California Department of Education

February 5, 2016

Overview of the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement
Data SystemAdequate Yearly Progress Reports for Data Corrections
/ The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of the two Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Reports in the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) and how to leverage these reports to correct demographic, program participation,and enrollment/exit datain CALPADS.
/ There are two types of CALPADS AYP Reports:
  1. CALPADS AYP Summary Report (LEA and School Reports): Counts of students included in the AYP calculations for LEA/school.
  1. CALPADS AYP Detail Reports (LEA and School Reports):
  • Listing of student records that were processed in AYP along with the student group assigned for accountability purposes
  • Inclusion/Exclusion code for each student record; whether it was flagged as Enrolled, Tested, Valid, or Proficient in English-language arts/literacy (ELA)/Math

These reports indicate which students are included in the AYP determination and thestudent groups they are assigned for accountability purposes. These reports will help LEAs and schools identify any discrepancies between their local student information systems (SIS) and CALPADS.
LEAs and Schools Included
/ The 2014–15 CALPADS AYP reports include all schools and LEAs that received a 2015 AYP Report.
Definition of Enrolled, Tested, Valid, and Proficient
/ Enrolled –The total number of students enrolled in grades three through eight and/or eleven during a school’s testing window. The Enrollment During the Testing Window is used in determining the participation rate. A school’s testing window begins when the first student at the school completes a computer-adaptive test (CAT) or performance task (PT) (in either content area) and ends on the last day of the academic year.
Tested – The total number of students in grades three through eight and/or eleven who participated in the statewide assessments for a content area (ELA and mathematics). A student must have logged on to both the computer adaptive test (CAT) and performance task (PT) of each content area in order to be counted as participating. The Number of Students Tested is used in determining the participation rate.

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California Department of Education

February 5, 2016

Valid –The number of students with test results who have been continuously enrolled in the school, LEA, or student group for a content area (ELA and mathematics). Continuous enrollment is when a student is enrolled at the same school from October 2014 Fall Census Day to testing without a break in enrollment of more than 30 consecutive calendar days. Enrollment data are taken from CALPADS and the testing dates are provided by the testing vendor.
Proficient – The number of students with valid scores at or above the proficient level of performance for a content area (ELA and mathematics).For the 2015 AYP, only the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments were used for percent proficient determinations. Students who had performance results of “Standard Met” and “Standard Exceeded” were included in the count for “at or above proficient.”
Direct Funded Charters
/ The majority of charter schools and authorizing LEAs will be able to access the CALPADS AYP reports in the same manner that they currently access any CALPADS reports. However, there are two scenarios where the charter school and authorizing LEA must work together to provide appropriate report access to either the charter school or authorizing LEA:
  • The authorizing LEA (LEA of Accountability) will not be able to view the AYP reports of locally funded charter schools that report data directly to CALPADS (Independently Reporting Charter [IRC] schools). In order for the authorizing LEA to view reports, the IRC must create an account for the authorizing LEA.
  • The direct funded charter school (LEA of Accountability) will not be able to view its AYP reports if it reports data to CALPADS through its authorizing LEA. In order for the direct funded charter school to view reports, the authorizing LEA must create a school level account for the charter.

Correcting Demographic Data
/ LEAs should review the demographic, program participation, and/or enrollment/exit data in the detailed reports and correct errors in the CALPADS Operational Data Store (ODS) by the end of business on
February 26, 2016.
Any data correction can potentially impact AYP reports and/or Program Improvement (PI) status. LEAs should make corrections to accurately reflect the student population(s).
LEAs can correct student demographic data (e.g., race/ethnicity), program participating (e.g., EL), and enrollment/exit codes in the CALPADS ODS.
Location of the CALPADS AYP Reports
/ These reports can be accessed from CALPADS. In the screenshot below, the reports can be accessed by scrolling on the top menu to the Assessment tab, under the Reports and Extracts submenu, select Assessment Reports option. The screen caption below highlights the location of these reports:

Under the AYP/API Reports header in the screenshot below, LEAs can access the summary reports (32.1 AYP District Inclusion and 32.3 AYP School Inclusion Summary) and detail reports (32.2 AYP District Inclusion Student Detail and 32.4 School Inclusion Student Detail).

Generating and Downloading the Reports
/ Once a report is selected, LEAs can apply specific filters for the report they want to generate (e.g., county, LEA, school, and test subject).
Note: LEAs have to run separate reports for Math and ELA.
LEAs can download the report by selecting the download icon and choosing from the available file formats. The reports can be downloaded in the following file formats:
  • XML
  • CSV (comma delimited)
  • PDF
  • MHTML (web archive)
  • Excel
  • TIFF file
  • Word

Linking Local Student Data to the CALPADS AYP Detail Reports
/ The CALPADS AYP Detail Reports can be linked using the Statewide Student Identifier (SSID), Unique Identifier (UID) or local student ID to the ETS Assessment file and/or the local student information system (SIS) for comparing demographics and program information.
For more information on the LEA and school CALPADS AYP LEA and School Detail Reports, please see the document The CALPADS AYP LEA and School Detail Reports. This document will provide more information on how to use these reports to identify data errors.
Identifying Errors
/ Once the CALPADS AYP reports are linked to your local student information data file, look for discrepancies:
  • Compare aggregate number for each student group
  • Compare the data in CALPADS AYP reports to the information provided on the ETS Assessment file.

Account-ability Rules for Student Groups
/ Race/ethnicity – race/ethnicity data in CALPADS. The race/categories used in accountability reporting are:
  • American Indian or Alaska Native (=100)
  • Asian (=200)
  • Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander (=300)
  • Filipino (=400)
  • Hispanic or Latino (=500)
  • Black or African American (=600)
  • White (=700)
  • Two or more races (=800)
EL – students identified as EL based on results of the California English Language Development Test (CELDT) or students who were reclassified fluent English proficient (RFEP) within the past three years (i.e., the student’s reclassification date is after April 15, 2012).
Socio-economically disadvantaged (SED) - students are classified as SED if:
  • Both parents have not received a high school diploma, or
  • The student is eligible for the free or reduced-price lunch program, also known as National School Lunch Program (NSLP) or has a direct certification for free or reduced-price meals, or
  • The student is migrant, homeless, or foster youth
Students with disabilities (SWDs) – students who are currently receiving special education services and students who have exited special education within the last two years are identified as SWDs.
Free and Reduced Price Meals (FRPM) – If a student is enrolled in the NSLP for any portion of the academic year at the school where the student is tested, the student is considered part of the NSLP program and will be included in the SED student group for accountability purposes. The academic year spans from July 1 to June 30.
Reassigned Special Education Records– A SWD, with a valid district of residence code in CALPADS and who is enrolled in a special education school or special education program (school code is ‘0000001’), is included in the district of residence accountability results. SWDs, with a valid district of residence code in the ETS assessment file and who is enrolled in a special education school or special education program, is included in the district of residence for accountability results.
Unmatched Statewide Student Identifiers (SSIDs) – If a student answer document (paper test) could not be matched to a student record in CALPADS, the student will be assigned in the “Two or More Races” student group and will not be considered for program participation (i.e., SWD, SED, and EL).

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