Company No: 4590518

Director: Mrs S. Avery B.Ed (Hons)

30 Chatham Street



Telephone/Fax: 01603 665740


Thursday 5th January 2017

Dear Parent / Carer,

We hope you had a lovely Christmas and wish you a happy new year.

Welcome back to Nursery for the spring term.

Your child will be in …………………………………….Nursery group, and their key

person is ……………………………………………………

Squirrel Nursery
This term the children will be looking at winter. They will be making snowmen and snowflakes, alongside exploringsnow themed malleable materials.
Further activities will stimulate the children’s interest in animals by observation of their different body patterns. /
Hedgehog, Rabbit and Badger Nursery
The children will start the term by looking at winter. They will be creating icy collages as well as considering birds at this time of the year. The children will be making birdcake and taking responsibility for feeding them throughout the winter.
The remainder of the term
We will focus on the theme of ‘People who help us’. We shall be exploring the roles of different people in the community. We are hoping to have a visit from our local road safety officer and health visitor.
We shall inform you of the dates once we have confirmation.
/ Creative activities will include making fluorescent collages. In music and movement the children will be moving to the themes of ‘Dramatic Dangers’. They will be using descriptive language in a lost and found game, discussing dangers and learning about road safety. We will be looking at the lives of Mountain Rescue teams, Life Boat Crew and Air Sea Rescue.

Chinese New Year
This falls on Saturday 28th January and is the year of the Rooster. The children will be looking at the lives of children in China.
Other information
Show and tell for Hedgehogs, Rabbits and Badger children will be on a Wednesday. Children’s observation and assessment records are accessible in the boxes in the main room (near to the main door). Please feel free to look at your child’s folder and contribute to their assessments and observations.
Please ensure that lunches, bags and belongings are labeled with your child’s name to prevent any confusion.
Finally a reminder that the gate needs the chain hooked over the second spike and the front door needs to be kept closed at all times to ensure the children’s safety.


Sally Avery

Treehouse Nursery Manager