reviews CPO Procedures and accused can keep his post. But note that years have gone by, but GBC has not completed their review of CPO Procedures (even behind closed doors – they cannot talk openly unless their true self gets exposed to public scrutiny):

"The GBC has expressed that appeals are suspended till the CPO procedures are reviewed. Practically, the GBC has not moved forward on appeals for an extended period of time. Though a review procedure has been discussed for years, and the CPO welcomes and invites this, the CPO director was not informed about the review process, or the members of the review team."

Standard Tactic of ISKCON leaders – 'Things are under discussion… just be patient':

"One GBC member suggested that, as per "a USA court of law", the accused should be essentially freed of restrictions during the appeal process, and inquired whether the CPO follows this due process. Others, however, pointed out that, in standard judicial systems, during the appeal process the defendant generally spends time in prison, and it is after arrest and prior to verdict that, for some allegations, bail and freedom from some restrictions may be applied."

ISKCON leaders grasping for ways to stop CPO investigation of their friend:

"In the particular case under discussion, various ISKCON leaders have grasped for ways and means toextricate the accused from CPO investigation and restriction. This discussion is not about the contents of this case itself, but rather it is about the dynamics amongst the leadership, especially in regards to a culture of accountability in child protection issues."

Accused is free until GBC complete review of CPO Procedures:

"Lacking legitimate, rational agency for accomplishing their goals, the leaders simply disregarded their own policies, and allowed, even facilitated, the accused to flagrantly violate the constraints of the CPO decision. Such transgressions were flaunted, as in articles on popular Vaisnava websites proclaiming the accused leading kirtanas at ISKCON functions."

But GBC will not complete their review of CPO Procedures. Their purpose is to hide the crime, protect the criminal, and hang the victim to languish in pain.

Delay, delay, and more delay:

"11/4/03: Response from the CPO Director: "Thank you for your letter sent earlier today. As you know, the GBC decided to hear the appeal (of the accused)l, but to delay the process till after the Mayapur meetings of 2003. Now, I've been informed that they decided to delay the appeal till after completion of a review of the child protection office. I've heard for almost a year that the GBC is planning to review and assess office procedures, but I've not yet heard anything practical about how or when they plan to do this. But they have stated that the case of [ ] will be delayed till they process the office review. I'm sorry you have to experience this delay. I'm sure it's frustrating for you. I'll keep you informed with information as I receive it."

Doesn't Sastra say accuser is as guilty as accused? So let us hang the accuser first. Here is a goodwill reply to the accuser from the GBC Executive Committee Member:

"A member of the GBC Executive Committee, in this and other letters, assured her: "If he has been violating the decision and we receive clear evidence of this, then yes we will take it further…We will also look into whatever sanctions we can impose on [ ] directly, should clear evidence be presented to us confirming what you say is factual."

The demoniac ISKCON leaders do not want to accept the evidence given to them by the CPO, formed by them. Then what do they want? Declare our friend innocent?

"On the day that the CPO Director received the above letter from the member of the GBC Executive Committee, he sent to the GBC member abundant clear evidence, such as website articles depicting the violations of the CPO restrictions, and the implicit, obvious awareness, and apparent complicity of the transgressions, of ISKCON leaders."

For years, the CPO Director has regularly spoken to several members of the GBC body about the apparent lack of integrity, responsibility and propriety about this case. To his request for an "accountable explanation", the reply is:

"A GBC who heard this request responded with belligerence, "Well, you may not get it!" He was apparently incredulous towards the simple appeal for accountable explanation from ISKCON leaders."

ISKCON Leaders are promoting the accused and singing his glories. When one snake is in trouble, other snakes sing his glories. Do you want proof? Hear it is:

"As of the writing of this report the subject of the case under discussion is advertised throughout ISKCON temples as a featured speaker at public events, celebrations, and festivals, and, with the approval of ISKCON leadership, disregards CPO restrictions. One may ask what about the accuser? Well, she is grieving in seclusion and patiently waiting for justice. She has no supporters."

This case in North America --- where so-called ISKCON leaders say one thing but actually act in an opposite way – they are professional liars giving lip service:

"Perhaps the reader has the impression that this case is connected with an undeveloped area of the world where awareness about child protection has not yet been cultivated. Actually, the above case relates to North America. Also, many of the ISKCON leaders mentioned in the scenario have demonstrated enlightenment and sensitivity in child protection matters over the years." [They are professional liars.]

System is intentionally kept in flux to avoid accountability. Selfish scoundrels are busy preserving their positions by hook or crook.

"This case illustrates that, although individuals within the system may act at various times responsibly and prudently in child protection matters, the system lacks a culture of accountability. This lack, when combined with fears and needs inherent in the group dynamic, for acceptance, approval, and maintenance of position, prevents rational decision-making in regards to child protection."

What happened to savopadhi vinirmuktam, tat paratven nirmalam? That is for you the accusers to follow, not for us, the uttama-adhikaris.

"The machinations described in this case are quite typical." [Plotting and scheming is the daily diet of these uttama-adhikaris. Do you get it? You are their guinea pig, for their pleasure.]

How dare you prosecute our Gang Members:

"In many instances where ISKCON leadership has a vested interest in the confirmed or alleged child abuse perpetrator, the intrigues, inconsistencies and paucity of reasonableness are considerably more involved and severe than in this case."

Thanks to Dhira Govinda Prabhu for 6 years of service at the CPO, and all the devotees who served with him. He states:

"I've served as director of the CPO since its start more than six years ago."

At the end, Dhira Govinda Prabhu, CPO director at the time of this report, thanks Ijya Prabhu, Malini Prabhu, and Anuttama Prabhu for their help to the CPO and expresses his hope that the new team of Tamohara Prabhu ( who 'is perceptive and capable, and I am inspired that he has embraced this mission') and Krsna Kesava ('and it has been a pleasure to work with him') will do well."