Milan Township

16444 Cone Rd

Milan, MI. 48160

Board Meeting

January 12, 2017 Minutes

Members present:

Supervisor Heath, Clerk Collins, Treasurer Early, Trustee Dopkowski. Trustee Mancik,

The meeting was called to order at 7:03pm.

The pledge of allegiance was recited.

Public Comment : A resident on Crowe Rd wanted to remind the Township Board of her complaint she made last year. She said nothing is being done. The Board said they would cover this under old business.

Minutes: (December 8, 2016)

Trustee Mancik made a motion to accept, 2nd by Trustee Dopkowski. Motion Carried

Disbursements: Clerk Collins read the disbursements. Payroll: $ 7,043.09

Report on file Bills: $ 101,074.31

Total: $108,117.40

Supervisor Heath made a motion to accept disbursements, 2nd by Treasurer Early Motion Carried

Fund Balances: No Report

Supervisor Heath made a motion to Table report, 2nd by Trustee Dopkowski. Motion Carried

Building Report: Trustee Mancikread the building report. Reporton file

There were 5 permits issued in the month of December totaling $465.75. Dave Friend worked 6 hours at the hall, made 6 inspections, Issued 5 permits. No Mechanical, Plumbing or Electrical inspections. December expenses were $448.10.

Clerk Collins made amotion to accept report. 2nd by Supervisor Heath. Motion Carried

Assessors Report:

Properties Inspected/Data Entered:

Working up property cards from 2016 inspections and processing land divisions.


Conducted December Board of Review December 13th at 5:00 p.m. Granted one Hardship/Poverty exemption and two corrections.

March Board of Review dates:
Organizational meeting: Tuesday, March 7th, 2016 at 11:00 a.m.

Appeal hearings:Wednesday, March 15th, 2017 1pm to 4pm & 6p.m. to 9p.m

Thursday, March 16th, 2017 9a.m. to Noon & 1p.m. to 4pm

Mailed Personal Property Statements.

Preparing for AMAR State audit. Appointment January 25, 2017.

Attend Board of Review class: Feb. 27thth by MTA.

Process personal property statements and exemption requests as they’re received.

Wrap things up for 2017 and prepare for mailing of Assessment Change Notices approximately February 27th, 2017.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen Jo Lieb, Assessor

Supervisor Heathmade a motion to accept his report. 2nd by.Clerk Collins. Motion Carried

Milan Fire Dept. Report: No Report.

Old Buisiness: Trash day will be: April 4, 2017 & October 7, 2017 from 8am-3pm.

Dave Friendinvestigated the blight issueand was told that the house would be torn down this year. The residents are still concerned as people still come in and out of the property and it is unsafe. Dave will follow up as this falls under our Dangerous property ordinance and the Health department has said that the property is unsanitary.

New Buisiness: Lennard, Graham & Goldsmith/notice of fee increase: They sent a notice of a fee increase from $130.00 to $150.00.

Supervisor Heath made a motion to continue using them as our Township Attorneys, 2nd by Trustee Mancik. Motion Carried

Blight/Littering @ 12580 Crowe Rd: Dave Friend talked to the homeowner. They have had some issues in the past but said Steven’s Disposal should be picking it up in the future.

Transfer Funds for Capital Improvements: Treasurer Early said that we need to transfer money from the General fund back to the Capital improvements fund to pay for the building of the water shed. We need to be sure to include enough money to finish buying the water tank and pump.

Supervisor Heath made a motion to Transfer $14,000.00 to the Capital Improvement fund, 2nd by Trustee Dopkowski. Motion Carried

MTA Meeting, Dundee, Jan.19: Clerk Collins shared an invite to the Monroe County chapter of MTA meeting with the board if they are interested in attending.

Issues from Board members or Officials:

Clerk Collins: The Stop Ahead sign on southbound Platt rd. at Cone rd. is missing.

Trustee Mancik: Sign up for the MTA convention should be coming out soon. Clerk Collins will contact board members with information when it becomes available.

Deputy Clerk Heath: We still need the renewal dates of the Planning Commission members.

We passed the Election Audit.

Supervisor Heath: Brineing contractwas $21,000.00 last year. Would we rather put Chloride down at intersections and 300’ in front of houses or continue using salt Brine that doesn’t seem to be as affective? He will talk with the MCRC and get prices both ways.

John Schauer: Was contacted by a company that is interested in installing a Solar Farm. They are looking at two sights off Southwick Rd and the property just south of Milan. That property is in the 425 agreement so the city would most likely have the control over that site.

Dave Friend: Has the estimate for the handrail. Clerk Collins opened the estimate and the board reviewed it. It was for a total of $550.00. The board decided to look into it further.

Public comment: None

Adjournment: 8:20pm. Supervisor Heath made a motion to adjourn. 2nd by Clerk Collins. Motion Carried.

Respectfully submitted by: Kevin Heath-Deputy Clerk per/ Barbara Collins-Clerk