Requirement for Central Government

Departments to pay Suppliers within

15 days pursuant to Government

Decision No. S29296 of 19 May 2009


Quarterly period Apr 2014 –June .2014

Payments made / Number / Value / Percentage
Within 15 days / 5,242 / 18,197,018.64 / 90.55%
Within 16 to 30 days / 516 / 3,566,765.98 / 8.91%
In excess of 30 days / 31 / 92,147.16 / 0.54%
Total / 5,789 / 21,855,931.78 / 100%
Disputed invoices* / 0 / 0 / 0

Quarterly period Jan.2014 – Mar.2014

Payments made / Number / Value / Percentage
Within 15 days / 5,156 / 13,811,170.43 / 92.80%
Within 16 to 30 days / 370 / 2,083,676.88 / 6.66%
In excess of 30 days / 30 / 85,764.41 / 0.54%
Total / 5,556 / 15,980,611.72 / 100%
Disputed invoices* / 0 / 0 / 0


Quarterly period Oct.2013 – Dec. 2013

Payments made / Number / Value / Percentage
Within 15 days / 6824 / 42430454.48 / 91.82%
Within 16 to 30 days / 567 / 4167764.51 / 7.63%
In excess of 30 days / 41 / 90609.79 / 0.55%
Total / 7432 / 46688828.78 / 100%
Disputed invoices* / 0 / 0 / 0

Quarterly period July 2013 – Sept 2013

Payments made / Number / Value / Percentage
Within 15 days / 5602 / 18137999.32 / 90.79%
Within 16 to 30 days / 533 / 3147787.73 / 8.64%
In excess of 30 days / 35 / 34506.79 / 0.57%
Total / 6170 / 21320293.84 / 100%
Disputed invoices* / 0 / 0 / 0

Quarterly period April 2013 – June 2013

Payments made / Number / Value / Percentage
Within 15 days / 5732 / 21187533.89 / 91.90%
Within 16 to 30 days / 479 / 1455241.58 / 7.68%
In excess of 30 days / 26 / 49023.60 / 0.42%
Total / 6237 / 22691799.07 / 100%
Disputed invoices* / 0 / 0 / 0

Quarterly period Jan 2013 – Mar 2013

Payments made / Number / Value / Percentage
Within 15 days / 4340 / 11770541.09 / 86.75%
Within 16 to 30 days / 595 / 1441772.21 / 11.89%
In excess of 30 days / 68 / 141874.38 / 1.36%
Total / 5003 / 13354187.68 / 100%
Disputed invoices* / 0 / 0 / 0


Quarterly period Oct 2012 – Dec 2012

Payments made / Number / Value / Percentage
Within 15 days / 10,019 / 28,030,932.78 / 78.83%
Within 16 to 30 days / 2,320 / 5,143252.82 / 18.61%
In excess of 30 days / 321 / 189,298.97 / 2.56%
Total / 12,660 / 33,363,484.57 / 100%
Disputed invoices* / 0 / 0 / 0

Quarterly period July 2012 – September 2012

Payments made / Number / Value / Percentage
Within 15 days / 8188 / 16738547.38 / 79.26%
Within 16 to 30 days / 1891 / 2667933.11 / 18.31%
In excess of 30 days / 251 / 170621.39 / 2.43%
Total / 10330 / 19577101.88 / 100%
Disputed invoices* / 0 / 0 / N/A

Quarterly period April 2012 – June 2012

Payments made / Number / Value / Percentage
Within 15 days / 7649 / 17978606.54 / 83.48%
Within 16 to 30 days / 1699 / 3353393.91 / 15.57%
In excess of 30 days / 198 / 203697.35 / 0.95%
Total / 9546 / 21535697.80 / 100%
Disputed invoices* / 0 / 0 / 0

Quarterly period Jan. 2012 – Mar. 2012

Payments made / Number / Value / Percentage
Within 15 days / 7590 / 13,153,835.26 / 76.07
Within 16 to 30 days / 2170 / 3,303,095.84 / 21.75
In excess of 30 days / 217 / 230,704.72 / 2.18
Total / 9977 / 16,687,635.82 / 100%
Disputed invoices* / 0 / 0 / 0


