Mayor Pittman called the meeting to order at 7:00pm and announced a quorum. Council Members present were Tim Robison,Leeanne Mackowski, and Sam Eason. Council Members absent were Ronnie Moore and Dawn Davis. Staff Present: City Secretary Angie Young; City Attorney Tim Sralla; Police Chief Sam Love; and Public Works Director Lance Petty

Council Member Robison gave the invocation and Mayor Pittman led the assembly in the pledge of allegiance.

Citizens Presentation

Tommie Eason asked those in attendance to join her in wishing Council Member Mackowski a Happy Birthday.


Mayor Pittman announced that the city office would be closing at 2:00pm the 23rd, and will also be closed November 24th and 25th for Thanksgiving. She also noted that the Community Survey was mailed out and that the last meeting of the year will be the December 8th meeting. She noted that Ryder Warren of NISD would be at that meeting to talk about the state of the school district.


Mayor’s State of the City Address

Mayor Pittman distributed a copy of this document to council. She explained that it gives an overview of the status of the city and provides accountability and went over the highlights, including; statistics; budget; upcoming audit; new businesses; new homes; the tax roll back and the reduced city budget as a result; the completion of the Community Improvement Plan; remodeling at Public Works, the Fire Department, and eventually City Hall; the completion of the Civic center Pavilion; and the proposed Prairie Point Development. She outlined the goals for the coming year as continued evaluation of the city facilities, evaluating the number of staff required, continuing to utilize the Community Improvement Plan to maintain and upgrade the infrastructure, market a professional image, a website upgrade, and monitoring of finances.

Mayor Pittman gave some background on the asbestos in City Hall. She said it must be encapsulated or removed, noting it will cost approximately $16,000.00 to remove it. Council Member Robison said if we ever wanted to sell or lease the building we cannot without removing it. After some discussion Council Member Mackowski made a motion to have the asbestos removed and Council Member Robison seconded the motion. All voted aye, the motion carried.

Rebuild of City Hall

Item tabled until December meeting


Eddie Aguilar of Jacob and Martin addressed the status of the bid, noting that it will go in the paper in the next two weeks and also on their website. He also described the bidding requirements as discussed with FEMA representatives. He also noted that the bid states that the project will be complete in 90 days.

Water Quality Issues

Public Works Director Lance Petty spoke to his meeting with Walnut Creek, noting that they did not seem interested in the ideas presented to them for treatment by Jacob & Martin experts. He also said he contacted TCEQ for assistance and he believes this will help also. Mayor Pittman asked about doing a water study to see about drilling wells and Mr. petty said he had knows a guy that would do and not even charge for it. He also said there are grants we could look into.

Employee PTO

Mayor Pittman went over the details of the revisions to the employee’s vacation and sick time policy. She noted that it will accrue in hours since the police have different hours than other departments. Council Members Eason and Mackowski were in favor of including sick time in PTO. Mayor Pittman said they would be able to carry over 40 sick hours and 42 sick hours for police. She also said the effective date would be December 1st. Council member Mackowski made a motion to approve the Ordinance revising the time off policy for employees as discussed. Council Member Eason seconded the motion. All voted aye, the motion carried.

Animal Control

Mayor Pittman announced that a flyer went out in the water bills informing citizens of the animal registration policy. She said this will police and code compliance time to rev up for enforcement. She also noted that some revision may be needed to the number of animals allowed per ordinance. Citizen Robin Holmes said she would donate $1000.00 towards a shelter.

Council Seats

Council Member Eason addressed the reasons for going to this way of electing council, noting that it would allow people to run for a specific place, or against a specific person. He also noted that most surrounding cities already vote this way. Council Member Robison voiced his concerns that all council needs to be present before moving forward on this. Council Member Robison made a motion to move the item to the December 8th council meeting. Council member Mackowski seconded the motion. All voted aye, the motion carried.


Addition of Parker Straus for legal services

Mayor Pittman explained that this is only for matters relating to legal issue with Walnut Creek Utility District. Council Member Eason made a motion to approve the mayor to proceed with discussion with Parker Straus regarding this matter and Council Member Mackowski seconded the motion. All voted aye, the motion carried. Attorney Tim Sralla noted that his firm would not be representing Walnut Creek Utility District on this matter.

Hilltop Securities

Attorney Sralla said he would approve of going ahead with this agreement subject to the changes he suggested. Mayor Pittman said this give Hilltop Securities to authority to represent us. Council Member Eason made a motion to enter into an agreement that includes the attorney’s revisions with Hilltop Securities. Council Member Mackowski seconded the motion. All voted aye, the motion carried.

