
Basic American History Facts

Early Colonization

  1. What land bridge did the Ancient People Cross?
  2. What year did Columbus discover America?
  3. What country did Columbus sail for?
  4. What was the English colony that disappeared in 1585?
  5. What year was Jamestown established?
  6. King Henry VIII split from the Catholic Church because he wanted a______.
  7. Englishmen who wanted to purify the Catholic Church were called ______.
  8. Englishmen who wanted to separate from the Catholic Church were called______.
  9. The Separatist went on a religious journey to America and became known as ______.
  10. What agreement did the Pilgrims sign when they arrived at Plymouth?
  11. Who married Pocahontas and learned how to grow tobacco in Jamestown?
  12. Name four colonies established for Religious Reasons.
  13. What colony was established in 1732 by James Oglethorpe for debtors?
  14. The trade routes between the colonies, West Indies & Africa?
  15. What was the first Representative Assembly in America called?
  16. What conflict removed the French threat to the American colonies?
  17. What was the cargo on the Middle Passage of the Triangular Trade Route?

American Revolution

  1. Economic belief that colonies exist for the economic benefit of the Mother Country -
  2. Who was the King of England during the American Revolution?
  3. How did England expect to be repaid for their help to the American Colonist after the French and Indian War?
  4. What was the American Colonist response to these taxes?
  5. Closing of the land west of the Appalachian Mts. to ensure peace between the American colonist and Indians after the French & Indian war –
  6. Which act forced the colonist to house British soldiers?
  7. The British Parliament stated that it had the right to tax and make all decisions for the colonies in the –
  8. What was the tax on paper material called?
  9. What was the tax on sugar called?
  10. Which act forced the colonist to allow British soldiers to stay in their homes?
  11. What law forced the English colonist to only trade with England?
  12. What were loyal colonists to Britain during the Revolution called?
  13. What were colonist who supported a war against Brittan called?
  14. Who said "Give me Liberty or Give me Death?"
  15. When the Sons of Liberty dressed as Indians and threw tea in the harbor to protest the Tea Act -
  16. Which group led the Boston Tea Party?
  17. Who was the leader of the Sons of Liberty?
  18. Who wrote a pamphlet entitled "Common Sense"?
  19. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence in 1776?
  20. Who negotiated the Treaty of Paris?
  21. Where did the first shots of the Revolution take place?
  22. Where was the first major battle of the American Revolution?
  23. What battle convinced the French to help the Americans in the Revolution (Turning Point)?
  24. Where did the final battle of the Revolution take place?
  25. What ended the American Revolution?

US Constitution

  1. After the American Revolution, how many states did we have?
  2. What established laws for states joining the Union in 1787?
  3. What was the first plan of government the US adopted called?
  4. Why did the Articles of Confederation fail?
  5. What document replaced the Articles of Confederation?
  6. What year was the Constitutional Convention held?
  7. Argument that representation should be equal?
  8. Argument that representation should be based on population?
  9. Created a bicameral house of legislation called Congress?
  10. Who is known as the Father of the Constitution?
  11. What document limited a Kings Power in 1215?
  12. What guaranteed basic rights to English citizens in 1689?
  13. What were people who supported the US Constitution called?
  14. Papers supporting the adoption of the US Constitution.
  15. The States wanted what added to the Constitution?
  16. Why were the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution?
  17. How many branches of government were set up by the Constitution?
  18. Who is the head of the Executive Branch?
  19. What does the Legislative Branch do?
  20. What does the Judicial Branch Do?
  21. Division of power between the Federal and State Government is called ______.
  22. The Government only has the power that the Constitution gives it is called ______.
  23. The basic rights of all humans are guaranteed in the Bill of Rights are known as ______.
  24. Idea that people hold the final authority in government is known as______.
  25. Citizens elect representatives is called ______.
  26. Each branch of government can check the actions of the other branches are called the system of ______.
  27. Power of the Government is divided into three branches is called ______.
  28. The rights that cannot be taken away without Due Process are knows as ______.

Building a Nation

  1. Who was the 1st President of the US?
  2. Alexander Hamilton wanted to set up a National ______.
  3. Name two Rebellions after the American Revolution.
  4. Who was the 2nd President of the US?
  5. Who was the 3rd President of the US?
  6. Thomas Jefferson belonged to which Political Party?
  7. Who was the 4thUS President?
  8. England forced American sailors into their Navy.
  9. James Madison declared war against whom in 1812?
  10. Francis Scott Key wrote the ______.
  11. What was the peaceful time after the War of 1812 called?
  12. Who was the 5th US Presidents?
  13. Statement warning European nations not to interfere in the West is called the ______.

The Jackson Era

  1. Who was the 7th President of the US?
  2. Which political party did Andrew Jackson belong to?
  3. What was the trip Jackson made the Indians go on called?
  4. Where did the Indians Battle Jackson at this time?
  5. Was Jackson for or against the National Bank?
  6. Southern states anger over "illegal tariffs" was known as the ______.

Westward Expansion and Growth

  1. Theory that the US is to own the land from the Pacific to Atlantic Ocean?
  2. What year did Jefferson purchase the Louisiana Territory?
  3. How much did the US pay for the Louisiana Territory?
  4. What direction did the settlers expand?
  5. What country did we battle after annexing Texas?
  6. What brought settlers to Oregon?
  7. What brought settlers to California?

Industrialization, Reform, and Culture

  1. A male African American leader in the Abolition Movement.
  2. A female African American leader in the Abolition movement.
  3. Network of escape routes from the South to the North for Slaves.
  4. Famous conductor of the Underground Railroad.
  5. Leader in the Women’s Rights Movement.
  6. Era when there was great advancement in technology and resources?
  7. Era of spiritual re-awakening with many new churches built?
  8. Era of scientific advancement?
  9. Who invented the cotton gin and interchangeable parts?
  10. Method developed in the 1850s for making stronger steel at lower cost.
  11. Who invented the steamboat which made travel on rivers more efficient?
  12. The use of little or no alcohol beverages.
  13. The right or privilege of voting.
  14. Movement that pushed for the end of slavery.
  15. Freedom of private business to organize and operate for profit in a competitive system without too much government interference.
  16. A doctrine opposing governmental interference in economic affairs beyond the minimum necessary for the maintenance of peace and property rights.

Civil War and Reconstruction

  1. First major battle in the Civil War?
  2. The North’s economy:
  3. The South’s economy:
  4. Who was elected President before the Civil War?
  5. Leader of the Confederate states of America?
  6. Leader of the Union Army?
  7. Leader of the Confederate Army?
  8. Where was the bloodiest battle of the Civil War?
  9. Abraham Lincoln wrote this to free all of the Slaves.
  10. Bans slavery - ______Amendment
  11. Born in America, then you’re an American - ______Amendment
  12. Rights to vote for all men, regardless of color - ______Amendment

Important Court Cases and Compromises

  1. Marbury v. Madison did what?
  2. Scott was a slave who sued for his freedom and lost in what court case?
  3. What was the name of the compromise that established our current Legislative Branch?
  4. Slaves counted as 3/5ths of a person for representational purposes.
  5. In 1820 Missouri entered as a slave state and Maine as a free state.
  6. The Federal Fugitive slave law was established in what compromise?