Keavy Elementary Week 7

Skill: Cause and Effect/ Compare and Contrast

ReadingGrade 4

This test section contains TWELVE multiple-choice and ONE open-response (short-answer) questions. Pleasemark your answers for the multiple-choice questions in the spaces provided on your Student Response Booklet. Mark only one answer for each question. If you do not know the answer, make your best guess. DO NOT WRITE ANY ANSWERS IN THIS TEST BOOKLET. WHEN YOU FINISH, DO NOT WORK ON ANY OTHER TEST SECTION.

Stella’s Kind Deed

Stella saw her new neighbor, Mrs. Reed, sitting on the front porch of her house. Mrs. Reed looked sad and lonely, so Stella walked over to see her.

“You seem a little unhappy, Mrs. Reed,” Stella said. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

Mrs. Reed sighed and said, “I suppose I’m just lonely. I haven’t met many people in this town yet. I miss my friends where I used to live. The days seem long when you don’t have anyone to talk to.”

Later Stella went home, but that night she had an idea. “Mom,” Stella asked, “could we give one of Lady’s puppies to Mrs. Reed? I think she would give the puppy a good home, and the puppy might cheer her up.”

That’s a great idea, Stella,” Mom answered.

The next day Stella took a small golden puppy to Mrs. Reed. She told her that the puppy was a gift to keep her company. Mrs. Reed’s face broke into a wide grin. Then she said, “I never would have thought of getting a pet to keep me company, Stella. You figured out just what to do to make me happy.”

1. / In the beginning of the story, why does Stella walk over to see Mrs. Reed?
O / A. / Stella’s mom tells her to go and welcome the new neighbor..
O / B. / Stella thinks that Mrs. Reed looked sad and lonely..
O / C. / Stella goes to get Lady out of Mrs. Reed’s yard.
O / D. / Mrs. Reed invites Stella to come over to visit..
2. / Why does Mrs. Reed think the days seem long?
O / A. / She has too much work to do..
O / B. / People in town keep bothering her..
O / C. / She has no friends to talk to..
O / D. / She misses a pet she has lost.


3. / Why does Stella ask if she may give Mrs. Reed a puppy?
O / A. / She thinks the puppy will cheer up Mrs. Reed.
O / B. / She wants to keep Lady’s puppies near her house..
O / C. / Her mom says she cannot keep all the puppies.
O / D. / Mrs. Reed asks her if she may have a puppy..
4. / What effect does giving the puppy to Mrs. Reed have?
O / A. / Mrs. Reed gets upset that the puppy will cause damage..
O / B. / Mrs. Reed hopes that she can get some more puppies..
O / C. / Mrs. Reed worries about how to care for the pet..
O / D. / Mrs. Reed feels happier and less lonely..

Read the following passage about two friends who invent a written language. Then answer the 11 following questions.

The Secret Code

Lydia was a young girl who liked doing many things, including playing the tuba, but her favorite activity was reading. Lydia's mother would frequently find Lydia leaning against a tree reading a book. Sometimes her mother would come across Lydia asleep on the couch with a book on her face. When that happened, Lydia's mom would gently remove the book and cover Lydia with a fluffy blanket.

Lydia's best friend, Avi, liked to read too, but not as much as Lydia did. Avi was more interested in working on the clubhouse that he and Lydia shared. Avi's father had built the house for them. Avi had lined up along one wall a row of jars that held various kinds of dried flowers. He thought he might become a botanist, a kind of scientist who studies plants, when he grew up. Lydia thought she would become a writer.

One day when Lydia and Avi were walking toward the clubhouse, Lydia saw a note on the ground. She picked it up, but to her surprise she found she couldn't read it. The note was written in a strange language. She showed it to Avi, but he couldn't read the note either. "Well," said Lydia. "I wonder if I can crack the code in this note."

She took the note to the clubhouse and read it over and over again. Finally, after about an hour, she figured out what it said. "It says: Thank you for the present,'" Lydia told Avi. "The person who wrote this just left off the first letter of each word."

"Wow," said Avi, "That was good thinking."

"I'm going to write you a note in a made-up language," said Lydia. "It will be our secret code."

She took a black pen and after thinking a while, Lydia passed a note to Avi that read, "mIo yhapp uyo ear ym dfrien."

Avi tried to figure out what the note said. After a while, he realized the sun was setting, which meant he would have to go home for dinner. "I'll take the note with me," he said to Lydia. "Maybe by tomorrow I'll know what you wrote."

Avi went home and ate dinner with his sisters and his parents. As he was walking the dog after dinner, Avi suddenly knew what the note said, and he broke into a grin. When he got home, he wrote a note back to Lydia in the same new language.

