504 N. Gilman – Litchfield, MN – 55355

Phone: 693-3207 e-mail: www.zionchurch.net

Pastors: Christian Muellerleile, Troy Pflibsen, J. David Nelson

Minister of Faith Formation: Cheryl Whitchurch

Today’s Organist: Stephanie VanDerBill

Missionaries: Gloria Sauck, Steven & Bethany Friberg,

Elisabeth Johnson, Jordan and Aubrey Monson,

Paul and Becky Hagen, Karen Anderson

Fourth Sunday in Lent March 26, 2017

Prelude “I Need Thee Every Hour” “In My Life, Lord, Be Glorified”


*Brief Order for Confession and Forgiveness On Screen

*Opening Hymn “God, Whose Almighty Word” 673


*Kyrie p. 213

*Prayer of the Day: (in unison) Bend your ear to our prayers, Lord Christ, and come among us. By your gracious life and death for us, bring light into the darkness of our hearts, and anoint us with your Spirit, for you live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Scripture Reading: Ephesians 5:8-14

Special Music “Were You There” Emma, Jill, Jackie

Psalm 23 Sung Responsively

*Gospel Acclamation “Return to the Lord” p. 216

L: The Holy Gospel according to John the 9th Chapter

*Responses: Glory to you, O Lord

*Gospel: John 9:1-41

L: The Gospel of the Lord. C: Praise to you, O Christ.

Children’s Sermon Sermon

Hymn of the Day "Amazing Grace, How Sweet…” 779

Apostles’ Creed

*The Prayers L:Hear us, O God. C: Your mercy is great.

Sharing of the Peace

Offering Announcements

*Offertory “We Give Thee but Thine Own” vs. 1, 2 686

*Thanksgiving for the Word p. 220

*Lord’s Prayer p. 221


Closing Hymn “Christ, the Life of All the Living” 339

*Dismissal P: Marked with the cross of Christ, go forth to love and serve the Lord. C: Thanks be to God.


*Please stand as you are able.

WELCOME TO OUR WORSHIP! We pray that your faith will be strengthened. Visitors are invited to fill out a yellow card in the pew and leave in the offering plate. Please also stop at our kiosk for a welcome bag.

THANK YOU to Dan Hansen for serving as assisting minister, to Sylvia Kittelson for reading the scripture lesson, and to Emma and Jill Smith and Jackie Dennin for the special music today.

TODAY’S RADIO broadcast is given in memory of Harlan Fortun by his family.

IN OUR PRAYERS we remember Beth Wicklund, Ron Johnson, Steve and Peg Hatlestad, David Reeves, Marlys Vilhauer, Bev Thornquist, Jon Forsythe, Kathy Huckenpoehler, the family of Ron Selden in their loss, and Kristi Quitney and Deb Anderson’s mission trip with First Lutheran at Roblealto Bible Home in Costa Rica.

SHARE A MEAL is at 5:30 pm today. Extra help is needed to serve as many board members are away for spring break.

HANNAH CIRCLE is scheduled to help at Meeker Manor service on March 28th.

SPRING FLING sale is at Emmaus Gift Shop March 27-April 1.

GRANDPARENT’S DAY is April 2nd! Invite grandparents or grandfriends to join you and your family in Crossroads @ 9:45 for Family Faith Formation. All are welcome!!

THE COMMUNITY Easter Cantata “Come to the Cross and Remember” will be performed on Palm Sunday, April 9th at 7 p.m. here at Zion.

BIBLE SUPER HEROES! Preschool Bible School for ages 4 & 5 will be held on Wednesdays, May 3, 10, 17, and 24 from 1:00-2:30 @ Zion. Contact Cheryl if you wish to help or register your child, 320-339-3441 or . Invite a friend!

OUR LENTEN SERVICES take place Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. using Holden Evening Prayer. This Wednesday’s sermon will be on “Death and Resurrection.” The Lenten services will be broadcast on cable TV Wednesdays at 8:00 pm.

FOR PRAYER REQUESTS for the prayer chain, Glad and Ron have a new phone number. It is a local number, 373-6630.

LENTEN SUPPERS will be served from 5:00-6:00. This week’s menu is Baked Potato Bar. There is a sign up sheet in Fellowship Court for anyone willing to donate bars or. Helpers also welcome!

LENTEN OFFERINGS are designated for: ELCA Benevolence 15%, ELCA World Hunger 15%, Meeker Co. Food Shelf 20%, Lutheran Social Services 20%, Meeker Area Ministries 15%, United Community Action 15%.

EASTER SUNDAY services will be at 8:30 and 10:45 (note time change) this year. The 10:45 service will be contemporary.

READERS ARE NEEDED for Palm Sunday. If you would like to help read, there is a sign up sheet in Fellowship Court.

SOLE HOPE SHOE CUTTING, Saturday, April 8th from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Bring a pair of jeans (gently used), a fabric scissors, and a $10 donation for the shoemaker and medical costs in Uganda.

Thank you to the Parish Life & Fellowship and Lay Ministry Boards and helpers for serving the soups and sandwiches this past week.

Thank you to the Z Choir for their donation of the confidence monitor mounted on the balcony.

Thank you to all who donated stuffed animals and toys for Kristi and Deb to take for the 100 children who live at the Roblealto Bible Home boarding school.

BOUNDARY WATERS Canoe Trip registration deadline for youth completing Grades 9-12 is today, March 26. The trip is July 16-21. $125 deposit due with registration.

ZION FAMILY CAMP will be Aug. 24-27 at Camp House near Two Harbors. Cost is $160.25 per adult, $80.25 per youth grades K-12. Sign up in Fellowship Court.

LITCHFIELD AREA MALE CHORUS Breakfast at the Eagles Club today from 8:30 am – 12:30 pm.

BLOOD PRESSURES will be checked the second and fourth Sundays of the month after the 8:30 worship service.

A NURSERY IS PROVIDED for small children. Also, quiet bags and children’s bulletins are available in the narthex.

THIS WEEK AT ZION: Today: 8 am – 1 pm Litchfield Area Male Chorus Breakfast at Eagles Club, 3-6 Beth Wicklund Benefit at 4B’z, 4 pm Cantata Rehearsal, 5:30 pm Share-A-Meal, 6 pm Beth Wicklund benefit dinner at St. Philips, 7-9 pm On the Way at First; Monday: 10 am AA, 3:30 pm Lesson Leaders, 7:30 pm AA; Tuesday: 8 am Mission Sewing, 10 am Preschool Chapel, 11 am Text Study, 2:30 pm Hannah Circle to MM, 4 pm WOW; Wednesday: 9 am Staff Meeting, 5-6 pm Lenten Supper, 6:30 pm Lenten Service; Thursday: 9:45 am OWLS, 11 am DOVES, 1 pm Newsletter Assembly, 7:30 pm AA; Next Sunday: 7:45 am Choir, 8:30 & 10:45 am Worship/HC, 9:45 am Family Faith Formation, Breakfast Bag Assembly, Palm Sunday Practice, 2-4 pm First Communion Class, 4 pm Cantata Rehearsal, 6:30 pm 4H, 7-9 pm On the Way at First

RECEIVED in memory of: Joan and Mark Hatlestad $45 Undesignated; Richard LeFebre $10 for Camperships; Betty Johnson $10 for Camperships; Dennis Grotto $20 for Library, $560 for Building Fund, $40 for Sewing Circle, $20 for Caring Neighbors, $10 for Breakfast Bags, $15 Undesignated