
1. Who Can Enter?

This category is aimed at smaller, independent Yorkshire businesses that produce or make local food & drink, or artisan crafts and art.

This could include but not exclusively: Yorkshire produce such as:

  • food products
  • ales and other beverages
  • vineyards
  • pottery
  • craft
  • art

Entries must demonstrate creativity in their use of local ingredients and materials, consistent quality in the delivery and presentation and creative marketing.

All applicants must be members of Welcome to Yorkshire.

Applicants Name:

Name of Business/Property:

Date the Business was Established:

Participation in any relevant schemes:



Email of the business:

Email of the person to contact for requests:

(if different from Email of the business)

Name and email address of business owner:


The answers to the following questions form the basis of your submission to the White Rose Awards 2017. Supporting documentation is helpful to illustrate your answers and may include customer feedback, extract from promotional material, sample leaflet, quality images etc. IMPORTANT – please restrict your supporting documentation to 6 carefully selected pieces and include them in separate plastic inserts at the back of your application form.By inserting them back to back you will effectively be showing 12 pieces

If you would like to provide samples of a selection of your products for the Judging Panel to taste, please include with your entry.


We believe that our business should win this award ……………

2. Commitment to Excellence

Use of local produce: entrants must be committed to using or producing local produce, growing their own produce or supporting local businesses who source their provisions from local producers, whether all, or in part and have made positive steps to contribute to their local economy (within a 30-mile radius or nearest possible source). The main focus of this award will be as above but consideration will also be given to the use of local services and employment of local people.

  1. Describe your business and the range and nature of the products. Give details of

How you market your products and where you sell them. What is your unique selling point?

Answer: (strictly max 250 words, any words above this limit will not be considered

  1. What is your ethos, culture and aims for your business and its

product/produce? Describe how you measure your success against this?

Answer: (strictly max 100 words, any words above this limit will not be considered)

  1. Describe any quality systems you have in place forensuring that the end product is

of the highest quality. How do you benchmark/measure the quality of the products you produce? Give details of how you source your products and your criteria for sourcing suppliers?

Answer: (strictly max 250 words, any words above this limit will not be considered)

  1. Give details of how you believe your business contributes to the local community.

Answer: (strictly max 200 words, any words above this limit will not be considered)

3. Staff Development & Customer Service

Staff should have completed customer service training courses or the establishment should have participated in awards for good practice. Please identify in your answer any schemes or awards for either the establishment or individuals.

The judges will be looking for examples of how the training has been put into practice and how it has improved services to customers. Investment in training must have taken place within the last three years. Investment is defined as investment of money and/or time.

Judges will be looking for clear evidence that your customer service is of a high quality through encouragement of new ideas and initiatives and a clear commitment to staff training.

  1. Where appropriate, what investment has been made in staff training and development within the last three years? How has this improved the experience you offer? Give details of any incentive schemes for staff to contribute ideas etc?

Answer: (strictly max 250 words, any words above this limit will not be considered)

4. Creative & Effective Marketing

The judges will be looking for initiatives and fresh ideas during the last two yearswhich have brought in new or repeat business. Information should be included on the success of these initiatives. The judges need to know how you capitalise on the unique selling point of your business.

  1. Give details of how you target new business and ensure you continue to attract repeat business. This might include working with other businesses in partnership, PR , web improvements, etc

Answer: (strictly max 250 words, any words above this limit will not be considered)

5.Judging Process

Please read thoroughly

Your entry will be judged on the clarity and relevance of your answers to the questions in this application form. We only require 6 relevant pieces of supporting documentation to support and enhance your answers. Please bear in mind, the judges have approximately 200 applications to read through and to assist them it is imperative that you do the following:

  1. Use a lightweight plastic A4 ring binder file (not a lever arch file).
  1. Put your 6 pieces of supporting documentation after the individual pages of the application form in separate plastic file inserts.By inserting them back to back you will be able to show 12 pieces.
  1. Make your application easy to read. Place the individual pages of the application form and supporting documentation into separate plastic inserts as this prevents the judges from having to remove information when they assess your entry. The Judges will also look at your website and social media to help to get a feel for your business.
  1. Remember – write your answers with the same PASSION you feel for your business!

Please note: the judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into regarding the outcome of the final awards decision.

If you are unsure about any aspect of the WRA process, please email Claudine Shaw on