Quarterly period Oct. 2011 – Dec.. 2011

Payments made / Number / Value / Percentage
Within 15 days / 11,336 / 31,947,421.26 / 85.91%
Within 16 to 30 days / 1,745 / 4,101,636.98 / 11.03%
In excess of 30 days / 1,613 / 1,136,922.68 / 3.06%
Total / 14,694 / 37,185,980.92 / 100%
Disputed invoices* / 0 / 0 / 0

Quarterly period July 2011 – Sept. 2011

Payments made / Number / Value / Percentage
Within 15 days / 8,692 / 17,395,620.91 / 83.89%
Within 16 to 30 days / 1,490 / 3,305,671.23 / 14.38%
In excess of 30 days / 179 / 166,949.73 / 1.73%
Total / 10,361 / 20,868,241.87 / 100%
Disputed invoices* / 0 / 0 / 0

Quarterly period April 2011 – June 2011

Payments made / Number / Value / Percentage
Within 15 days / 8,895 / 25,402,195.26 / 80.70
Within 16 to 30 days / 1,884 / 5,087,312.28 / 16.93
In excess of 30 days / 256 / 296,703.85 / 2.37
Total / 11,035 / 30,786,211.39 / 100%
Disputed invoices* / 0 / 0 / 0

Quarterly period January2011 – March 2011

Payments made / Number / Value / Percentage
Within 15 days / 8,645 / 20,460,971.04 / 77.74
Within 16 to 30 days / 1,850 / 2,596,322.59 / 16.64
In excess of 30 days / 626 / 1,936,453.30 / 5.62
Total / 11,121 / 24,993,746.93 / 100%
Disputed invoices* / 2 / 1,519.12 / 0.0017


Quarterly period October – December 2010

Payments made / Number / Value / Percentage
Within 15 days / 1,1704 / 32,366,551.75 / 87.63%
Within 16 to 30 days / 1,759 / 7,135,744.77 / 10.51%
In excess of 30 days / 214 / 177,440.19 / 1.86%
Total / 13,677 / 39,679,736.71 / 100%
Disputed invoices* / 7 / 60,354.52 / 0.051%

Quarterly period July – September 2010

Payments made / Number / Value / Percentage
Within 15 days / 9,086 / €17,540,848.87 / 84.95%
Within 16 to 30 days / 1,400 / €4,540,389.50 / 13.22%
In excess of 30 days / 197 / €328,156.46 / 1.83%
Total / 10,683 / €22409394.83 / 100%
Disputed invoices* / 8 / €77,812.47 / 0.07%

Quarterly period April – June 2010

Payments made / Number / Value / Percentage
Within 15 days / 9,250 / €25,025,302.53 / 84.33%
Within 16 to 30 days / 1,434 / €4,422,330.87 / 13.07%
In excess of 30 days / 384 / €444,965.90 / 2.59%
Total / 11068 / €29,892,599.30 / 100%
Disputed invoices* / 8 / €60,906.71 / 0.07%

Quarterly period January – March 2010

Payments made / Number / Value / Percentage
Within 15 days / 8,902 / €15,021,766.20 / 73.37%
Within 16 to 30 days / 1,852 / €3,010,891.26 / 15.26%
In excess of 30 days / 1381 / €1,078,437.70 / 11.38%
Total / 12,133 / €19,111095.16 / 100%
Disputed invoices* / 5 / €39,835.73 / 0.04%

2009 (Part)

Quarterly period October – December 2009

Payments made / Number / Value / Percentage
Within 15 days / 12,902 / €33,142,358.66 / 88.18%
Within 16 to 30 days / 1,562 / €4,343,304.10 / 10.68%
In excess of 30 days / 168 / €302,587.59 / 1.14%
Total / 14,632 / €37,788,250.45 / 100%
Disputed invoices* / 12 / €39,835.73 / 0.08%

Quarterly period July – September 2009

Payments made / Number / Value / Percentage
Within 15 days / 10,220 / €23,839,408.33 / 89.30%
Within 16 to 30 days / 1,097 / €2,963,387.14 / 9.58%
In excess of 30 days / 140 / €216,253.06 / 1.22%
Total / 11,444 / €26,557,157.33 / 100%
Disputed invoices* / 17 / €39,835.73 / 0.15%

*All paid and included in relevant category