Cherry Juliana Sudartono

HUC 101 #

Profesor Alberta

American Tongues Assignment

1. What is your overall impression of the video/documentary, “American Tounges?”

For me, it’s really interesting how it is that even though people are speaking the same language, but they can sound totally different. And plus, I found that the definision of “dialect” here in the United States is a tad bit different than that in China. In here, dialect is more towards accent in China, dialect could be a totally different language even though the root is still Chinese. For example, Cantonese. Cantonese sounds really different from Chinese. I speak Chinese fluently but I can hardly understand any Cantonese. Overall, it’s really fun watching the documentaries, because I kept thinking “oh wow, are they really speaking English?”

2. What is the video portraying?

I think it is portraying that even though people from throughout the country might sound different even though we are actually speaking the same language, it is by no way a reasons to judge people. We cannot judge people just by the way they talk because it is no less than racisms.

3. Explain the following: If we all are speaking the same language, why do people sound so different as you travel through the USA.

Because, back in the time of the British colonization, different colonists came from different areas in UK, and they all have their own dialects too. So they came all over USA and they influenced the dialects that all the different people in different area of USA has. And moreover, a lot of the old English has been mixed with local slangs and cultures according to he place where the English was heard.

4. Can you understand the men from Tangiers? Explain why you can or cannot?

No. Because their accent is really thick, even thicker than those from Texas or Kentucky.

5. Describe two details from the video that stand out the most for you.

There are two parts from the video that really come to my attention, the first one was when they were showing how as we go across America, we find different sounding people. For example, people from Kentucky, Texas and Ohio sounds very different throughout but what is more important is, people from Northern Ohio finds people from Southern Ohio talks different, this shows how even though they come from the same state they could still sound different. Another part is that how they show that there are some words that are only used in a state. Such as Schlep in New York means to carry around, but if you ask some people from Ohio, they would never know what schlep means.

6. Make a connection and relate to one aspect in the video from something in your own personal experience regarding language.

Well I remember there is one part of the documentary that happens, not for me, but I heard a friend of mine said that to someone else. In one part of the video, there are two good-looking girls, but they’re talking with a thick southern accent. So they said a lot of man said that they really should stop talking because once they open their mouth they’re not good looking anymore. This is what happens for my part, a good-looking Chinese girl was serving my friend and I. My friend noted that she was good looking but then she said something in English with a thick Chinese accent and right after that my friend said “She should’ve kept quiet and stay cute”. So I think that is one aspect from the movie that relates to my personal experience.

7. Name two people that influence the way we speak a language.

According to the documentary, the two people that influence the way we speak a language are our parents and peers (or friends)

8. Explain the following – the way you use language might affect your place or position in the workforce.

The way we use language, whether we speak with accent or not does affect our place or position in the workforce. Having an accent means that you have limitations in the job market. For example a man who speaks Standard English and a man who speaks with southern accent for example could have the same qualifications but the man who speaks Standard English would more likely be hired.

9. Identify two types of language stereotypes emerge from the video?

Two types of language stereotypes from the video are:

  1. Southern accent usually means that the person with the accent is not highly educated or that they are stupid. Also that people with southern accent are usually racist towards African-American and are more ignorant than people who speaks Standard English.
  2. While people who speaks standard English means that they are more educated

10. Having begun to understand some communication concepts, how would you define language to someone who has never had an Oral Communication Course?

I think language is a symbol that people use to represent things with some voice that a lot of people will understand. Language is important because we need some common ground so that people will have no trouble understanding one another so that people can achieve a common goal.