Watchtower User Manual - 1

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Home Page



View Jobs

Add Jobs

Edit Jobs

Remove Jobs


View Resources

Add Resources

Edit Resources

Remove Resources


View Schedules

Add Schedules

Edit Schedules

Remove Schedules

Last modified: 5/4/2016

Log in

You must log in before using this application. You should log in with an account associated with your Azure Active Directory service.

Home Page

Go to this page by clicking the word “Watchtower” at the top of the screen. In the current implementation, before this page loads, all objects associated with the logged-in user are retrieved from the database at this step.


By clicking the “ViewAlerts” tab at the top of the screen, you can view a list of alerts. Each box contains a separate alert.

The first row contains information about the alert, such as its ID, type, the object it is related to, and the time it was sent.The second row contains the alert message.

You can click on the object’s id number to begin editing that object if you already have it from the database.


View Jobs

By clicking the “ViewJobs” tab at the top of the screen, you can view a list of the jobs received from the database.

Each row contains a job with information such as its ID, Name, Priority, Duration, Start Time and associated Resources.

Click the “Add New” button on the left top to create a new job.

Click “Edit” button in the “Actions” field to edit an existing job. Alternatively, you can also click directly on the JobID to edit the job.

Click “Delete” button in the “Actions” field to remove an existing job.

Add Jobs

Create a new job by filling in the form and pressing the “Save” button.Required fields are marked with a red star.

Click the “Return” button at the top of the form to return to the previous page.

Click the “Save” button at the top of the form to submit the new job.

Click the “Cancel” button at the top of the form to go back to the View Jobs page without saving.

Name: The name of the job.

Start Location: Where the job starts.

End Location: Where the job ends. Can be same as the Start Location.

Type: The type of the job.

Priority: An integer from 1 to 5, where 5 is the highest priority.

Duration: The estimated time taken to finish the job in seconds.

Description: Short description of this job.

Add or Remove Resources: Addresource associations with this job by listing the resource ids separated by commas with no extra whitespace. Ex: 3,4

Edit Jobs

Edit an existing job by modifying the form and pressing the “Save Changes” button. Required fields are marked with a red star.

Click the “Return” button to return to previous page.

Edit the fields and click “Save Changes” to modify the job.

Click the “Remove” button the delete this job.

The system generated Job ID is displayed in the top left corner.

Fields Name,Start Location,End Location, Type, Priority, Duration, Description, and Add or Remove Resources are the same as in the Add Job page.

Status: Shows the status of the job, which is not editable.

Schedule: Shows the schedule this job assigned to, which is not editable.

Start Time:The first box contains the date, in the format Month-Day-Year. The second box contains the hour, in 24-hour time.

Remove Jobs

When you click the “Delete” button, a message box will pop up. Click “OK” to confirm deletion. Click “Cancel” to cancel deletion.


View Resources

By clicking the “ViewResources” tab at the top of the screen, you can view a list of the resources received from the database.

Each row contains a resource with information such as its ID, Name, Type, Location and Quantity.

Click the “Add New” button on the left top to create a new resource.

Click the “Edit” button in the “Actions” field to edit an existing resource.Alternatively, you can also click directly on the ResourceID to edit the resource.

Click the “Delete” button in the “Actions” field to remove an existing resource.

Add Resources

Create a new resource by filling in the form and pressing the “Save” button. Required fields are marked with a red star.

Click the “Return” button at the top of the form to return to the previous page.

Click the “Save” button at the top of the form to submit the new resource.

Click the “Cancel” button at the top of the form to go back to the View Resources page without saving.

Name: The name of the resource.

Type: The type of the resource.

Description: Short description of this resource.

Location: The location where the resource is stored.

Quantity: The quantity of this resource in that location.

Edit Resources

Edit an existing resourceby modifying the form and pressing the “Save Changes” button. Required fields are marked with a red star.

Click the “Return” button to return to previous page.

Edit the fields and click “Save” to modify the resource.

Click the “Remove” button the delete this resource.

The system generated Resource ID is displayed in the top left corner.

The Name, Type, Description, Location, and Quantity fields are the same as in the Add Resource page.

Jobs: The jobs that are currently using or plan to use this resource. You can click on a job id to open the Edit Jobs page for that job.

Remove Resources

When you click the “Delete” button, a message box will pop up. Click “OK” to confirm deletion. Click “Cancel” to cancel deletion.


View Schedules

By clicking the “ViewSchedules” tab at the top of the screen, you can view a list of the schedules received from the database.

Each row contains a schedule with information such as its ID, Name, and associated Jobs.

Click the “Add New” button on the left top to create a new schedule.

Click the “Edit” button in the “Actions” field to edit an existing schedule.Alternatively, you can also click directly on the ScheduleID to edit the schedule.

Click the “Delete” button in the “Actions” field to remove an existing schedule.

Add Schedules

Create a new scheduleby filling in the form and pressing the “Save” button. Required fields are marked with a red star.

Click the “Return” button at the top of the form to return to the previous page.

Click the “Save” button at the top of the form to submit the new schedule.

Click the “Cancel” button at the top of the form to go back to the View Schedules page without saving.

Name: The name of the schedule.

Description: Short description of the schedule.

Add or Remove Jobs: Add jobs to this schedule by listing the job ids separated by commas with no extra whitespace. Ex: 3,4

Edit Schedules

Edit an existing scheduleby modifying the form and pressing the “Save Changes” button. Required fields are marked with a red star.

Click the “Return” button to return to previous page.

Edit the fields and click “Save” to modify the schedule.

Click the “Remove” button the delete this schedule.

The system generated Schedule ID is displayed on left top corner.

The Name, Description, and Add or Remove Jobs fields are same as in the Add Schedule page.

Status: Current status of the schedule, which is not editable.

Remove Schedules

When you click the “Delete” button, a message box will pop up. Click “OK” to confirm deletion. Click “Cancel” to cancel deletion.