UAIOOU (Upper Atmosphere Infrared Optical Observing Unit)

(Upper Atmosphere Infrared Optical Observing Unit)
Imaging of Near Earth Infrared Radiation
Team TWSS:
Victor Taberski
Ryan Walker
Allen Marshall
Matt Kerwin
Andrew Winthrop
Steven Ramm
Proposal for Balloon Sat to Photograph near Earth Space star visibility in multiple spectrums.

Team TWSS Roster:

Ryan Walker – Team Czar

Victor Taberski –Systems Engineer

Allen Randolph –Science Engineer 1

Matt Kerwin – Electrical Engineer/Testing Director

Andrew Winthrop–Structural Engineer

Steven Ramm –Science Engineer 2

Mission Statement:

To Create a Balloon Sat unit that will simultaneously image the stars in the Visible and Infrared Spectrum, so that a reasonable comparison of star image quality in the two bands may be obtained at various altitudes.

Technical Overview:

Design Overview:

Due to the innate structure and simplicity our Balloon Sat will be based on a Triangular Prism based on an isosceles triangle 28cmalong one dimension 20cm along two dimensions and 12 cm deep, with the hardware and electronics internal to the Balloon Sat itself. The external Temperature gauge shall be an exception to this. It shall be mounted on the outside of the Balloon Sat’s main structure to prevent potential interference from the thermal insulation, and internal temperature of the main unit. The cameras shall be mounted internally at an angle of 60 degrees above horizontal, with the Infrared Camera mounted above the HP Smart camera. To obtain a view of the stars as it ascends, while maintaining perspective by keeping the horizon within the field of view during the ascent. The timing circuit and HOBO will be mounted on the sides that do not contain a system already. The Recording system for the Infrared Camera will be mounted on the far wall from the cameras to help maintain balance of the unit. The heating circuit will be mounted on the bottom surface as near to the middle as possible to ensure that heat is distributed relatively evenly.


For the purpose of testing our Balloon Sat we plan on engaging in the series of tests set forth by the instructor as well as a few additional tests specific to our Balloon Sat’s design. We shall conduct the standard tests of dropping it from 20 feet, as well as down a set of stairs to test its resistance to shock loads. We shall conduct a swing test to make sure that it will be able to withstand the force it will be exposed to. We shall perform the cold test to ensure it can withstand the temperatures at high altitudes. We shall also perform a test to ensure that the Cameras can log pictures under all of these conditions, and the HOBO will be able to log data under these conditions as well. To ensure that the functionality of our Balloon Sat is not compromised by the near-vacuum it will be operating in we shall test its functions in a vacuum, this shall be done in a in a bell jar.


To ensure that our Balloon Sat does not put any parties at risk we shall design it so that no metal or hard parts are on the exterior (minus the mandatory probes that must extend from its surface) of the unit where they could potentially cause damage on touchdown.

Special Features:

To gather optimal data our satellite will simultaneously take pictures of the sky sing the HP Smart camera, and take infrared pictures of the same view. To get an accurate point by point comparison of star visibility and Infrared detection range the cameras will be mounted side by side to photograph the same region of space/horizon.

General Requirements:

The mission requires that our team carry a digital camera, and an Infrared camera inside the Balloon Sat, to this effect we will mount the cameras inside at an angle of 60 degrees above the horizontal to provide a view of both the horizon and the stars above. We will also be mounting a hobo data logger inside our unit with one internal temperature probe and one external temperature probe to keep a log of both ambient temperature and the temperature of our Balloon Sat itself. All together the Balloon Sat and its components shall not exceed 1000g and the cost of all the components not provided by the instructor shall not exceed $150.


To construct our Balloon Sat we shall use the Hp Smart Camera, an Infrared Camera (with data recorder), Hobo, 3 9V batteries, 4 of AA Batteries, 1 12V Battery, a timing circuit, foam core, Plexiglas, PVC Tubing, washers, Heating circuit.

