Whitchurch Primary School - PLANNED SPEND

Annual Report to Parents & Guardians for 2016-2017

The Pupil Premium is an element of school funding aimed at narrowing the gap in attainment between certain disadvantaged groups of pupils and those who are more well off. For2016-2017 funding will be calculated on the basis of £1320 for each pupil who is eligible for free school meals in the past six years, and £1900 for looked after children in care for more than six months. There is a related Service premium of £150 for children of families in the armed services.

The funding is provided to schools, which decide how best to spend this according to local needs.


  • To ensure that these pupils receive the highest quality provision.
  • To narrow any gaps by addressing inequalities and raising the attainment and progress of these pupils relative to the rest of the cohort.
  • To provide personalised support for these pupils.
  • To ensure that these pupils have full access to our curriculum and extra-curricular provision.

What is our strategy?

The school is fully committed to supporting pupils for whom the pupil premium provides support. We will target support specifically to raise academic attainment of these pupils while also providing them with pastoral care needed to achieve their potential.

How we identify Provision

1 / Identify PP children who are underachieving. / Use tracking data to identify underachieving PP children.
2 / Consultation with stake holders / Consult with parents, teacher and children to identify strengths and key areas for support.
3 / Identify barriers to learning and whether there are any trends e.g. whether the PP children identified are also EAL children. / Investigate what the reasons are for why those children are underachieving.
4 / To plan interventions/support for pupils who are underachieving / Plan actions to close the gap.
5 / Plan support / opportunities for pupils who require enrichment / Identify suitable experiences to ensure PP children are fulfilling their potential

We have divided our plans into two key strategies:

A) Academic support for these pupils to raise their attainment or close any achievement gaps.

B) Improved access to a range of curriculum opportunities, through enrichment opportunities and extra-curricular activities

Strategy A – To provide academic support for pupils for whom the pupil premium applies to raise attainment and close any achievement gaps.
No / Actions / Details
A1 / 1:1 Support in class. / TA’s to support children’s learning in classroom setting.
A2 / 1:1 Support out of class. / Teacher or TA support out of class to support children’s academic and social and emotional needs outside of the classroom setting
A3 / Specific programs and Booster Groups. / Pupils have a specific program to boost their progression and when looking at trends groups of children have been identified with a specific need and extra support is given.
A4 / Recruitment of extra staff for specialist staff to support PP children. / If a need in the school is identified, then extra or specialist staff are appointed.
A5 / Use of Outside Agencies to work with PP children. / Where more specialist support is need, we use outside agencies to work with children and boost learning.
A6 / Training of teachers and TA’s to be able to support PP children. / If any PP children need very specific support, then existing staff will have training in order for them to teach the children.
A7 / Investment in specialist resources and IT to support above actions. / If extra resources or facilities are needed in order to run the above actions.
Strategy B – To improve access to a range of curriculum opportunities through enrichment opportunities and extra-curricular activities
B1 / Residential trips / PP children given financial support so that children can benefit from residential experience and learning opportunities.
B2 / Swimming lessons / Lessons paid for by funding so that children can access learning and full curriculum.
B3 / Extra-curricular clubs / PP children able to attend fee charging clubs before and after school to enrich experiences.
B4 / Afterschool club / Breakfast club / PP children arrive/leave school positively. Pupils access homework and engagement with
B5 / Forest School / Lessons paid for by funding so that children can access learning and full curriculum.
B6 / Music Lessons / Lessons paid for by funding so that children can develop a musical talent.

Each year to ensure the most effective use of the Pupil Premium money we seek feedback from pupils, parents and staff to ensure the money is being used in the best way to support the development of our pupils. At present, the following actions are planned for this academic year (more actions will be taken based on the needs of the pupils throughout the year):

Strategy / Actions taken
Target pupil group / Impact on learning outcomes for PP / Evidence:
pupil attainment & progress / Impact on Outcomes for other pupils
A1 / 1:1 Classroom support / Allowed pupils to fully access the curriculum and improve focus skills. / Observation, Teacher records, Behaviour checklists, National Curriculum attainment.
A2 / 1:1 Tuition for Literacy and Maths / Pupils’ confidence levels in Maths, Writing, Reading and Phonics increased. Increase in National Curriculum attainment. / Assessment tracking data
A3 / Extension Maths Sessions / Enabled pupils to reach the higher standards in Maths / All pupils working at above age-related expectations.
A3 / Social skills groups / To develop pupils social skills and friendships/relationships with other pupils. / Reports from staff of pupil well-being. Observations of play.
A3 / Extension Reading and Writing Sessions / Enabled pupils to reach the higher standards in Reading and Writing / Assessment tracking data
A6 / Emotional Literacy Support Assistant training / Staff able to target support to children’s social and emotional needs leading to improved outcomes for pupils. / Supervision support from Ed Psych & Appraisal / Staff with relevant skill set to support pupils across the school
A7 / Resources to support individual needs / Staff more confident and effective in supporting pupils specific needs. / Staff feedback. Observations of pupils. / Resources available to be used with other pupils
B1 / Educational trips and visits / Enables pupils to access the entire curriculum. Equality of opportunity, improved self-esteem and confidence, greater ability to cooperate within a group. / Reports from staff of pupil well-being.
B4 / Wrap around care support. / Pupils arrive/leave school positively. Pupils access homework and engagement with curriculum / Attendance data, reports from staff of pupil well-being.