Deed for abandoning road to Best Used Trucks

City Secretary Young explained where the road is and why Mr. Walker has requested that it be abandoned to him. Attorney Sralla said we will need an ordinance to allow this. Council Member Mackowski made a motion to approve an ordinance abandoning the section of Denton Street to Best Trucks. Council Member Robison seconded the motion. All voted aye, the motion carried.

Planning & Zoning Vacancy

Mayor Pittman announced that Bill Childress had to resign from the Planning & Zoning Commission. Council Member Mackowski made a motion to accept the resignation of Mr. Childress. Council Member Robison seconded the motion. All voted aye, the motion carried.

Filling Vacancy on Planning & Zoning Commission

Mayor Pittman said there were two applications for the vacant position, one from Amanda Johnson and one from Flann Bailey. Council Member Eason asked question of Mr. Bailey – Ms. Johnson was not present. Mr. Bailey said he has experience in planning but not on a board and that he also has experience with construction. Council Member Mackowski made a motion to accept Flann Bailey’s application for appointment to the Planning & Zoning Commission. Council Member Robison seconded the motion. All voted aye, the motion carried.

Wise County Appraisal District agreement for collection Services

Mayor Pittman explained that this is an agreement for the assessment and collection of our property taxes by Wise County Appraisal District. Council Member Mackowski made a motion to approve the agreement for assessment and collection of taxes by Wise County Appraisal District. Council Member Robison seconded the motion. All voted aye, the motion carried.

ERCOT Agreement

City Secretary Young explained that this is something that will aid the city in negotiations with the Public Utility Commission. Attorney Sralla previously said it was a good idea and shows good faith. Council Member Mackowski made a motion to approve the agreement and Council Member Eason seconded the motion. All voted aye, the motion carried.

Water Rate Increase

Mayor Pittman announced that on October 6th we receiveda letter from Walnut Creek notifying us of a .10 cent per thousand increase on water rates. Council Member Eason said if we did not pass it on that based on the number of connections that would be about $12,000.00 a year. Mayor Pittman said we did not budget that and we still have to maintain and make improvements to the system. Council Member Eason made a motion to approve the ordinance for increasing water rates with the attorney revisions and Council Member Robison seconded the motion. All voted aye, the motion carried.

AMR Meter Systems

Public Works Director Petty gave a brief explanation of this system, stating that it is automated and they can be retro fit on to the existing meter. He said it is the same type of feed as a cell phone and it will pay for itself in the amount of time saved and that it can be monitored daily by the customer as well. He noted the cost as about $285.00 per meter and can be phased in a little at a time but that with the new development we will not be able to manually read much longer. MayorPittman said there was an article in the TexasTown and Country publication about meter accuracy and grants available for this. Petty said he can set up a presentation.

Municipal Complex

Council Member Robison said this goes hand in hand with the issue at City Hall. Mayor Pittman we can look into bonds or other funding for remodeling the old school. Council Member Eason said we will need to call the election by Feb. 1st to put a bond on the ballot. Mayor Pittman said we will need to get quotes to get a plan and there is not money to even start a plan. Engineer Eddie Aguliar said there are some funding applications they can help with and we will also need a grant administrator to do this.

Sale of Excess City Property

Mayor Pittman said this was requested by the Police Chief to eliminate property not being used. Attorney Sralla advised that an itemized list is not necessary and any miscellaneous property can be sold by the city based on any guidelines set forth by the city. Council Member Robison made a motion to authorize the sale of excess city property and Council Member Eason seconded the motion. All voted aye, the motion carried.

List of Community Events

No Action. Item moved to next meeting.

Tree Lighting by Veteran’s

Mayor Pittman said this is scheduled for December 7th from 4:00pm – 7:00pm and they will need council approval to allow them to utilize city electricity. Deborah Becraft of Rhome Veteran’s Group said the tree will be under the pavilion, the lights are times, and the ornaments are shatterproof. She also said the tree will be up from December 3rd through December 31st and will be taken down January 1st. Council Member Eason asked if there would be any donations to which Ms. Becraft noted that there is a $1.00 donation to veterans. Council Member Eason questioned whether a non-profit could sell items. Attorney Sralla said not if all they are doing is selling ornaments and it is not tied to the display. Council Member Robison made a motion to authorize the Rhome Veteran’s Group to utilize the electricity at the park to light the tree and Council Member Mackowski seconded the motion. All voted aye, the motion carried.

Employee Evaluations

Mayor Pittman advised that all employee evaluations had been completed and any raises were within the budgeted amounts.


There being no further business, at 10:23pm CouncilMemberRobison made a motion to adjourn and Council MemberMackowski seconded the motion. All voted aye, the motion carried.


Passed and approved on this the 8thday of December, 2016


Michelle Pittman, Mayor


Angie Young, City Secretary

Unofficial until approved by council