What Is Your Sign?


Beautiful People


Personalities of People

Programme Outline

Do you believe in zodiac signs? Some people believe that the twelve zodiac signs represent different characters of people. One day when Ella and Daniel are reading their horoscopes, they are iced up by the Master of Signs. He wants Ella and Daniel to help him understand more about the personalities of people under the twelve signs so that he can find the best sign to be the next Master of Signs. What do Ella and Daniel do to help?

Key Stage 2 Learning Targets

To develop an ever-improving capability to use English

~ to identify ideas in simple spoken texts, form opinions and express them (K.S.c)

~ to respond to characters and events in imaginative and other narrative texts through oral, written and performative means such as making evaluative comments and describing one’s feelings towards characters and events (E.S.b)

Communicative Functions

1. Learn about the twelve zodiac signs, their English meanings and the typical traits of each sign

2. Draw other’s attention to people and describe their personalities and behaviour briefly

3. Make comparisons of various kinds

Suggested Activities

1. Introduce the programme and the main characters: Ella, Daniel and the Master of Signs.

2. Watch with pupils the introductory scene about what zodiac signs are. Pause after watching that segment. Teachers can then teach pupils how to pronounce the twelve words and explain their English meanings with the table in COPYMASTER 1.

3. Before watching the rest of the programme, give pupils a list of adjectives in COPYMASTER 2 from which they choose three that correspond to their personalities.

4. While watching the programme, draw pupils’ attention to how Ella and Daniel describe each other and the people they meet: Mum, Dad, Agnes, Tim, the passengers at the bus stop and people in the road accident.

5. After watching the programme, ask pupils to find the best word to describe the people they see in the programme in COPYMASTER 3. However, remind pupils that zodiac signs are just for fun and do not really influence their lives or represent their characters.



b. Ella is a Taurus.

She is reliable.

Once she promises to do something, she can always finish it on time.

c. Mum is a Leo.

She is bossy.

She is always the boss. She is a born leader.

e. Dad is an Aquarius.

He is creative.

He likes making new things.

f. Agnes is a Virgo.

She loves fashion but is sometimes fussy.

She likes to look good all the time.

g. Tim is a Gemini.

He is talkative.

He likes talking. He is a fun-loving person!

h. He is a Libra.

He is an easy-going person.

He always makes people around feel at ease.

i. She is a Capricorn.

She is hard-working.

She really loves her work.

j. He is a Scorpio.

He is bossy.

Scorpios love to take control of everything.

He is also a born leader, like the Leo.

k. This young lady is a Sagittarius.

She looks calm.

She knows when to help and can solve problems.

l. That woman is a Pisces.

She is sympathetic towards others.

She takes care of the little girl although she does not know her at all.

m. Judy is a Cancer.

She is shy.

She does not speak up and is easily frightened.


What Is Your Sign?

The twelve zodiac signs

Aries the Ram
Taurus the Bull
Gemini the Twins
Cancer the Crab
Leo the Lion
Virgo the Virgin
Libra the Scales
Scorpio the Scorpion
Sagittarius the Archer
Capricorn the Goat
Aquarius the Water Bearer
Pisces the Fishes


What Is Your Sign?

Choose three words from the list to describe your character.


















What Is Your Sign?

Circle the best word to describe the person. The first one has been done.

a. Daniel is an Aries.

He is brave/ shy/ bossy.
He is always willing to accept change. /
b. Ella is a Taurus.
She is fussy/ reliable / sympathetic.
Once she promises to do something, she can always finish it on time. /
c. Mum is a Leo.
She is easy-going/ hard-working/ bossy.
She is always the boss. She is a born leader. /
e. Dad is an Aquarius.
He is reliable/ caring/ creative.
He likes making new things. /
f. Agnes is a Virgo.
She loves fashion but is sometimes fussy/ caring/ sympathetic.
She likes to look good all the time. /
g. Tim is a Gemini.
He is creative/ talkative/ brave.
He likes talking. He is a fun-loving person! /
h. He is a Libra.
He is an bossy/ shy / easy-going person.
He always makes people around feel at ease. /
i. She is a Capricorn.
She is sympathetic/ hard-working/ talkative.
She really loves her work. /
j. He is a Scorpio.
He is shy/ fussy/ bossy.
Scorpios love to take control of everything.
He is also a born leader, like the Leo. /
k. This young lady is a Sagittarius.
She looks calm/ easy-going/ home-loving.
She knows when to help and can solve problems. /
l. That woman is a Pisces.
She is fun-loving/ sympathetic/ caring towards others.
She takes care of the little girl. /
m. Judy is a Cancer.
She is reliable/ talkative/ shy.
She does not speak up and is easily frightened. /