To: BTA Members (BTA 15-04)
5 March 2015
Dear Member
Annual General Meeting and Annual Conference - 15 April 2015
This year’s Annual General Meeting and Conference will be held at the UK Chamber of Shipping, 30 Park Street, London SE1 9EQ on Wednesday 15 April. The Annual Dinner will be heldat the Naval Club, Mayfair W1J 5NS that evening. The Annual golf competition will be held the day before.
The programme ismore streamlined than in previous years. A longer AGM before lunch will allow for any necessary discussion on the closer integration of the Association with the UK Chamber of Shipping. Details of this and the remainder of the AGM agenda will be forwarded beforehand. The conference programme will then run through the afternoon with updates from the heads of key agencies and organisations, It is as follows:
Tue 14 Apr
1300 Annual golf competition for the Sir William Crosthwaite Cup at Highgate
Dinner for golfers
Wed 15 Apr
1230 AGM at the UK Chamber of Shipping, SE1 9EQ
1330 Lunch
1415 Chairman’s welcome
1430 Welcome to the chamber and strategy update by Guy Platten, CEO UK
1500 Key note speaker – way ahead with the MCA by Sir Alan Massey, CEO, MCA
1530 Europe update by Peter Vierstraete, member and Chairman ETA
1600 Tea / coffee
1630 Ports by Theresa Crossley, Director, UKMPG
1700 Sponsor’s slot – Arjen van Elk of Damen
1730 Panel discussion
1800 End
1930 Dinner, the Naval Club, Mayfair W1J 5NS (lounge suit)
The event is kindly sponsored by Damen this year. Only the dinner will be charged for (£80 + VAT per head), however, delegates are asked to arrange their own accommodation as required.
All are strongly encouraged to attend this key event in the harbour towage calendar. A booking form is attached and it is requested that returns are made to me by e-mail not later than Thursday 2 April. I look forward to seeing you all.
Yours sincerely
Adrian Mundin
Adrian J Mundin MVO
Booking form
BRITISH TUGOWNERS ASSOCIATIONBTA Annual General Meeting, Annual Conference and Dinner - 15 April 2015
Company:Contact name and e-mail:
Delegate full name and position / e-mail / AGM, lunch and conference at the UK Chamber? / Attending dinner at the Naval Club
(£80+VAT)? / Any comments / special dietary requirements
Golf Booking – 14 April 2015
Name / e-mail / HandicapReturn by 2 April to:
The British Tugowners Association is an Associate Member of the UK Chamber of Shipping