Associated Trusts

Project Submissions for Approval

(WWF Nedbank Green Trust, National Parks Trust of South Africa, the Table Mountain Fund, the Leslie Hill Succulent Karoo Trust)

Application for funding from ______

PAC Meeting held ______

Project Proposal

·  Do not complete unless you have studied the conditions of the fund/trust that you seek funding from.

·  Only provide relevant information specific to the approval being sought and the questions asked. Any further relevant information to be provided as annexures.

·  Please be specific. Too much information may cloud your value proposition. Try to not have too many value propositions. Identify and lead with your primary lead proposition. The rest are also important, but may confuse the application presentation.

Approval Classification (refer to the Guideline for Associated Trust Submissions)

New Project Approval
(New Reference Number) / Ratifications
(Round Robin decisions)
Has this project been through the Unit Project Development process (a PDG or approved Reference group)? / Yes / No
Has this project been approved by the Head of Unit to come to the PAC? / Yes / No
Has the relevant administrator reviewed this submission before submitting for the PAC agenda? / Yes / No

A] PAC Agenda Submission

Project title (as in CRM) / What is the decision you are seeking…New (Draw down) Approval / Ratification. Provide a short description for the decision required. / Ref No.
Amount / Funder (GT/ NPT/ TMF, etc.) / Contractor/ Seller
Decision / Executant
Estimated Start / Estimated End / Period in months
Decision conditions

B] Supporting Information

Unit / WWF SA Project Manager / Responsible for implementation
WWF SA Programme related
Executant contact / Who is the person responsible? / Tel: / Email:
Date of submission
Project Description:
1.  Strategic Intent / What are you trying to achieve with this investment/environmental outcomes solution?
What is the contribution to the WWF Strategic Framework targets?
What will this investment enable?
2.  Objectives / Narrow your objectives down to a lead objective and at least 2 sub objectives. Avoid having too many lead objectives. Remember, an objective must be measurable at the end of the funding and project investment period.
3.  Planned Activities / Only focus on the activities where the funds will be invested.
In bullet point, name the activity and then describe it.
Strategic Approach Statement / What is the environmental outcome you wish to address with this project?
What are you trying to catalyse?
What is the environmental outcomes solution you wish to develop using the funds?
What is unique/ innovative about this approach?
How does this solution add value to broader regional/national initiatives?
How will the solution be taken to scale (by whom and how?) after the funding?
Target audience / stakeholders / beneficiaries / Who are the stakeholders and beneficiaries for this project (including suppliers)? (Who and where)
Monitoring and Evaluation
(Return on Investment) / How will success be measured?
What are the measurable outputs?
Please note, that where a project investment is more than R 1 million, a project success evaluation needs to be included in the budget (M&E budget line 10)
Total Amount / Total amount?
What % of the total funding will the fund be providing?
Other Funding Sources
Period till return on investment / Explain how long after the project period is completed will the environmental outcomes success be realized? (E.g. Working for Water went to scale 3+ years after Green Trust funding). This is an estimate based on what is planned and known.

C] Project Budget Sheet

Funder / Which fund is being applied to?
Project Name
Executant Manager / The person who compiled the budget
Contact Number
Estimates (in Rands)
FY20__ / FY20__ / FY20__
A / Opening Balance
Funding Source
6 / Amount Sought from the fund applied to
B / Total Funding
C / Total Funding plus opening balance
01 / Salaries
02 / Temporary Staff
03 / Consultants
04 / Travel& Subsistence
05 / Capital Expenditure
06 / Operating expenses
07 / Education / Training
08 / Printing/Publication
(Communication costs)
09 / Project Promotion
(Fundraising & Communications costs)
10 / Project Evaluation
11 / Cost Recovery
Direct Project Expenditure

Budget Notes:

A: If there is existing funding provide the total opening balance. If there is no funding the opening balance will be 0.

B: If there is funding from other sources, please enter the sources and enter the amount you wish to apply to the fund for. If there is no other funding then only the amount you seek from fund will appear here. If you have more than 5 funders, only list the 5 largest and refer to the rest in the submission document.

D: If there are other expenses not covered by the categories presented please enter the total amount of expenses and specify the other expenses in the submission document.

D] Submission Classification (Mark X in as many boxes as relevant to your application)

GPF: WWF Global Conservation Programme Framework (Conservation Strategy)

WWF-SA Strategic Goal / Maintain & Enhance the integrity of South Africa’s Ecological Assets / Province / Eastern Cape
Ecological systems and their services underpin social and economic well being / Free State
Address risks & opportunities posed by climate change / Gauteng
Priorities Level 1 / Places / Kwa-Zulu Natal
Species / Mpumalanga
Footprint / Northern Cape
Global Drivers / Limpopo
Priorities Level 2 / Freshwater / North-West Province
Terrestrial / Western Cape
Marine / National
Flagship species / GPF
Priorities Level 4 / Cape Rivers & Streams
Footprint-impacted species / Patagonian South west Atlantic
Energy/Carbon / African elephant
Commodities / African rhino
Water / Marine cetaceans
Public Sector finance / Marine turtles
Private Sector Finance / Corals
Private Sector Standards / Pelagic sharks
National and International Natural Resource Management Policy / Reef sharks
Consumption Choices / Southern Ocean Albatrosses
Priorities Level 3 / Fynbos / GPF
Priorities Level 5 / Black rhino
Namib-Karoo-Kaokoveld / White rhino
Southern Ocean / Baleen whales
Mammal / Toothed whales
Reptiles / Dolphins
Invertebrates / Green turtle
Fish / Hawksbill turtle
Bird / Leatherback turtle
Crops / Loggerhead turtle
Meat / Olive Ridley turtle
Fish Market Transformation (MT) / Whale Shark
Fish Smart Fishing Network Initiatives (SF) / GPF
Non Priority / National Priority
Wood / Cross Cutting
Green Trust Specific / Environmental Education / Other
Environmental Leaders
Grass Roots Community
Endangered Species
Urban Greening
Waste Management & Recycling