Southampton Voluntary Services
Organisation Registration Form
Organisation name
AddressThe address where the organisation is based. If you are the local branch of a national organisation, please provide the address of your branch.

Line 1:

Line 2:

Town: County: Postcode:
Geographical area covered by your organisation:
Website address:
Contact for the organisation


Job title: Telephone:
Email: Fax:
Directions By foot, car, public transport
Purpose or Mission Statement
We have one simple aim: to ease the burden of childhood cancer on children, young people and their families.
Activities of the Organisation (Thisdescription of your organisation will appear on thedo-it website)

Please complete the agreement document overleaf then turn to the volunteer opportunity form to register your opportunities with us. Please use a separate form for each opportunity.

Southampton Voluntary Services
Registration Agreement

This agreement sets out guidelines of good practice by Volunteer Involving Organisations and Hampshire Volunteer Centres in our work together to recruit volunteers. Hampshire Volunteer Centres will help and advise you to ensure that you have in place all the policies and procedures consistent with good practice.

Your commitment to us on registering:

  • New and prospective volunteers will be given a named contact within your organisation. This will help a new volunteer to settle and become part of your organisation
  • Good role descriptions will be provided and, where circumstances change, the Volunteer Centre will be informed (e.g vacancies filled, volunteer roles or contact personnel changed)
  • References will be obtained for all new volunteers and, where appropriate, CRB and ISA checks will be made as part of your recruitment process

The recruitment process will also include new volunteers being made aware of policies and procedures within your organisation, which will include:

  • Volunteer induction
  • Health and Safety and relevant risk assessments
  • Fire Safety
  • Equal Opportunities Policy
  • Volunteer Policy
  • Confidentiality Policy
  • Insurance cover for volunteers

Your local Volunteer Centre will provide advice and information on the formulation of these policies and procedures.

Our commitment to you on registering is to:

  • Promote your organisation and your volunteering opportunities within our area
  • Keep you informed of any interest shown in your opportunities and follow these up as soon as possible within five working days
  • Gather feedback from any potential volunteers and keep your organisation informed of the results
  • Add any new opportunities to our database and to review and update annually the existing opportunities and the information we hold on our database about your organisation
  • Offer your organisation and your volunteers individual support, training and development. This may be provided by signposting you to other relevant and appropriate organisations

Please sign this agreement to acknowledge that you have read and understood these good practice guidelines and that you will work towards achieving the highest possible standards for recruiting, managing and developing volunteers within your organisation.

Volunteer Involving Organisation
Date: / Volunteer Centre
Volunteering Development Team
Southampton Voluntary Services

Data protection statement:Our database is maintained for the purpose of referring and placing volunteers with organisations. The only details of your organisation that will be published or placed onto relevant websites are your organisation name and contact details, the aims and activities of your organisation and details of volunteering opportunities. We will pass on organisation and opportunity information to individual volunteers on request. Volunteer Centres will not sell or give out mailing lists to a third party. We may compile statistical data from time to time but this will not include references to particular individuals. You have the right to see any information about your organisation that is held on our database.