CWM Environment Policy


“Fullness of life through Christ for all creation” is the vision statement of the Council for World Mission. The statement affirms an understanding of mission that does not focus solely on humanity but recognizes the redemption of all creation as essential to mission. We live at a time when the dominant socio economic model and the lifestyle it fashions for many have brought into sharp focus the impact of climate change. This has had a telling impact on Earths eco systems and humanity as a whole and is a call for humanities affirmation of our stewardship responsibility.

The relentless depletion of Earth’s resources, fuelling humanities consumption in the carbon economy; global warming, increasing desertification and deforestation, the creation of climate refugees and the extinction of flora and fauna are some contributing factors and telling signs. The Council for World Mission in its global operations, primarily evident in air travel and through the operations facilitated through its offices (global and regional), contributes in part to this growing eco crisis because of our carbon footprint.

The carbon footprint of CWM is the total greenhouse gas emissions caused by our activities. The Council for World Mission through this policy statement commits itself to engage in reasonable and responsible action to lessen our carbon footprint and contribute to advocacy and learning about the issue at all levels.


The Council for World Mission (CWM) commits itself to the following:

  1. Conduct an environmental impact audit of all CWM properties within one year.
  2. Commission a study to calculate CWM’s carbon footprint thereby determining a benchmark against which future cuts will be made.
  3. Ensure that CWM’s offices are carbon friendly through the use of energy saving technologies as well as identifying and using renewable sources of energy’s such as solar panelling, etc.
  4. CWM will seek to incrementally lower our carbon footprint by 5% each year through carbon budgeting as a priority and responsible offsetting subsequent to a benchmark being established. We understand our use of “responsible” refers to a real change of organizational behaviour and not a loophole which allows business as usual.

This goal will be achieved through a variety of actions, though not limited to:

  • Combining meetings.
  • Linking program activities within one location.
  • Intentionally reducing air travel for meetings through the use of video-conferencing, etc. Where travel is necessary it should be by the most direct route.
  • Reducing printing at all meetings.

A carbon budget is an intentional incremental cap on emissions leading to a decrease in the carbon footprint. Targets are usually spread over a 5 year period with specific reduction targets in the percentage of emissions. A carbon budget is different from carbon offsetting which in effect can constitute payments supporting sustainable projects without credible efforts aimed at reducing emissions and the carbon footprint.

  1. Work towards paper free offices as far as is possible and institute eco-friendly printing practices as standard throughout the organization.
  2. Where possible CWM should choose utility suppliers that use a mix of renewable sources of energy and fossil fuels.
  3. Acquire office supplies i.e. ink cartridges, paper and letter heads from suppliers who distribute recycled paper and eco-friendly print cartridges, etc.

CWM will at all its events seek to challenge and encourage member bodies to utilize and engage with existing advocacy options through NGO and religious organizations that are focused on climate change. In this way CWM can enable the promotion of a greater awareness about climate change and sustainable living as well as encouraging member bodies to enter into advocacy with governments and related parties.

CWM should regularly ascertain best practices on environmental and advocacy issues existing within member bodies and share the information for the benefit of the wider community. These commitments ask CWM to make changes in the way the organization does its work, in an attempt to live out what fullness of life for all creation means.

CWM Global Office Goes GREEN!

Fullness of life through Christ for all creation” is the vision statement of the Council for World Mission (CWM). The statement affirms an understanding of mission that does not focus solely on humanity but also recognizes the redemption of “all creation” as part of the mission for fullness of life through Christ.

CWM recognizes the telling impact of climate changes on the natural environment and humanity as a whole and is committed to the call for all humanity to fulfil the stewardship responsibility to “tend” and “keep” the earth (Genesis 2:15).

Reflecting on its own businesses and operations, CWM has contributed to the growing eco-crisis largely due to the carbon footprint[1]from air travels, program and administrativemodus operandi.

CWM in its commitment to climate justice has drafted an “Environmental Policy Statement”. The policy is in its initial stage but grounded in the recognition that as a faith organization, CWM has a stewardship responsibility to care for, to defend and to advocate for all of God’s creation. We will coordinate our efforts in implementing green initiatives across all CWM offices to comply with our environment policy and responsibility.

One of the most immediate effects of the policy is to review and revise its global office operation in Singapore to become as “green” as possible. Preliminary consultation with a local green initiative –Eco-office,[2]is in process to help the Singapore office implements environmentally-friendly processes and practices. A “Eco-office committee” has been set up to increase awareness amongst staff and to put in place various “green” practices and processes.

The following areas of the CWM office Singapore operations have been identified to be reoriented towards a green-office standard:

  • Waste minimizati
  • Recycling
  • Paper use
  • Energy conservation
  • Water conservation
  • Purchasing practices
  • Staff Engagement

Subsequently, CWM Singapore will call on its regional offices to likewise take on the same or similar “green” initiatives that are practicable in their context. CWM also hopes to eventually call on member churches to integrate environmental awareness and sustainable practices into every facet of the church’s and individual’s life.

How YOUR WORKPLACE or YOU can do the same:

  • Set up recycle bins and boxes.
  • Post signage to remind staff to reuse, reduce & recycle.
  • Office purchases are geared towards sustainable farming or eco-friendly products.
  • Air-conditioning is kept at 25 °C.
  • Copier is set to energy saver mode.
  • Printing is done on double-sided pages.
  • Reduced paper prints for meetings and events through sharing files & documents online.

Links to useful information on green practices and carbon calculators:

[1]Definition of CARBON FOOTPRINT: the amount of greenhouse gases and specifically carbon dioxide emitted by something (as a person’s activities or a product’s manufacture and transport) during a given period. (
