The Pigman


Paul Zindel


6.1- respond to some of the material they read or view by questioning, connecting, evaluating, and extending

6.2- express and support points of view about texts and about issues, themes, and situations within texts, citing appropriate evidence

Study Guide

Section 1 Chapters 1-2 Pages 1-13

1. Why are John and Lorraine writing this story?

2. Why was John known as the “Bathroom Bomber?” What was the “supercolossal “ fruit roll?”

3. How does Lorraine seem to feel about John?

4. What is Lorraine’s mother like?

5. Why does Lorraine feel sorry for Miss Stewart, the typing teacher?

Vocabulary: paranoia, compulsive, commemorative, compassion

Chapters 3-4 Pages 14-25

1. Would you say that John is conceited? Why or why not?

2. What are Lorraine’s impressions of Dennis and Norton?

3. According to Lorraine, why did Mr. Pignati stay on the line?

4. Why did John get interested in Mr. Pignati?

Vocabulary: sanitarium, marathon, syndrome, disinfectant

Section 2 - Chapter 5 Pages 26-39

1. Why didn’t John want Norton to know about the L&J Fund?

2. What is said by John that foreshadows that Norton is involved in the death of the Pigman?

3. What do you know about John’s relationship with his parents?

4. How did John convince Lorraine to go to Mr. Pignati’s to collect the money?

5. Why was the book entitled, The Pigman?

Vocabulary: demented, phenomenal, juvenile delinquent

Chapter 6 Pages 40-53

1. Where is Lorraine’s mother?

2. Why does Lorraine wear Ben Franklin glasses?

3. What were the “bad omens” at the zoo?

4. How did Mr. Pignati describe Bobo to John and Lorraine?

5. How does Lorraine feel about zoos?

Vocabulary: omens, antagonist, terminal, dentures, anxiety

Section 3 - Chapters 7-8 Pages 54-80

1. Why do you think John liked going to the cemetery?

2. What is the difference between the way John’s father and Mr. Pignati treat John?

3. Why do you think Mr. Pignati said Conchetta was in California?

4. Why did Lorraine accept the stockings and other gifts from Mr. Pignati?

5. Why did John want to wear the roller skates in the store?

Vocabulary: ritual, arsenal, absurd, suspicious

Chapters 8-10 Pages 81-99

1. Why would John have anything to do with Norton?

2. Explain what Lorraine means when she says that her mother is “fixated on the subject” of men.

3. How does Lorraine lie about the stockings?

4. Why did John and Lorraine decide to tell Mr. Pignati the truth – that they were not collecting for charity?

Vocabulary: obstacles, interrogating, assassin

Section 4 Chapters 11-12 Pages 100-117

1. What lie do Lorraine and John tell in order to be allowed to see Mr. Pignati at the hospital?

2. What did Lorraine and John bring Mr. Pignati while in the hospital?

3. Why did Lorraine and John avoid the room with the pigs when they were cleaning?

4. Why was John taking out the beer?

Vocabulary: transformation, mature, congealed, antifermenting, ghouls

Chapters 13-14 Pages 118-149

1. Why did John invite Dennis?

2. How many people came to the party?

3. Would the party have gone wrong if Norton hadn’t come? Why or why not?

4. How did Lorraine’s mother react when the policemen brought her to the door?

5. How did John’s parents react when he arrived home?

6. Lorraine blames John for everything that went wrong from the point where he hatched the idea of the party. Is she right? Why or why not?

7. Why did Mr. Pignati collapse and die?

8. What is the climax?

Vocabulary: autopsy, trespassing, amplifiers

The Venn Diagram

The three circles below represent the three characters we are comparing. In the center, where "All" is printed, is where you list the similar characteristics that all three characters have. In the area under Lorraine's name, list characteristics that fit only her. Do the same with Mr. Pignati and John. In the area that overlaps between John and Lorraine, put all the similar characteristics that they have. Do the same with the other overlapping areas.

Project sheets will follow after the completion of the Study Guide Question and Vocabulary.