Northwest Kiwanis Board Meeting Agenda

Meeting at MCL Cafeteria March 6, 2012

Board Members: Amy Boyd, Lee Spitzer, John Leutz, , Mike Toomey, George Kirsch,Ed Morgan, Jeanne Palmer, Craig Smith, Jim Cowardin,Jack Gibney, Tim Arnold, Jeff Young, Jim Oyer

Secretary, Jim Cowardin

Club Bills and Board Minutes

Treasurer, Mike Toomey:

Treasurer’s report

MGE: Spitzer:

License Agency: Snellgrove: Report received.

Soccer: Leutz

Soccer coaches dinner March 13

Community Services: Falkenbach:

Item 1

Upper Arlington Parks and Recreation: Request for $4,824.00 for the SNACK Program. We have supported this worthwhile program for the last several years.

Item 2

UA resident, Howard Warner, on behalf of Ohio State Barber Board.Request for funding to support paroled inmates pursuit of a Barber career. We supported this venture last year for $2,100.00. Please refer to the attached request for more details.

Item 3

UA Community Foundation requests funding in the amount of $1,000.00 to support a visit by author Marc Brown on Saturday, April 28th at the AmelitaMirolo Barn.

Service Leadership: Cowardin

Key Club is planning several service projects.

Key Club is requesting $50 for a fundraising project. There will be members of the Key Club attending the meeting.

Builders Club dance was a great success. They made about $500 for the Eliminate Project.

Interclub and Fellowship, Kirsch:

Human and Spiritual Values,Garland

First Lady Project

Club Administration: Spitzer

The club can elect two delegates for the International Convention in New Orleans June 28-July 1. Craig Smith is registered. Bill Snellgrove and Joe Sonderman are already delegates.

Meeting Schedule:

Mar 6 Board Meeting

March 10—Mid-Year Training Conference

Mar 13 Soccer Coaches Recognition

Public Relations/Website: Arnold

Website is operational.

Training session for Amy, Tim and Jim with Alice Hohel was held Thursday Feb. 9 at Audubon Center.

Eliminate Project—Smith

Plan to sell carnations on Mothers’ Day at soccer games--Update


Scholarships: Will


Fundraising, Toomey

Nominating Committee-Falkenbach

Meeting Adjourned

Northwest Kiwanis Foundation Board Meeting Agenda

Meeting at MCL Cafeteria March6, 2012

Board Members: Amy Boyd, Lee Spitzer, Jim Cowardin, Mike Toomey, George Falkenbach (1), Bill Snellgrove (1), Frank Beickelman (2), Mark Garland(2), Glenn Beaber

Secretary: Jim Cowardin

Foundation Bills and Board Minutes.

Treasurer, Mike Toomey:

Treasurer’s Report:

Old Business:

New Business:

