KEY POINTS: Chapter 13

Essential Question: How much of an influence did Chinese culture have in the development of Japan, Korea and Vietnam?


Taika reforms – attempt to remake Japanese monarch into absolute Chinese-style emperor & create pro bureaucracy & peasant army

Bushi – regional warrior leaders; rule small kingdoms, administer laws, supervise public works, collect revenues, build private armies

Samurai – mounted troops of bushi; loyal to local lords, not the emperor

Seppuku – ritual suicide/disembowelment in Japan; demonstrated courage and a means to restore family honor

Shogun – military leaders of the bakufu

Daimyo – warlord leaders of 300 small states following Onin War & disruption of Ashikaga Shogunate

Sinification – extensive adaptation of Chinese culture in other regions; typical of Korea and Japan, not for Vietnam

What three areas were in the orbit of Chinese influence? Japan, Korea, and Vietnam

Japan: The Imperial Age

Which two groups resisted the Taika reforms?

Aristocracy and peasantry

What groups gained power in the government after the capital was moved to Heian?

Buddhist monks and aristocrats

Who was ordered to organize militia forces?

Local leaders

Describe what court life was like in the Heian Era.

Emperors and courtiers lived in a closed world of luxury and aesthetic delights, strict codes of polite behavior, under constant scrutiny of peers and superiors, social status was everything, lived in complex of palaces and gardens, writing verse most valued art

What was the first novel ever produced? author?

The Tale of Genji by Lady Murasaki

List what pursuits were expected of cultured men and women in the Heian court.

Poetry, music, art, manners/etiquette

What activities were part of the bushi/samurai life?

Hunting, riding, archery practice, etc.

How did the rise of the warrior/samurai class affect the peasantry in Japan?

Destroyed all hopes of a free peasantry; peasants became serfs, separated from warrior elite by clothing, work on local lord’s property, turned to Buddhism for relief

The Era of Warrior Dominance

By 1185 what type of government was established in Japan and where was the new capital?

Bakufu/military gov’t in Kamakura

What Shogunate controlled Japan from 1336-1573?

Ashikaga Shogunate

Describe the type of political system in place in Japan by the end of the 15th century.

Bushi vassals were free to crush local rivals and to seize the lands of the peasantry, the old aristocracy, and competing warlords. The lands of the warlords were given to the samurai, who pledged their loyalty and were expected to provide military support at any time. Rival heirs to the Ashikaga Shogunate called the warlord chiefs to support their claims. Fighting broke out in Kyoto. Both the aristocracy and the shogunate were destroyed.

How did daimyos try to stabilize village life?

Introduced regular tax collection, support construction of irrigation systems, and building strong rural communities; incentives offered to encourage settlement into newer areas, new farming technologies, encouraged to produce items of great demand like silk, hemp, paper, dyes, and vegetable oils for good income

What evidence suggests that women in merchant artisan families had higher status?

Participation in guild organizations and business management, positions sometimes inherited by daughters

What was life like for women of the warrior elite class?

Primogeniture stopped women from passing property to their daughters; not allowed to ride horses, use a bow and arrow, or join the hunt; shared division of estate but receive little or no land or income

What was characteristic of art and architecture for this period in Japan? What Chinese influences are evident?

Landscapes with tiny human figures and pavilions designed to blend in with natural setting; Chinese influences like monochrome paintings, brushstrokes

Korea: Between China and Japan

What religion spread Chinese culture to both Korea and Japan?


List what Chinese traditions were adopted in Korea under the Koguryo monarch.

Universities to master Confucian classics, wrote Chinese history instead of Korean history, tried to have Chinese-style bureaucracy, tried to introduce Chinese writing

What kingdom in Korea was able to finally push out Chinese forces?

Silla kingdom

What agreement was made between this kingdom and the Tang government in China?

To bring down the Paekche and the Koguryo

How long did Korea remain independent of foreign rule?

The Chinese and the Silla argued over how to divide the land so fights broke out between them. The Silla won against China and China left them alone.
What was kowtow?

Series of ritual bows where the supplicant had to prostrate himself before the throne

Explain how the tribute system connected Korea to China.

The Koreans wanted to make a miniature version of the Tang Empire, so they sent embassies and tribute to the Tang court, where they collected Chinese texts and noted on the latest Chinese court fashions. It became a major channel of trade and intercultural exchange between China and its neighbors.

Why would the Korean elite prefer Buddhist teachings to Confucianism?


In what artistic pursuit did the Koreans surpass the Chinese? Pottery

Describe the social system of the Koreans at this time.

Aristocratsàgovernment functionariesàcommonersànear-slavesàslaves; Near-slaves were miners, artisans, servants, and entertainers.

What dynasty replaced the Koryo? When? Yi Dynasty in 1392

Between China and Southeast Asia: The Making of Vietnam JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ

List examples of how Vietnamese culture developed distinctly separate of Chinese influence.

Spoken language not related to Chinese, strong tradition of village autonomy, favored nuclear family to extended household, never developed the clan networks, Vietnamese women had more freedom and influence both within the family and in society, different style of clothing, cockfight, chewed betel nut, and blackened their teeth, attached to grass-roots level than Buddhism, developed art and literature (poetry) different from Chinese.

What aspects of Chinese culture were introduced to the Vietnamese after the Chinese conquests?

Attended Chinese-style school, wrote in Chinese script, read and memorized classical Chinese texts of Confucius and Mencius, took exams to qualify for administrative posts, government responsibilities defined by Chinese precedents, Chinese cropping techniques and irrigation technology, political and military organization gave them decisive edge over Indianized peoples to the west and south, adopted extended family model, ancestor veneration

Explain why the Vietnamese were so resistant to Chinese assimilation.

Peasantry rallied again and again to the call of their own lords to rise up and drive off the alien rulers

When did the Vietnamese win political independence from the Chinese?

939 due to massive rebellion during chaotic time in post-Tang China

What two Chinese cultural exports were evident in Vietnam?

Chinese-style palaces and educated bureaucracy

What was different about the scholarly-gentry in Vietnam?

They did not enjoy as much power as they would have in China; control at village level less secure, tended to identify with peasantry rather than with court or higher administrators, looked out for local interests and served as leaders in village uprisings against ruling dynasty when its demands on the commoners became too oppressive

What two groups were defeated by the Vietnamese as they moved southward?

Chams and Khmers

Explain how the Vietnamese began to weaken to outside threats.

Hold of the Hanoi-based dynasties over the southern regions weakened, regional commanders grew less and less responsive to orders from the north and slower in sending taxes to the north; violent clashes between Nguyen and Trinh families over right to rule Vietnam; absorbed much of the Vietnamese energies and prevented them from recognizing growing external threat from a distant land

What outside threat posed a danger to the Vietnamese near the end of the Post-classical period?

France and the conversion-minded Roman Catholic Church

Summarize the extent of Chinese influence in Japan, Korea and Vietnam.

All – political organization, social development, intellectual creativity

Japan – Chinese attempts to control Japan failed; culture emulated by elite, opposed to Confucianism, gradual limitation of Chinese influence and reassertion of traditional Japanese ways

Korea – Chinese rule brief but influence long-lasting

Vietnam – Chinese conquest and control lasted for more than 1000 years, hard-fought struggle to win independenceàgrowing attachment to Chinese culture as counterbalance to Indian influences that had brought civilization to the SE Asian rivals of the Vietnamese