Weight Budget: 1000g limit

200 Visible Light Spectrum Camera

138g 9v Batteries

32g Heater

33.5g Timer

7.3g Timer Battery

300g Weight Allotment For the Foam core

72.6g PVC Pipe

200g Infrared Camera

983.4g Total

Responsibilities of Each Person:

Ryan Walker- Team Czar: Coordinate all other programs on the project, maintain team budget, schedules meetings, and assist as needed on other projects.

Victor- Systems Engineer: Help with structural design. Keep schedule to ensure that team is on track. Work with other engineers to integrate individual systems together and to debug systems. Ensure Balloon Sat remains within mission guidelines.

Andrew Winthrop– Structural Engineer: Design structure of Balloon Sat, work with fabrication and assembly of parts. Design Passive thermal system. Help where needed.

Matt Kerwin- Electrical Engineer: Design power systems and work with other members of team to ensure that all of the systems will have enough power, also does HOBO programming.

Allen Marshall- Science Engineer 1: Work with Infrared Cameraand ensure that it can log retrievable data during flight, will also program data recorder for this unit.

Steven Ramm– Science Engineer 2: Work with HP Smart camera to make sure it is mechanically and electrically compatible with the rest of the Balloon Sat. Also programs Camera.

Launch Program:

Our Launch Program will consist of prepping the satellite by programming the hobo to start taking temperature and humidity data after a delay. Once the hobo is inside the satellite and we are ready for launch we shall simply flip the two switches needed to get our satellite fully operational. One will get the heater running and the other activating both cameras. It will be important to make sure that all of the batteries are fresh as both the Camera’s and heater have a fairly large power draw and our mission will fail if either of the camera’s goes out and shall likely fail if the heater stops regulating the temperature of our Balloon Sat.


Ryan Walker

Team Czar

Aerospace Engineering Student


9033 Brackett Hall

Boulder, CO 80310-0006

Previous Experience:



Born and raised in Vail, CO and graduate of Battle Mountain High School as Suma Cum Laude while currently attendingthe University in the Aerospace engineering department

Victor Taberski

Systems Engineer

Aerospace/Astrophysics Student


9021 Aden Hall

Boulder, CO 80310-0002



-Machine Shop Proficiency


From Boulder attending the University in the Aerospace engineering department, has an interest in deep space probes and galactic exploration.

Allen Marshall

Science Engineer 1

Astronomy Student



9950 Grove Street Unit B,

Westminster CO, 80031





Born on April 7, 1987, lived in Boulder up through High school. Attended CSU from Fall 05-Fall 06, Front Range Community College from Spring 07-Spring 08, CU Boulder Fall 08-Present.

Matt Kerwin

Electrical Engineer/Testing Director

Aerospace Engineering Student


9054 Aden Hall

Boulder, CO 80310-0002

Previous Experience:

-Introductory CAD and Technology courses


From West Orange, NJ attending CU-Boulder, undergraduate in Aerospace Engineering department and member of NROTC with an interest being an astronaut.

Andrew Winthrop

Structural Engineering Student

Aerospace Engineer


9094 Willard Hall

Boulder, CO 80310

From Santa Monica, California and attending University of Colorado at Boulder and studying Aerospace Engineering in hopes pursuing a career in designing aircraft and rockets for the military.


Science Engineer 2

Aerospace Engineering Student


9110 Willard Hall

Boulder, CO 80310

From Littleton, Colorado. Is currently an Aerospace Engineering student at CU Boulder working on projects such as the Microgravity Proposal with CUSEDS. Wants to work for an aerospace company upon graduation in order to work on space oriented projects such as lunar bases and Mars exploration.

Budget: $150.00 limit

$0.00 – HOBO

$0.00 – Foam Core

$0.00 – Heater (3 9V batteries)

$0.00 – Timing Circuit (1 12V battery)

$0.00 – Cannon Digital Camera

$60.00 ≈ Infrared Camera

$0.00 – Aluminum Tape

$0.00 – Space Blanket Sheeting

$0.00 – Insulation

$0.00 – Central Tube

$20.00 – Transparent Material (i.e. Plexiglas)

$0.00 – Extra Batteries

$80.00 – Total

Team TWSSPage 1