



Ebola and the Church

Date: 8/14 / (1 ¾ HOURS +)
OBJECTIVES: / After working through this lesson, participants will be able to:
1.  / Understand the role of the church in a health crisis like Ebola
2.  / Apply Biblical truths to a global crisis
3.  / Provide hope for people caught in the fear of crisis

OVERVIEW FOR TRAINERS: This lesson will examine relevant Biblical truths to a global health crisis and equip the church to disseminate helpful information and the hope of Christ to those involved.






Role Play / 5 min
1st / This Ebola thing is really terrible! The WHO is saying the outbreak is out of control.
2nd / I know! It’s probably going to wipe us all out. I know 4 people that have died already, and several more that are sick. I’m just waiting for it to hit my family.
1st / My pastor hasn’t even said anything about the virus, except that we should pray about it. I wish someone would help us know what to do.
2nd / I don’t think it’s the job of pastors or the church to get involved with issues of health.
1st / Yeah, I suppose you’re right. I heard a pastor say this is really a curse from God anyway for our sins. So, I guess God can’t really help us either.

----SHOWD questions----

S = What do you See?
H = What is Happening?
O = Does this happen in Our place? / /
I. / Do you think it is the job of the church to be involved in health crises such as Ebola? Why or why not? / 10 min / I. / Allow for discussion of different ideas, but make sure people give their reasons for what they think. Remember to identify that the “church” is the body of believers in Jesus Christ in the area you are teaching – not a building, institution or denomination.
A. / What role is the church equipped to play in a national/global crisis? / 15 min / A. / Some possible answers. Read or have participants look up the Scripture references.
1.  / I Thess. 5:11 (Encourage others)
2.  / 2 Cor. 1:3-4 (Comfort)
4. / Ezek. 34:4 (Care of the sick)
Matt. 25:36 (Visit the sick)
5. / James 1:27 (Care for orphans and widows)
6. / James 5:14-15 (Praying for the sick)
7. / Acts 4:34 (Giving relief to the needy)
B. / Historically, the church has always played a key role in times of serious health crises. Can you think of any examples? / 5 min / B. / Participants may or may not be aware of other serious global health crises, but it is good to educate on historical examples.
1.  / The Black Plague in Europe – 1600’s
2.  / Yellow Fever Epidemic – United States – 1860’s
3.  / Famines and starvation – Horn of Africa – 1970’s
4.  / HIV/AIDS crisis – Southern Africa – 1980’s to present
II. / The global health community says that the Ebola outbreak is out of control. What do you think about that? / 20 min / II. / Allow participants to discuss this idea freely. Insist that they provide reasons for their ideas. If only one perspective is given, ask additional questions to draw out other ideas.
A. / Let’s read the following verses to see what the Bible has to say about who is in control. / A. / Have participants read the following passages and discuss what they say in relation to this issue.
7. / Isaiah 45:7
Daniel 9:14
I Kings 9:9
Psalm 46:6-10
Psalm 147
2 Chron. 20:5-7
Job 5:17-19
III. / What should be the response of the Body of Christ in a time of great crisis? / 25 min / III. / Read the following passages to see how God’s people have responded to plagues in the past and what God requires of us.
A. / Read the Bible passages and discuss what God’s people have done during crisis.
Also discuss the role of the Church in one area when a crisis has affected another area. (Specifically in Acts and 2 Corinthians.) / A. / Acts 11:27-30
2 Cor. 8:1-5
2 Chron. 20:8-9
2 Chron. 7:14
Psalm 103:1-19
Hosea 6:1
B. / What can the local Body of Believers that you live in do RIGHT NOW to impact this crisis – both physically in a practical sense, as well as spiritually? / 15 min / B. / Let participants create a list of ideas that they will commit to doing immediately to impact the crisis. Reference the Acts and Corinthians passages above as well. In times of crisis, we tend to look inward, but Christ calls us to look outward at the needs of others. If there are participants from various local churches present, you could have them break into small groups to discuss what their own particular church body will do. Otherwise, just discuss as a group and make a list.
C. / Spend some time in corporate prayer for your community and the crisis. Ask God to direct His Body in how to respond, and to heal the land. Examine whether a time of corporate repentance is needed as part of this prayer time. / 10 min or more / C. / Pray corporately and choose one person to close out the prayer time.

References: The Holy Bible

God is sovereign and in control over the world. He cares about crises of all kinds and equips His Body (the believers) to impact their community during times of trial.
SKILL: / Participants will examine the Scriptures to see what God’s mandate is to His people during times of crisis – both in their response to it practically, as well as their response spiritually.
EVALUATION: / Are the participants able to:
-  Identify God’s role in a global crisis?
-  Identify the role of Believers during a crisis?
-  Identify immediate actions they will take to walk in obedience to this crisis?


/ -Newsprint, markers, masking tape
- Bibles

This lesson is used in: (Ebola, Community Health, Providing Relief)