/ Board of Directors/Volunteers

Please complete this survey about your organization and the expectations of board members and volunteers. We will make the document available for our alumni to review as they consider organizations and boards in which to become active.

Date survey completed and submitted to SLI: 6/17/2015

Organization Name: / Waste Not
Address: / 1700 North Granite Reef Road
Phone Number: / 480-941-1841 / Email: /
Website: / www.wastenotaz.org
Current President: / Kim Richards
Phone Number: / 602-908-5366 / Email: /
Staff Contact:: / Dee Mitten, Executive Director
Phone Number: / 602-723-4625
Email: /
What is your organization’s mission statement?
Our mission is to help alleviate local hunger. We do this by rescuing excess perishable food and efficiently delivering it the same day to partner organizations that share our values of providing hope and sustenance to low income and indigent men, women and children.
Description of organization’s primary activities and/or events (60 words or less):
Waste Not functions as a "middle-man" agency currently collaborating with more than 200 community partners to alleviate local hunger through our Food Rescue & Delivery program. Last year, Waste Not delivers more than 2 million pounds of nutritious food to 50,000 people through our recipent agency partners located throughout the metropolitan Phoenix area.
When does your board of directors meet? If dates and times are pre-set, please list (example: third Thursday of each month during lunch).
The third Tuesday of the month from 3:30-5:00 PM
What is your expectation for a board member outside of attending meetings? (Examples: volunteer eight hours a month, fundraise, attend annual convention, etc.)
When we have special events (2-3 per year), we expect board members to make every effort to attend and participate. Occasionally we will volunteer together such as this past January when the board volunteered for the better part of a day at the Waste Management Phoenix Open.
How much time outside of board of directors meetings is expected of a board member?
The board meeting typically lasts 1.5 hours with a 1.0-1.5 hour Events or Board Development Committee meetings held the week prior to the board meeting. Additional communication and outreach made on the organization's behalf could add an additional hour for a total of up to 4-5 hours monthly.
Is there a fiscal annual board contribution expectation of each board member?
No Yes Dollar amount: Yes, a personal gift that is of meanigful size to the individual
Is there an annual fundraising expectation of each board member?
No Yes Expectation: $5,000 annually that includes the personal gift, give and get basis
Is it possible to attend a board meeting before submitting interest to being a member? Yes No
When do board member terms begin? / Close of the annual meeting (February)for a term of three years
How long are board member terms? / 3 years
What is the maximum number of terms a board member can serve? / Two three year terms
When are applications or nominations considered? / Year-round
What are the requirements prior to applying to join your board? (Example: paid member, completed program, residency, occupational experience, no requirements, etc.)
No requirements per se, but we prefer to welcome those with the following experience/skills:
1- Prior board leadership experience, if possible
2- A strong and personal commitment (of time and effort) to serve the organization's best interests
3- Making a personal (stretch) gift to Waste Not
3- A willingness to be an active part of the Development and Fundraising program
What is the process to become a board member with your organization?
A Board Development Committee discusses candidates and how they could generally and specifically help Waste Not. A dialogue occurs between the candidate and the sponsoring board member.The executive director meets with the candidate and sponsor to learn more about the organization and its requirements. A small group of board members then meet with the candidate. If the candidate is deemed appropriate for board service, their name and background is then presented to the full board of directors for a vote.
If someone is interested in joining your board, who should they contact? (Please provide contact info even if already listed above.)
Kim Richards, 602-908-5366;
Dee Mitten, 602.723.4625;
Description of volunteer opportunities (other than the board of directors) within the organization:
Due to the nature of our "middle man" delivery-based operation with no warehouse storage of food - the food is delivered directly to our recipient agency partners - we have limited volunteer opportunities within our program. We have a small, efficient adminstrative staff. However, when we do have volunteer work related to an event, we often reach out to corporations to have their employees help us out as a group.Depending on the type of event, we also have board members assist in helping us set up events as well as working at the events themselves in certain circumstances.
What are the requirements of being a volunteer?
We have a board commitment form that spells everything out that we would be happy to share with prospective candidates.

Please email completed forms to:

Or Mail To:

Scottsdale Leadership

10533 E. Lakeview Drive

Scottsdale, AZ 85258