
Employee Name Station/Shift Date

Apply a KED and the appropriate cervical spine precautions for an adult involved in a single vehicle collision.
Provide the appropriate care to an adult with chest pains or in respiratory distress who turns into a working code.
Give medication doses, indications, and contraindications for the following medications:
Epi-pen (adult and Jr.)
Demonstrate ability to properly apply a tourniquet
Demonstrate with proficiency all basic fire department knots learned in recruit school while wearing gloves:
Clove hitch around an object
Figure 8 on a bight
Figure 8 follow through
Demonstrate the ability to tie the following equipment for hoisting while wearing gloves:
Pike pole
Straight ladder
Dry hose line
Charged hose line
Deploy a straight ladder and extension ladder off your engine company to a location given by supervisor. Minimum PPE - Helmet and fire fighting gloves
Don PPE within 60 seconds.
Don SCBA within 60 seconds.
Perform all (4) emergency procedures for your SCBA.
Deploy the standpipe/Bundle pack to the third floor to prepare entry into an IDLH and extend with officers pack while wearing full PPE
Complete a SAMPLE transfer request to station 31 using TRMS and specialty application forms. Print a copy to be included in your packet to station officer.
Complete a sample request for smoke detectors and batteries for your GO bag using the proper procedure.
Complete a SAMPLE request for a EMS (BLS only) stand-by for an event at the Germantown Soccer Plex. Print a copy to be included in your packet to station officer.

Written Assignments

A. Policy and Procedures

  1. Describe the scope and intent of the following Command Action Guidelines:

•Bio Agents guide

•MCI Quick Reference

•Threat level Red Guide

Also explain in your words why you think these guides are important.

B. Radio Communications & Dispatch Operations

1.Explain the use of the communications radio talk groups used by Montgomery County.

2.State the radio and/or MDC transmissions to be made by the EMT-B in the following situations:

a) When the ambulance is first on the scene of a reported house fire with nothing evident.

b)When transporting a Priority 3 injured person to the hospital.

c)When requesting the police on a non-emergent basis.

d)When requesting a consult with SGAH concerning a patient with a complicated pregnancy.

3. Explain the preferred method of advising “Montgomery” that a unit is traveling to a specific destination (i.e., to another firehouse).

4. Explain the use of the term "MAYDAY, LUNAR" and give one example of its use. Also explain the use of EB button on the portable radio.

The work in this module is my own, and fully complies with the requirements addressed in the PSTA Recruit Training Rules and the Code of Academic Integrity


Employees’ Signature Date


Station Officer’s Signature Printed Name Date

2015 MCFRS RC40 Probationary Employee Training Program