Established in 2002, the Global Partnership for Education (“Global Partnership” or GPE), formerly the Education for All Fast Track Initiative, has grown and evolved to become the premier partnership focused on basic education in developing countries. Its members include 59 of the world's poorest developing countries, over 30 bilateral, regional, and multilateral agencies; development banks; the private sector; civil society groups; and teachers organizations. The GPE Board of Directors, the Global Partnership’s governing body, sets its policies and strategies and approves all funding.

The Global Partnership provides its developing country partners support to build and implement sound education plans. In this respect, GPE manages trust funds that have allocated approximately US$ 3.1 billion since its inception. The Global Partnership aims to achieve Education for All by efficiently using international and national resources and matching donors’ priorities with developing countries’ own education goals and strategies.

The GPE Secretariat, which includes approximately 65 staff and 10 consultants, is hosted by the World Bank in Washington, DC.

As a consequence of the overall decline in donor aid to education and the growing need for such support, the GPE Secretariat aims to increase the number of donors contributing to the GPE Fund. To be successful in this effort, the Secretariat is hiring a short-term consultant to conduct a comprehensive analysis of potential new donors to the Fund and to provide recommendations based on the evidence where the greatest potential lies for GPE engagement (and where it does not currently). The consultancy will be for 20 days.


The consultant will analyse three categories of potential new donors to the Global Partnership: 1) new EU Members States in Central and Eastern Europe, with a focus on Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia; 2) “BRICS” countries: Brazil, India, China, and South Africa (Russia is already a GPE donor); 3) “MINT” countries: Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria, and Turkey. This analysis should draw on the experiences of how other global funds have successfully attracted such new donors. Additionally, the consultant will provide in the report an overview of the newly created BRICS Development Bank and draw early conclusions on the possible implications of the new Bank, particularly in relation to the education sector. The report will also include an analysis of those countries where engagement with GPE as a donor is not yet likely but where there may be the potential for collaboration at a technical or knowledge-sharing level.

The consultant will produce a report which analyses how these countries prioritize development (and education within that), the scale of their aid, and how they deliver this aid (bilaterally, multilaterally, aid tied to trade, etc.); and what opportunities there may be for the Global Partnership to engage with them in terms of resource mobilization for the Global Partnership Fund, for education finance more broadly, and in the area of knowledge-sharing. The recommendations should identify the top one or two countries within each category that hold the most potential for donor engagement and provide information as to where best to initiate the engagement, e.g. the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, or a development agency.



20 days between October 6, 2014, and November 14, 2014.

Reporting Relationship

The consultant will report to the Donors Relations Officer for Europe


·  A written report as defined above, to be delivered no later than November 14, 2014.

·  A presentation to the GPE Donor Relations Team on the findings of the study. This will be done in person if the selected candidate is in the Washington, DC area, or by teleconference if located elsewhere.

Selection Criteria

·  Education: master’s degree or higher in a relevant field, with proven research and writing skills

·  The consultant will have experience in development/donor issues

·  A good knowledge of the Global Partnership, the education sector (basic education), and emerging donors

Please send CV to David Bridges at .