The University of Chichester


From: Clive Behagg

November 2012

To: All Staff, Students and Governors

Honorary Awards 2013

The University of Chichester invites nominations for honorary awards, to be conferred at the Awards Ceremonies in 2013.

The Honorary Awards Committee will consider proposals that are appropriate for recommendation to the University’s Academic Board. All nominations are subject to approval by the Board of Governors and the Vice-Chancellor will only contact successful nominees when it has been agreed by Governors to do so.

The Criteria

1. The Mission of the University is to serve the needs of regional, national and international students with a dedication to life-long learning through academic excellence. The Committee will consider persons of national or international eminence whose achievements are relevant to the Mission of the University and whose award would be an inspiration to graduating students.

2. To underline and reinforce its position as a distinctive provider of higher education, within the County of West Sussex, south east Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, Chichester wishes to celebrate the achievement of men and women who have:

2.1. Demonstrated personal distinction and public service and/or

2.2. A connection with the University, West Sussex or the region.

The extent to which honorary degrees from other universities have already been conferred on the individual will be taken into account.

In making recommendations to Academic Board and Governors, the Honorary Awards Committee will take into account the view that such awards should be made on the basis of continuing activities, rather than merely on past contribution to the University, the region, their art, profession or contribution to society. Honorary degrees will not normally be conferred on serving members of staff, however distinguished. The Committee will also be concerned to establish that it is honouring personal distinction, public service, outstanding achievement and contribution and not necessarily in recognition of a good career or a job well done.


If you wish to submit any proposals to the Honorary Awards Committee, you should send to the University Secretary/Clerk to Academic Board, Isabel Cherrett, by 31st January 2013 a reasoned case on behalf of the person, on the form overleaf. You should ensure that complete confidentiality is observed; in no circumstances should the nominated person be informed that his/her name has been put forward. Full contact details must be provided on the form.

Information in your proposal must include:

Nominee’s Name and full Postal Address (work or home) and email address where possible

Reason for Nomination and why this fits with the University’s Mission

Any personal or professional relationship you have with the nominee

Award proposed - Honorary Master of Arts, Master of Arts (Education), Master of Science or, where the nominee is particularly distinguished, an Honorary Fellow (where an Honorary Doctorate would be appropriate).

Any other circumstances which should be taken into account by the Committee.

Any other honorary awards previously granted

A recent CV.

Clive Behagg

November 2012

A list of those who have previously been granted awards is available

CONFIDENTIAL – submit by 31st January 2013

The University of Chichester

2013 Honorary Awards

Nomination Form

To: Isabel Cherrett

University Secretary, The University of Chichester

Bishop Otter Campus, College Lane, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 6PE


Name of Proposer
Name of Nominee for an Honorary Award:
Any personal or professional relationship with the nominee
Proposed Award Please tick box:
Honorary Master of Arts
Honorary Master of Arts (Education)
Honorary Master of Science
Fellow of the University of Chichester

Postal Address of Nominee: ......

...... ……......

Email address...... ……......

Reason for Nomination and fit with the University’s Mission


...... ……......

...... ……......

Is there any particular timing issue related to the Award? ………………………………………………………….

Any other circumstances which should be taken into account by the Committee:

...... …......

...... …......

Previous honorary awards: ………………………………………………………………………………………….

Signed: ...... Date: …………………………….

Academic Department/ Professional Service /Governor/Student/Honorary Award Holder: ……………………

The Committee’s consideration of your proposal will be significantly assisted if nominations are accompanied a full rationale for the Award and an up-to-date CV.

Note: The University currently holds taught degree awarding powers to the level of Master’s degree. In recognition of this, Chichester will award honorary degrees up to the same level. The award of Fellow will be granted in exceptional circumstances or to those who hold the academic title of Dr or Professor.

Attachments: CV Yes/No (please delete as applicable)

Other Information Yes/No

S:\Private\Chief Executive Team\Academic Board\Hon Awards\General\Honorary Award Form 2013 v1.doc