The next day at the clubhouse, he handed Lydia the note. She smiled and read it aloud, "Thanks, I'm happy you are my friend too. I like having a new language to write in."

Lydia and Avi agreed to use the new code whenever they wrote notes to each other. They even kept the practice up for a "ecoupl fo smonth."

5. / Why did Lydia have trouble reading the note she found on the ground?
O / A. / The ink had been smeared by rain
O / B. / The note was written in code
O / C. / The note was torn up into little pieces
O / D. / Lydia had forgotten how to read
6. / Why did Avi keep jars of dried flowers in the clubhouse?
O / A. / He wanted to learn more about plants
O / B. / His father told him to store the flowers
O / C. / Lydia asked him to keep the flowers for her
O / D. / He found a note telling him to collect flowers
7. / Lydia and Avi were different in that
O / A. / Lydia liked to read more than Avi did
O / B. / Lydia wanted to be a botanist, but Avi did not
O / C. / Avi wanted to be a writer, but Lydia wanted to be an astronaut
O / D. / Avi wrote a note in a made-up language, but Lydia did not
8. / The author probably wrote this passage to
O / A. / Show the differences between languages
O / B. / Entertain with a story about two children
O / C. / Describe how to build a clubhouse
O / D. / Explain how people invent new languages
Read all parts of the open-response question before you begin. Write your answers to the open-response question in the space provided on your Student Response Booklet. DO NOT WRITE ANY ANSWERS IN THIS TEST BOOKLET.
The Secret Code
9. / Describe how the characters, Lydia and Avi are similar and how they are different. Include details from each passage. You may go back to the passage to add details to your answers.
Do not write on this page. Please write your
answer to this open-response question in
the test answer booklet
Student Name______


Scoring Guide

4 / Student gives correct answers for parts A and B. All explanations are clear and complete.
3 / Student gives correct answers. All explanations are correct, but there is less evidence of clear understanding.
2 / Student answers the question correct. There is some evidence of clear understanding.
1 / Student gives only parts of correct answers. There is little evidence of understanding.
0 / Student’s response is totally incorrect or irrelevant.
Blank / No student response.

Annotated Rubric/ Performance Expectations for ORQ

Academic Expectation: 1.2, 5.1

Core Content:RD04-5.0.4

Ceiling DOK Level: 2Question DOK Level: 2

Question Type (circle): Scaffold, Single Dimension/Component, Two or More Relatively Independent Components, Student Choice, Respond to Provided Information

An appropriate student response should provide evidence of the student’s understanding……….

of the organizational pattern used to understand the passage.

For example, an appropriate response to this question would show that the student can

Similarities – enjoyed the clubhouse, writing in code, neither could read the note when it was first found

Differences – Lydia loved to read, Avi liked to study plants- Lydia is a girl, Avi is a boy

Essential Vocabulary:





understand the passage

text structure



Grade ? -- Subject
Question / First
A.E. / First CC / Program Of Studies
Skills and Concepts / DOK
Level of MC Question / Answer
Key / Rational/Annotation for MC Questions
1 / 1.2 / RD-04-2.0.5
Students will identify and explain the sequence of activities needed to carry out a procedure.
DOK Ceiling Level 2 / EL-4-DIU-S-2
Students will use text structure cues (e.g., chronology, cause/effect, compare/contrast, description, classification, logical/sequential) to aid in comprehension
Students will describe explicitly stated cause and effect relationships / 1 / B / Because Stella thinks that Mrs. Reed looked sad and lonely.
2 / 1.2 / RD-04-2.0.5
DOK Ceiling Level 2 / 1 / C / Because Mrs. Reed has no friends to talk to.
3 / 1.2 / RD-04-2.0.5
DOK Ceiling Level 2 / 1 / A / She thinks that the puppy will cheer up Mrs. Reed.
4 / 1.2 / RD-04-2.0.5
DOK Ceiling Level 2 / 1 / D / Mrs. Reed feels happier and less lonely.
5 / 1.2 / RD-04-2.0.5
DOK Ceiling Level 2 / 1 / B / Because the note was written in code.
6 / 1.2 / RD-04-2.0.5
DOK Ceiling Level 2 / 1 / A / He wanted to learn more about plants.
7 / 1.2 / RD-04-2.0.5
DOK Ceiling Level 2 / 1 / A / Lydia liked to read more than Avi did.
8 / 1.2 / RD-04-3.0.3
Students will identify an author’s purpose in a passage.
DOK Ceiling Level 2 / 1 / B / This is an entertaining story about 2 children.

Multiple Choice Item Information: